有 34 筆資料符合您搜尋的條件

Jessamine Lin
週三 7月 22, 2009 11:31 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2009/07/22 悠遊芬星 -- Fen Tsai‏
回覆: 2
觀看: 5245

2009/07/22 悠遊芬星 -- Fen Tsai‏

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_PHrPEaIPNAk/SmcsCQ5bmOI/AAAAAAAAHoM/NsXnMW5ZpWc/s800/Fen%20Tsai%E2%80%8F.jpg Hello everyone, This is Fen. I am so glad that i can join this big family:) Every member here is so friendly, enthusiastic, energetic and with great versatility. Meeting topic is very interesting as w...
Jessamine Lin
週二 4月 28, 2009 11:28 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2009/04/28 悠遊貝星 -- Betty Liu
回覆: 1
觀看: 5017

2009/04/28 悠遊貝星 -- Betty Liu

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_PHrPEaIPNAk/SfceeCC-knI/AAAAAAAAFkM/2aDZuz5TfgI/s800/P1010988-1.jpg Dear All, My original English name is “Bity” which comes from “鼻涕”. There are two reasons why I have this name: 1. I usually running my nose 2. First name is “Liu”. When I am getting older, I’d like to use my ...
Jessamine Lin
週一 4月 27, 2009 11:34 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2009/04/27 悠遊佳星 -- Amy Lin‏
回覆: 3
觀看: 5998

2009/04/27 悠遊佳星 -- Amy Lin‏

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_PHrPEaIPNAk/SfXQABXNr-I/AAAAAAAAFi0/RHERmOR7rL4/s800/Amy_Lin.JPG Dear YOYO members, Thank you for let me being formal member today. I appreciated the chance to make incredible powerful friend in fabulously wonderful place. The people here are truly interesting and amazing frie...
Jessamine Lin
週二 3月 31, 2009 11:44 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2009/03/31 悠遊甜星 -- Tammy Peng
回覆: 3
觀看: 6123

2009/03/31 悠遊甜星 -- Tammy Peng

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_PHrPEaIPNAk/SdI4XNjmYQI/AAAAAAAAFcg/xhQ67NXsdMQ/s144/IMG_3389.jpg Hihi, this is Tammy who has starting to join YoYo's activities since this Jan. So, what have made me keep attending to activities? Well, the answer would be the OPEN atmosphere with where I always find myself co...
Jessamine Lin
週二 1月 06, 2009 11:10 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2009/01/06 悠遊啾星 -- Andrew Hsu
回覆: 2
觀看: 5606

2009/01/06 悠遊啾星 -- Andrew Hsu

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_PHrPEaIPNAk/SWNvk9RMUJI/AAAAAAAAE_A/CXfQuwzjNH0/s288/Andrew%20Hsu.JPG It is my pleasure to join Yoyo club. I would like to introduce myself as the following . Current job : USA & Europe business developement for Embedded Computer business . Hobbies : Outdoor activities , ex : ...
Jessamine Lin
週一 12月 29, 2008 10:05 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2008/12/29 悠遊庭星 -- Ting Chung
回覆: 5
觀看: 6873

2008/12/29 悠遊庭星 -- Ting Chung

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_PHrPEaIPNAk/SVjXoWAiLlI/AAAAAAAAE-E/xdEVRBac-hA/s288/Ting%20Chung.jpg Dear yoyo members, My name is Ting, a graduate of Digital Design from VFS (Vancouver Film School), and currently work as a 3D designer at BrightIdeas(頑石創意) in Taiwan. I'm glad to join this big family and loo...
Jessamine Lin
週四 12月 25, 2008 11:06 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2008/12/25 悠遊型星 -- Iverson Lin‏
回覆: 4
觀看: 6215

2008/12/25 悠遊型星 -- Iverson Lin‏

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_PHrPEaIPNAk/SVOeghRP2OI/AAAAAAAAE9I/w7G_0b_txbc/s288/Iverson%20Lin%E2%80%8F.JPG My name is Iverson, you can call me Epson, too. It's easier to remember. I like to exercise, travel, and learn languages. In terms of exercising, on working days I spend 10 mins jogging from MRT to...
Jessamine Lin
週五 11月 07, 2008 11:34 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2008/11/07 悠遊歐星 -- Ollie Ou
回覆: 4
觀看: 7003

2008/11/07 悠遊歐星 -- Ollie Ou

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_PHrPEaIPNAk/SRRdT-kOc8I/AAAAAAAADhw/Pa7oBuBfsRM/s288/Ollie%20OZ.jpg I am Ollie, a guy with average build, and introvert but easygoing personality. Now I am working for a small-sized molding company in charge of business affairs and of assistance of engineering techniques. I am...
Jessamine Lin
週日 10月 12, 2008 11:04 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2008/10/12 悠遊翔星 -- David Wu
回覆: 6
觀看: 7658

2008/10/12 悠遊翔星 -- David Wu

http://lh5.ggpht.com/yoyo0105/SPIO2GQ61DI/AAAAAAAADZY/s42QIptjPlo/s144/David%20Wu.jpg Hi! My name is David Wu. I am from Kaohsiung and currently working in Taipei. As for my personality, I have been always optimistic and open-minded. Therefore, I joined YOYO club not only for my English practicing,...
Jessamine Lin
週三 9月 24, 2008 11:53 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2008/09/24 悠遊漾星 -- Sun Hsu‏
回覆: 5
觀看: 7937

2008/09/24 悠遊漾星 -- Sun Hsu‏

http://lh3.ggpht.com/yoyo0105/SNpjsUSzlUI/AAAAAAAADPg/678tgDFECPU/s144/Sun%20Hsu%E2%80%8F.jpg Hi,everybody,I am SunHsu,Nice to meet you and i will introduce myself to you, I was born in Taipei,My age is 32,birthday is 12/24,In my student ages,i major in optical,I have worken five years in LCD maker...
Jessamine Lin
週五 8月 22, 2008 11:12 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2008/08/22 悠遊恆星 -- Albert Chen
回覆: 2
觀看: 6480

2008/08/22 悠遊恆星 -- Albert Chen

http://lh4.ggpht.com/yoyo0105/SK7WLhlbmXI/AAAAAAAACUw/BgaKzuJ3DqU/s400/Albert%20Chen.JPG Dear YoYos I am Albert Chen and glad to have the chance to join YoYo family. Before joining YOYO, i spent some times on selecting the English conversation clubs on the Internet. Then, I found that YoYo is an in...
Jessamine Lin
週二 8月 19, 2008 12:09 am
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2008/03/29 悠遊網星 -- Chen Nien
回覆: 3
觀看: 6883

2008/03/29 悠遊網星 -- Chen Nien

http://lh5.ggpht.com/yoyo0105/SKmc6nrluGI/AAAAAAAACTA/ofHvEew_VI8/s400/Chen%20Nien.JPG [Chennien's Article of Self-Introduction in 2009] For questions, please email to chennien1990@chennien.com or go on http://www.chennien.net. Hello! Dearest YOYOs. It's my pleasure to join with all of you. ^^ My n...
Jessamine Lin
週日 8月 17, 2008 1:25 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2008/08/17 悠遊謎星 -- Esme Huang
回覆: 3
觀看: 6612

2008/08/17 悠遊謎星 -- Esme Huang

http://lh4.ggpht.com/yoyo0105/SKe0xxfB8fI/AAAAAAAACRk/g-gK3kmnZ0w/s400/Esme%20Huang.jpg Hello, I’m Esme. Many people asked me why my name is so special. So I wanna introduce my name to you. “Esme” is an old French variant of the Latin 'aestimatus' meaning esteemed, or 'amatus' meaning loved. Beside...
Jessamine Lin
週二 8月 12, 2008 11:36 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2008/08/12 悠遊翰星 -- Wen-han Chan
回覆: 3
觀看: 6767

2008/08/12 悠遊翰星 -- Wen-han Chan

http://lh4.ggpht.com/yoyo0105/SKGsGXhJwcI/AAAAAAAACOE/EtwTr0K2gl0/s400/Wen-han%20Chan.jpg Hi All, My name is Wen-han Chan. I was born in Kaohsiung. There were five people in my family, including my parents, my sisters and me. However, my father passed away in 2004, which is an eternal pity to me. I...
Jessamine Lin
週一 8月 11, 2008 11:25 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2008/08/11 悠遊俊星 -- Toshi Lin
回覆: 4
觀看: 7459

2008/08/11 悠遊俊星 -- Toshi Lin

我以為只要第一次去聚會自我介紹一下就好了 沒想到還收到通知說要書面的 呵呵 就大概去看了看之前的人怎麼寫的 我是 Chantal 在中央物理的學長 前不久聽她說加入了一個 English Club 老實說我從沒想過要加入什麼 English Club 又過了一陣子 有一天她跟我說了 YOYO 的網站 要我上去看看 一上去…看到這個標題 “8/10登龜山島 – 報名截止!” 二話不說 立刻留言 “Henry 先生你好! 我是YOYO新會員 Chantal 大學的學長 Toshi 很抱歉 這樣冒昧留言 我是宜蘭人 從小在故鄉的海邊看著龜山島 夢想著去島上探險尋寶 那時候的龜山島還沒開放 可是長大後...