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Luis Ko
週四 10月 01, 2020 10:44 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 10/3 (Sat.) Universal Basic Income (Host: Thomas)
回覆: 6
觀看: 1693

Re: 10/3 (Sat.) Universal Basic Income (Host: Thomas)

This video might not be relevant to the topic we are going to discuss, or what the video host says might not be all correct. However, the opinions indeed are thought provoking lo~ 8)
Luis Ko
週一 9月 21, 2020 1:43 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 9/22 (Tue) Good Intentions with Bad Outcomes (Host: David Jr.)
回覆: 9
觀看: 2263

Re: 9/22 (Tue) Good Intentions with Bad Outcomes (Host: David Jr.)

The road to hell is paved with good intentions is a proverb or aphorism. An alternative form is "Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works", wikipedia says. 8)
Luis Ko
週五 9月 18, 2020 10:02 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 9/19(Sat.) Cultural Appropriation & White/China Supremacy (Host: Michael)
回覆: 9
觀看: 2508

Re: 9/19(Sat.) Cultural Appropriation & White/China Supremacy (Host: Michael)

I mean I don't really think this so called cultural appropriation is a problem in itself. Instead, I think some people invented it and make it as the problem. The article I shared is to offer the information about the difference between so called cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation only...
Luis Ko
週四 9月 17, 2020 11:21 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 9/19(Sat.) Cultural Appropriation & White/China Supremacy (Host: Michael)
回覆: 9
觀看: 2508

Re: 9/19(Sat.) Cultural Appropriation & White/China Supremacy (Host: Michael)

good~ it's a hot topic again, sort of a topic of debate. i like it, and i got to say i don't really agree with it, since i'm a cynic haa~ :lol: by the way, i also googled this one for you guys reference, https://greenheart.org/blog/greenheart-international/cultural-appreciation-vs-cultural-appropria...
Luis Ko
週三 9月 16, 2020 10:32 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 9/22 (Tue) Good Intentions with Bad Outcomes (Host: David Jr.)
回覆: 9
觀看: 2263

Re: 9/22 (Tue) Good Intentions with Bad Outcomes (Host: David Jr.)

guess i believe in consequentialism, sort of lo~ :lol:
Luis Ko
週一 8月 31, 2020 11:49 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 9/1 (Tue) Changing your story (Host: Holly)
回覆: 15
觀看: 3306

Re: 9/1 (Tue) Changing your story (Host: Holly)

... it is hard not to snap either in the role of a confidante to the protagonist or just as a neutral female reader, even though it’s a one-sided story... I was wondering why you would snap for this story. The protagonist states three things: 1. Her husband stopped wanting to have sex as much since...
Luis Ko
週一 8月 31, 2020 11:41 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 9/1 (Tue) Changing your story (Host: Holly)
回覆: 15
觀看: 3306

Re: 9/1 (Tue) Changing your story (Host: Holly)

恕刪.. However, undoubtedly, it is a desperate cry for help for those who are severely mentally ill. should those who go to see psychotherapist be deemed mentally ill? do they take prescribed medicine from the therapists? if not, i don't think we can say they are mentally ill, or it will contradict w...
Luis Ko
週日 8月 30, 2020 9:33 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 9/1 (Tue) Changing your story (Host: Holly)
回覆: 15
觀看: 3306

Re: 9/1 (Tue) Changing your story (Host: Holly)

Wow~ this is really a difficult topic to discuss. Just like the speaker says, we are all unreliable narrators.. :lol:

then again, i don't really get the speaker's point so, for not being "ultracrepidarian" i am looking forward to hearing you guys opinions about it instead lo~ 8)
Luis Ko
週三 8月 26, 2020 9:58 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 8/29(Sat.) Side Hustle/ Slash? (Host: Morris)
回覆: 8
觀看: 1985

Re: 8/29(Sat.) Side Hustle/ Slash? (Host: Morris)

2. When you talk to foreigners, do you usually try to tailor your accent/expression according to where they are from? Why or why not? it's sort of "walk before you crawl" thing to me. i can't even pronounce words correctly and express myself clearly. how can i be able to "tailor" my accent simultane...
Luis Ko
週四 8月 13, 2020 10:16 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 8/15 (Sat.) Self-Help: Popular, but Effective? (Host: Iris)
回覆: 14
觀看: 2819

Re: 8/15 (Sat.) Self-Help: Popular, but Effective? (Host: Iris)

Q5: “We've had 100 years of psychotherapy— and the world's getting worse. How could that be?” i would like to answer this question too. guess that's because most of those who got problems don't tend to think they have problems. psychotherapy to them will always be a total stranger. these people migh...
Luis Ko
週二 7月 28, 2020 1:25 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: Fun With Statistics - Science + Uncertainty 7/28 (Tue.) (Host: Tashi)
回覆: 4
觀看: 1904

Re: Fun With Statistics - Science + Uncertainty 7/28 (Tue.) (Host: Tashi)

one of the speeches mentioned this, "We can be blind to the obvious" -- so we've got the numbers wrong -- "but we can be blind to our blindness about it." And that has enormous repercussions for decision making. right, it's said lie, damn lie, and statistics. that's the first thing came to my mind w...
Luis Ko
週五 7月 24, 2020 10:48 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 7/25(Sat.) The courage to be disliked (Host:Stephen)
回覆: 19
觀看: 5615

Re: 7/25(Sat.) The courage to be disliked (Host:Stephen)

Michael does have the courage to be disliked, or he wouldn't dare to keep posting quizzes in yoyo line group.. Then again, why bother having extra courage to be disliked? If you do care about some people, you should try your best not to be disliked. Otherwise, if people like you, they like you. If t...
Luis Ko
週二 7月 21, 2020 12:22 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 7/21 (Tue.) The Free Trade Agreement(FTA) between US and Taiwan(Host: Miller)
回覆: 3
觀看: 1671

Re: 7/21 (Tue.) The Free Trade Agreement(FTA) between US and Taiwan(Host: Miller)

FTA is kind of a double edged sword. there always are trade-offs involved. for reaching the bilateral or multilateral agreement you need to have a very professional team, you just can't rely on an incompetent government, to deal with it, so that you can make the maximum benefit out of it for a count...
Luis Ko
週五 7月 10, 2020 10:01 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 7/11 (SAT) The Responsibilities of the Social Media (Host:Lewis Lu)
回覆: 6
觀看: 2234

Re: 7/11 (SAT) The Responsibilities of the Social Media (Host:Lewis Lu)

I have got to say I don't like Mark Zuckerberg, because he is toooo rich. :lol: But Janice says it right. I mean I agree the point Who decides what's the truthful and what's the hateful? If you believe in, or claim to believe in, the rule of law, and live in a place where there's the rule of law, th...