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週六 1月 14, 2023 9:52 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 1/14 (Sat.) Getting Along with Anyone/Voice Out Disagreement (Host: Julia Ho)
回覆: 6
觀看: 3681

Re: 1/14 (Sat.) Getting Along with Anyone/Voice Out Disagreement (Host: Julia Ho)

This is normally a topic I’d steer clear of because it makes me think of difficult people I’ve encountered at work or in other situations, especially those who are a current pain in the neck. Simply thinking of them or what they have done or said could arouse strong negative emotions. As a result, g...
週六 12月 31, 2022 11:43 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 12/31 (Sat.) Job Title Inflation (Host:Tom Lee)
回覆: 1
觀看: 947

Re: 12/31 (Sat.) Job Title Inflation (Host:Tom Lee)

Inflated job titles are of little concern to me. On the contrary, they can bring great advantage to a company if being used properly. A case in point, for an employee with a customer-facing role, an impressive job tile makes it a lot easier for them to get hold of key decision makers within customer...
週六 12月 17, 2022 11:48 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 12/17 (Sat.) 2022 Review & How our belief/thoughts affect our feelings and behaviors (Host: Mandy)
回覆: 2
觀看: 1041

Re: 12/17 (Sat.) 2022 Review & How our belief/thoughts affect our feelings and behaviors (Host: Mandy)

Let me share two personal examples of negative outcome that fit the ABC model in cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). When it comes to organizing a group hike, two scenarios could strike me adversely: If too many people sign up or too many wild cards exist, I can’t help but feel anxious and stressed; o...
週六 12月 10, 2022 1:59 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 12/10(Sat.) Start with Why and Find your Why (Host:Kooper)
回覆: 8
觀看: 3813

Re: 12/10(Sat.) Start with Why and Find your Why (Host:Kooper)

I remember vividly that Sherry ever said the following in her summary of one of our meetings “ There is no meaning (purpose)in life.” I sort of agree with her. Haha 😅 Sorry, Kooper, Not trying to throw a wet blanket on your topic. 😆 Wow, what a nice use of the term wet blanket! :mrgreen: I don't pr...
週六 12月 10, 2022 12:16 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 12/10(Sat.) Start with Why and Find your Why (Host:Kooper)
回覆: 8
觀看: 3813

Re: 12/10(Sat.) Start with Why and Find your Why (Host:Kooper)

Yes, we all need a purpose. Kooper must have the answer already. I want to follow him. :wink: I'm afraid I don't have the answer. That's why I chose Simon Sinek's book FIND YOUR WHY as the topic. That has kind of forced me to delve deeper into the subject. Hopefully through my preparation of the ho...
週六 12月 10, 2022 11:47 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 12/10(Sat.) Start with Why and Find your Why (Host:Kooper)
回覆: 8
觀看: 3813

Re: 12/10(Sat.) Start with Why and Find your Why (Host:Kooper)

Adam Leipzig's life purpose consists of four things: 1. What you do 2. Who you do it for 3. What those people want or need 4. How they change as a result (of what you give to them) Among them, only one is related to yourself, three are related to others. Your why is always outward facing rather than...
週六 12月 10, 2022 11:38 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 12/10(Sat.) Start with Why and Find your Why (Host:Kooper)
回覆: 8
觀看: 3813

Re: 12/10(Sat.) Start with Why and Find your Why (Host:Kooper)

Here are some additional information about why finding one's purpose is important. "He who has a why to live can bear almost any how." - Friedrich Nietzsche In one TEDx Talks, Adam Leipzig found from people around him that those who were happier knew something about their life purpose. ( 如何在五分鐘內了解你生...
週六 12月 10, 2022 11:32 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 12/10(Sat.) Start with Why and Find your Why (Host:Kooper)
回覆: 8
觀看: 3813

Re: 12/10(Sat.) Start with Why and Find your Why (Host:Kooper)

Hi all,
I've add some finishing touches to the questions for discussion. If you plan to print them out, please use the latest version. Apology for all the inconvenience caused!
週日 12月 04, 2022 11:28 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 12/10(Sat.) Start with Why and Find your Why (Host:Kooper)
回覆: 8
觀看: 3813

12/10(Sat.) Start with Why and Find your Why (Host:Kooper)

Dear all, Please watch the video clip before coming to the meeting. https://youtu.be/Qd_ZFf2XHGg https://www.strategypunk.com/content/images/size/w2000/2021/12/StrategyPunk.com_Golden-Circle.pptx.png?ezimgfmt=ng%3Awebp%2Fngcb1%2Frs%3Adevice%2Frscb1-1 https://www.betterup.com/hs-fs/hubfs/infographic-...
週六 11月 26, 2022 10:25 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 11/26(Sat.)What are NFTs(digital art works)? Is it worthy to buy?(Host:Christina)
回覆: 2
觀看: 581

Re: 11/26(Sat.)What are NFTs(digital art works)? Is it worthy to buy?(Host:Christina)

Even though NFT market has collapsed and is even considered “dead” in some’s eyes, I hold the view that NFT will get back on its feet sometime down the line and prosper again. Its revival probably won’t result from the trading of digital artwork like the Bored Ape, but from applications like custome...
週二 11月 08, 2022 8:46 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 11/12(Sat) How to work 4 hours a week(Host:Kooper)
回覆: 0
觀看: 2241

11/12(Sat) How to work 4 hours a week(Host:Kooper)

The video clip below gives a nice summary of the book The 4-Hour Workweek, written by Tim Ferriss. If time permits, it is suggested that you watch it more than one time to get the most out of it. You have my word that it's going to be worth your time. https://youtu.be/M3gmC7WmB4Q Questions for Discu...
週六 10月 15, 2022 10:46 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 10/15 (Sat) Long-term care and technologies (Host : Blithe)
回覆: 1
觀看: 517

Re: 10/15 (Sat) Long-term care and technologies (Host : Blithe)

Just several days ago, Tesla demonstrated to the world an early prototype of their human-like AI robot. To me, that robot shows great promise for mitigating the looming long-term care crisis around the globe. One strong reason for my optimism is that humanoid robots can fit seamlessly into typical h...
週六 10月 08, 2022 9:36 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 10/8 (Sat)The Happiness Project with Gretchen Rubin(Host : Rosie)
回覆: 1
觀看: 617

Re: 10/8 (Sat)The Happiness Project with Gretchen Rubin(Host : Rosie)

The first thing I learnt from the Happiness Project is that increasing one’s happiness boils down to changing one's habits, especially those little ones that we have fallen into mindlessly. A second take-home message is that changes wouldn’t be made without focus and priority; as the saying goes, “I...
週六 10月 01, 2022 9:51 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: (10/1) The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant (Host: Sunny)
回覆: 1
觀看: 1287

Re: (10/1) The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant (Host: Sunny)

This is an interesting ironic story. It narrates a woman’s life. She has had her share of unhappiness and misfortune as a result of a deeply unsatisfied desire for wealth, which is symbolized by a diamond necklace in the story. The plot ends with a surprising twist: the necklace turns out to be not ...
週六 9月 24, 2022 10:36 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 9/24(Sat) AI Generated Art:The Future of Creation?(Host:Stephen)
回覆: 14
觀看: 5248

Re: 9/24(Sat) AI Generated Art:The Future of Creation?(Host:Stephen)

The point in the seventh question is spot on! Technology is a tool with huge potential of making our future life easier and better. Oftentimes this is achieved by improving either efficiency or effectiveness of a process or an activity. That’s exactly how AI art generator is going to benefit artists...