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週五 6月 01, 2007 7:56 pm
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2007/05/28 悠遊麗星 -- Lynn Chang
回覆: 8
觀看: 6390

對Lynn印象最深刻的是, 看她很嚴厲的proofread Joshua寫的搞笑 love letter. 然後發現Joshua臉上出現三條線..... :shock:
週五 6月 01, 2007 3:09 pm
版面: 社團活動 Activities
主題: 2007 YOYO 狂野一夏 @ 內灣 (6/30-7/1)
回覆: 51
觀看: 41904

Kooper 全家報名(兩大一小),附車一台. Joshua辦的活動, 當然要熱烈支持啦.

Joshua是個熱情且幽默的人, 還不認識他的人, 可藉這個活動認識這位風度翩翩的帥哥喔.
週三 5月 30, 2007 11:57 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: Let’s talk about English writing (5/23, Wed)
回覆: 17
觀看: 14308

simile: 明喻 metaphor: 暗喻 本體和喻體同時出現, 它們之間是相同的關係, 常用be, become. Here are additional examples of metaphor. 名詞用於暗喻: Failure is the mother of success. All the life about him was a dream. A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. I would pitch in and work harder than ever and eventual...
週三 5月 30, 2007 6:12 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: Let’s talk about English writing (5/23, Wed)
回覆: 17
觀看: 14308

Examples of Similes and Metaphors 1. He fell for her like his heart was a mob informant and she was the East River. (Brian Broadus, Charlottesville) 2. Even in his last years, Grandpappy had a mind like a steel trap, only one that had been left out so long, it had rusted shut. (Sandra Hull, Arlingt...
週三 5月 30, 2007 5:59 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: Let’s talk about English writing (5/23, Wed)
回覆: 17
觀看: 14308

Comparison between simile and metaphor: Per Collins Cobuild's definitions and examples, simile: an expression which describes a person or thing as being similar to someone or something else. example1: She runs like a deer. example2: He is as white as a sheet. metaphor: an "imaginative" way of descri...
週五 5月 25, 2007 9:13 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: Let’s talk about English writing (5/23, Wed)
回覆: 17
觀看: 14308

Words relating to slave:

- the abolition of slavery
- to abolish slavery
- to emancipate slaves
- the slave trade
- He is a slave to fashion.
週四 5月 24, 2007 11:44 am
版面: 學習心得分享 Learning Tips
主題: on-line corpus
回覆: 1
觀看: 3832

on-line corpus

If you couldn't find answer with collocation dictionary, you may check below on-line corpus made by Collins which gathers lots of contemporary writing. It is very helpful when you are writing.

週三 4月 25, 2007 10:17 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: Wedding Ceremony 4/14 (Sat)
回覆: 14
觀看: 10429

相親- prospective marriage arrangement. Everybody has in their own mind the classic definition of 相親. The usual presence of elders as chaperone automatically disqualifies 相親 as a date. However, a couple may decide to date each other after that. The word "arrangement" generalizes the various situation...
週三 4月 25, 2007 9:44 pm
版面: 趣聞新知 心情寫真 News & Sharing
主題: [分享] 要教孩子愛我們
回覆: 2
觀看: 5099

令人感觸良多的文章. 如何去愛人,照顧人確實是需要教導 需要學習的

打小我的父母對我便是如此體諒, 也因此至今我仍不善於對父母表達愛,表達關心.

在我期待孩子對我表達愛與關懷的同時, 我也該好好學習如何愛我的父母.
週三 4月 25, 2007 9:27 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: Text of Steve Jobs' Commencement address(2007.4.28)(SAT.)
回覆: 12
觀看: 10067

technobabel 寫:一起來跟 Steve Jobs 學英文單字

Wouldn't it be funny?
Pretty cool, huh?
週四 4月 19, 2007 12:13 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: Decisions- 4/18 (Wed.)
回覆: 7
觀看: 6899

Our group mentioned an analysis tool which might be helpful when we are going to make a decision. The tool is SWOT. Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia. SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a busi...
週三 4月 18, 2007 11:55 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: Wedding Ceremony 4/14 (Sat)
回覆: 14
觀看: 10429

One question I had during the discussion was which word we should use when talking about 相親.

a blind date? or a matchmaking?

The next question is how to use it.

Anyone can help me on it?
週三 4月 18, 2007 11:50 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: Decisions- 4/18 (Wed.)
回覆: 7
觀看: 6899

It looks like our group used the wrong word as 互補的.
The word we used is "supplementary."
A dictionary says "Supplementary things are added to something in order to imrpove it."
One example usage it offers is "to take supplementary vitamins."
週三 4月 11, 2007 11:53 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: Office Roamnce/Affairs 4/4 2007 (Wed.) (請看最新後記)
回覆: 12
觀看: 9367

Hi Kate,

Thanks for your compliments. I never know that I am such a good man. :wink:
