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週三 2月 20, 2019 3:40 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 3/2 (Sat.) Filter Bubble / Spiral of Silence (Host: Andy)
回覆: 8
觀看: 4239

3/2 (Sat.) Filter Bubble / Spiral of Silence (Host: Andy)

Hello! I'm Andy. It's my pleasure to be the host on 3/2. If you have no vacation plan in the coming 228 holidays, you are welcomed to join us. :D Session I: Filter Bubble [/b] Beware online "filter bubbles" | Eli Pariser http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8ofWFx525s Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers htt...
週五 12月 14, 2018 11:12 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: Andy)
回覆: 10
觀看: 14950

Re: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: A

PTT政治人物綽號列表 http://zh.pttpedia.wikia.com/wiki/PTT%E6%94%BF%E6%B2%BB%E4%BA%BA%E7%89%A9%E7%B6%BD%E8%99%9F%E5%88%97%E8%A1%A8 PTT藝人綽號列表 http://zh.pttpedia.wikia.com/wiki/PTT%E8%97%9D%E4%BA%BA%E7%B6%BD%E8%99%9F%E5%88%97%E8%A1%A8 PTT企業綽號列表 http://zh.pttpedia.wikia.com/wiki/PTT%E4%BC%81%E6%A5%AD%E7%B6%BD%E...
週五 12月 14, 2018 10:23 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: Andy)
回覆: 10
觀看: 14950

Re: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: A

How many internet celebrities do you know? Are you old-fashioned? :shock: 【台灣YouTuber Top 50名單】2018年第四季 https://www.smartm.com.tw/article/35333539cea3 https://upload.cc/i1/2018/12/14/TZuxmn.jpg 【台灣Facebook粉絲團 Top 50名單】2018年第四季 https://www.smartm.com.tw/article/35333538cea3 https://upload.cc/i1/2018/...
週三 12月 12, 2018 12:48 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: Andy)
回覆: 10
觀看: 14950

Re: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: A

netizen 網友、鄉民 hater 黑特 troll 酸民 social justice warrior 正義魔人 cyber warrior 網軍 opinion leader 意見領袖 internet celebrity 網紅、網路名人 lurker 潛水者 live stream 網路直播 streamer 實況主 follower 關注者 Image building 形象塑造 tough guy 硬漢 caring / considerate guy 暖男 fat nerd 肥宅、宅男 brat 屁孩 loner 邊緣人 mama’s boy 媽寶 daddy's boy/gi...
週三 12月 12, 2018 12:20 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: Andy)
回覆: 10
觀看: 14950

12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: Andy)

Hello! I'm Andy. It's my pleasure to be the host on 12/15. :D Session I: Social Media Users [/b] Article: https://topdogsocialmedia.com/10-types-of-social-media-users/ [Article Excerpt] People relate to social media in different ways, and this post outlines the top 10 categories of personality style...
週六 6月 09, 2018 9:50 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 6/9 (Sat.) Social Credit System / Right or Wrong (Host:Andy)
回覆: 14
觀看: 7271

Re: 6/9 (Sat.) Social Credit System / Right or Wrong (Host:A

Andy, Gloria, Steve, Leon, Rock, Iris, Kat, David, Toshi, Kooper, Roise, Antonio, Way, John, Ryan, Brian, Summer, Ken, Anne, Luis, Sabrina, Ramesh, Vicky

Joanne, Holly
週五 6月 08, 2018 8:25 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 6/9 (Sat.) Social Credit System / Right or Wrong (Host:Andy)
回覆: 14
觀看: 7271

Re: 6/9 (Sat.) Social Credit System / Right or Wrong (Host:A

China is implementing a system in some way like the Black Mirror episode “Nosedive”. I really want to discuss this episode in the session II but unfortunately it's too late to change the topic. Anyway, you may think the difference between "social credit system" and "the rating system in Nosedive". “...
週三 6月 06, 2018 12:12 am
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 6/9 (Sat.) Social Credit System / Right or Wrong (Host:Andy)
回覆: 14
觀看: 7271

Re: 6/9 (Sat.) Social Credit System / Right or Wrong (Host:A

For serious offenders, some cities force people to repay debts by switching the person’s ringtone, which could begin with the wail of a police siren or the soothing sounds of elevator music, followed by the same stern message: https://features.marketplace.org/player-embed/audioembed.html?audiosrc=ht...
週二 6月 05, 2018 11:15 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 6/9 (Sat.) Social Credit System / Right or Wrong (Host:Andy)
回覆: 14
觀看: 7271

6/9 (Sat.) Social Credit System / Right or Wrong (Host:Andy)

Hello! I'm Andy. It's my pleasure to be the host. Let's talk about two topics, China's social credit system and the bias about why you think you’re right, even when you’re wrong. Session I: Social Credit System [/b] Article: http://www.businessinsider.com/china-social-credit-system-punishments-and-r...
週二 2月 06, 2018 10:58 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 2/6 (Tue.) Happy Chemicals / Meaning of Life (Host: Andy)
回覆: 3
觀看: 2682

Re: 2/6 (Tue.) Happy Chemicals / Meaning of Life (Host: Andy

Attendee (22):
Andy, Ryu, Joseph, Gloria, Bonson, Iris, Janice, John, Momo, Rock, Tanya, Rosie, Wenhan, Light, Steve, Rita, Chris, Sherry, Luis, Ryan, Yvonne

Thanks for coming and sharing your ideas. :D
週二 1月 30, 2018 3:44 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 2/6 (Tue.) Happy Chemicals / Meaning of Life (Host: Andy)
回覆: 3
觀看: 2682

2/6 (Tue.) Happy Chemicals / Meaning of Life (Host: Andy)

Hello! I'm Andy. It's my pleasure to be the host. Let's talk about happiness and meaning. What makes people happy? The research showed that chasing happiness may make people unhappy. Happiness comes and goes, but when life is really good and when things are really bad, having meaning gives you somet...
週三 9月 20, 2017 9:27 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 9/19 (Tue.) Attachment Style / Emotional Blackmail (Andy)
回覆: 6
觀看: 4620

Re: 9/19 (Tue.) Attachment Style / Emotional blackmail (Andy

Attendee (16):
Andy, Debby, Momo, Tina, Shirley, Way, Christine, Rock, Yvonne, Wenhan, James, Ryan, Alex, Liwen, Joseph, Luis

Thanks for coming and sharing your ideas! :D
週三 9月 20, 2017 9:26 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 9/19 (Tue.) Attachment Style / Emotional Blackmail (Andy)
回覆: 6
觀看: 4620

Re: 9/19 (Tue.) Attachment Style / Emotional blackmail (Andy

情緒勒索 (Emotional Blackmail) 施暴型(Punishers) : 這類型的『情緒勒索』最易辨識,只要不順從他們,他們就會怒髮衝冠,語帶威脅或是生悶氣。『不聽我的話,就請走人』是他們的格言。 自虐型(Self-punishers) : 這類型的人常會操縱別人,傳遞出『如果不照著他的要求去做,他將會很沮喪,甚至無法活下去』的訊息來警告他人。他們常把生活搞得一團亂,甚至會傷害自己,或採取自殺的舉動。 悲情者(Sufferers): 他們在無法遂其所願時,常會表現出沮喪、沉默,好讓人察覺其苦處,但卻避談真正的原因,表面上好像他們很脆弱,但卻是『沉默的暴君』。 欲擒故縱型(Tan...
週三 9月 20, 2017 9:24 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 9/19 (Tue.) Attachment Style / Emotional Blackmail (Andy)
回覆: 6
觀看: 4620

Re: 9/19 (Tue.) Attachment Style / Emotional blackmail (Andy

依附型態 (Attachment Style) 安全依附型態(secure attachment): 認為自己是可愛的、值得被愛的,他人也是值得信任且會給予自己回應的,這種人在人際關係中能夠獨處,同時也能享受親密。 焦慮依附型態(preoccupied attachment): 這一種類型的人對自己的看法是負面的,對自己沒有信心,覺得自己不值得被愛;但他們卻對其他人抱持著正向的看法,認為他人是值得相信的。但是這種人因為對自己的自卑,認為其他人比自己好,因此在關係中很擔心會被拋棄,必須不斷尋求他人認同以獲得肯定。 排除依附型態(dismissing attachment): 這種人對自己抱持著...