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0516丟丟銅+鹽寮自行車道逍遙遊 0523騎遇東北角-宜蘭北濱自行車道逍遙遊

發表於 : 週二 5月 12, 2009 11:21 pm
Dear All,

Yawen would like to share the following information with you.
She will join the activity in 5/23. And she is also considering to join the one in 5/16 too.

0516 騎遇東北角-丟丟銅+鹽寮自行車道逍遙遊

0523 騎遇東北角-宜蘭北濱自行車道逍遙遊



By the way, 有想參加 5/23 的活動的人, 請留個言, 讓 Yawen 知道一下! Thank you!