國際名家論壇_是誰瀕臨滅絕?全球生物多樣拯救行動 2009年4月4日(六)下午2:00~4:00

YOYO member
文章: 520
註冊時間: 週三 10月 03, 2007 4:23 pm

國際名家論壇_是誰瀕臨滅絕?全球生物多樣拯救行動 2009年4月4日(六)下午2:00~4:00

文章 chiron »


活動介紹 Topic -《國際名家論壇_是誰瀕臨滅絕?全球生物多樣拯救行動》


Human population has climbed from 2.5 billion people to 6 billion since the 1950s and human production has exhausted one-forth of Earth’s land surface, one-fifth of arable land, and one-third of vegetation. The Earth’s atmosphere has gradually changed.

Vast exploitation has led to ecological imbalance. 15,000 species are threatened with extinction every year and within 50 years, 565 species of mammals and 500 species of birds will disappear.

活動內容 Content
講者 Speaker:彼得‧雷文 Peter H. Raven

密蘇里植物園園長、美國國家科學院士、前總統柯林頓首席科學顧問、台灣中研院生物多樣性研究中心首席顧問。因植物學和生物學多樣性保護的傑出貢獻 ,獲聘為美國、阿根廷、中國、印度、意大利、俄羅斯等21國國家科學院的院士,並獲頒聯合國國際環境領袖獎。
Former Home Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences

President of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven is one of the world’s leading botanists and advocates of conservation and biodiversity and a member of President Bill Clinton’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology. He is on the Advisory Committee Center for Biodiversity in Taipei’s Academia Sinica, and also a member of the academies of science in 21 countries including the U.S., Argentina, China, India, Italy, and Russia. Dr. Raven has received numerous awards including the United Nations Environment Programme’s Global 500 Roll of Honour.

主持 李家維 《科學人》雜誌總編輯
Moderator Chia Wei Li Editor in Chief, Scientific American (Chinese Edition)

Date & Time: Saturday, 4 April 2009 2:00pm- 4:00pm

講者Speaker:彼得‧雷文 Peter H. Raven
主持Moderator:李家維 Chia Wei Li
地點Venue:國家圖書館國際會議廳(台北市中山南路20號) National Central Library Conference Hall ( 20 Chungshan S. Rd., Taipei )
Please call me Na'vi!
Bill Yu
YOYO member
文章: 129
註冊時間: 週六 10月 06, 2007 9:02 pm
來自: Earth

Re: 國際名家論壇_是誰瀕臨滅絕?全球生物多樣拯救行動 2009年4月4日(六)下午2:00~4:00

文章 Bill Yu »

It's a good speach.
chiron, will you go to this speech?
YOYO member
文章: 520
註冊時間: 週三 10月 03, 2007 4:23 pm

Re: 國際名家論壇_是誰瀕臨滅絕?全球生物多樣拯救行動 2009年4月4日(六)下午2:00~4:00

文章 chiron »

Bill Yu 寫:It's a good speach.
chiron, will you go to this speech?
I called the organization, but they said all the openings are taken. If you really want to join this meeting, you still can go there to see if there are openings for alternates.
Please call me Na'vi!