Office Roamnce/Affairs 4/4 2007 (Wed.) (請看最新後記)

文章: 1500
註冊時間: 週四 5月 13, 2004 10:53 am
來自: Taipei, Taiwan, Pandemonium

Office Roamnce/Affairs 4/4 2007 (Wed.) (請看最新後記)

文章 Wayne »

Office Romance/Affairs 4/4 2007 (Wednesday)

An office romance and affairs are a romance that occurs between two people who work together in the same office, work location, or business. The relationship between romance/affair partners at work can be as wide as intern and President, boss and secretary, superior and subordinate, or between two people who are representative and client, peers or colleagues, etc. Tonight, let's review some questions that are related to the subject of office romance/affairs.

Session 1 Questions:

1. A lot of companies believe that office romance is unhelpful to the welfare and effectiveness of the business. (Is it really unprofessional?) However, the employees who are romantically involved with a work associate may well disagree with such theory. Which side is justifiable? If your are the employee and your boss is reasonable and willing to accept your justification, how do you convince him that office romance and office work effectiveness are irrelevant? On the other hand, if you were the boss, would you keep your employees from being involved in office romance?

2. A lot of people meet their potential spouse at their work place. Say, you are of them, but you are discouraged or even prohibited by your company policy before your romance develops. What's your plan? That is, how do you handle your office romance? Will you keep it as a secret or simply quit your job?

3. (Optional) Please give a true example of office romance that you've heard around.


Session 2 Questions:

4. Some people never want to find their boy friend or girl friend from his/her office. What are their reasons? If you do not have a boy friend or girl friend, will you accept someone from your office to be your boy friend or girl friend?

5. What do you see other people who are developing office romance or office affairs? Will you give advice to them if you are a close friend of theirs? By the way, what are the excuses, cover-ups, or lies that are most often heard from those who have office affairs?

6. (Optional) Why do fools always fall in love with someone who happens to be their married colleague?

Reference reading:
How to handle workplace romance ... d=13597497
Rules for Office Love-Affairs
Agony Aunt's Advice ... iceAffairs

A Joke on Office Romance (★Rated R; Enter at your own risk.)

6:45~7:00 Greeting the members and guests;ordering food or
7:00~7:15 Opening remarks; self-introduction of newcomer guests;
7:15~7:50 First discussion session
7:50~8:05 First summarization
8:05~8:15 Regrouping and taking a break
8:15~8:35 Second discussion
8:35~8:45 Second summarization
8:45~9:00 Concluding remarks; feedback from newcomer guests;


聚會時間:星期三 請儘量在6:45左右到達場地(點餐寒暄) 7:00pm 開始 9:00 pm 結束
聚會地點:加州陽光2F 台北市大安路一段84巷4號 02-27512955
忠孝東路 SOGO 附近之永福樓對面Bistro 98大樓-->大安路-->米蘭.米蘭(服飾店)-->第一條巷子右轉

1. 請事先準備2~3分鐘的英語自我介紹;討論完畢後可能會請你發表1~2分鐘的感想(feedback)。
2. 請事先閱討論主題相關內容以及host所提的問題,並事先寫下自己所欲發表意見的英文。
3. 來之前請先讀一下在討論主題,思考一下如何回答及討論。
4. 在正式加入之前(繳交可退還之押金NT$1,000),可以先來觀摩三次
最後由 Wayne 於 週日 4月 08, 2007 7:31 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 2 次。
Knowledge is power -- when shared.
文章: 1500
註冊時間: 週四 5月 13, 2004 10:53 am
來自: Taipei, Taiwan, Pandemonium

文章 Wayne »


有一首好聽的男女對唱的抒情鄉村歌曲中。描述一位婚外情的女主角打電話到男主角家裡約他出來。男主角接到電話時,怕太太在旁邊聽到他說話(又不敢小聲說話以免太太啟疑竇),就煞有介事地假裝是在回答上司打來要求加班的事。女主角在一端一方面急於約會另一方面訴說衷情, 男主角在另一端答話的前半段都是必恭必敬的口氣,後半段聽起來似乎在回應老闆,實則在回答女主角的問題與疑慮。非常有趣的故事。1965年的鄉村音樂冠軍歌曲。

Yes, Mr. Peters -- Roy Drusky and Priscilla Mitchell

(Telephone rings.)

Woman(Hello, dear, will the same place be alright?)
Man】Yes indeed, Mr. Peters, I can work late tonight.
Woman(Is she near? Can she hear what you say?)
Man】You're right, Mr. Peters, and I'm leaving right away.
Woman(Are you sure she's not listening on the other line?)
Man】No, of course not, Mr. Peters, you can call me anytime.
Woman(What if she knows just where you go each time you get my call?)
Man】Don't worry, Mr. Peters, ‘cause my wife don't mind at all.
Woman(Please hurry up, dear, ‘cause I'm so in love with you.)
ManI know exactly how you feel ‘cause I feel the same way too.
Woman(Tell me dear, how much longer must we live this life?)
Man】I don't know, Mr. Peters, but I should be there by nine.
Woman(Well, don't be late. I can't wait to be with you once more.)
Man】Don't worry, Mr. Peters, I'm just heading for the door.
Man】Well, yes Mr. Peters, I'm just heading for the door.

Knowledge is power -- when shared.
文章: 639
註冊時間: 週二 1月 06, 2004 12:28 am
來自: 台北市

文章 Lydia »

Dear YOYOs and friends,

並請於送餐時 將號碼牌歸還店家

也請告知店家 你是參加 YOYO 英語聚會
先謝謝大家的配合 ! :D

YOYO member
文章: 199
註冊時間: 週三 8月 31, 2005 7:34 pm

文章 Christine »

It's a shame that I can join the discussion tonight.

I personally think that office romance is good when it is successful in the end. However, when it is failed, women often get hurt more seriously than men.

Enjoy the meeting tonight !!
YOYO member
文章: 1188
註冊時間: 週六 5月 14, 2005 8:42 pm
來自: Eastern Seaboard

文章 technobabel »

Before every Yoyo decided to spill his or her guts concerning their first-hand experience in the ever so delicate world of office romance... perhaps it is best for us to go over a few facts...

1. Ugly co-workers are the only effective deterrent against office romance

2. Everybody including the boss's wife is a fair game.

3. Office romance is a two edge sword that cuts both ways.

4. Office romance may be the hidden path to a fast promotion.

5. Who needs 壹週刊 when a well anticipated office romance goes haywired.

6. When strictly enforced the "no office romance policy" makes any office feels like a monastery by day, but a sin city by night.

7. The Boss and sometimes the boss's wife gets to sleep with whom ever they want.

8. Seduce now and deal with the consequences later.

9. Being polite and flirting are the two sides of the same coin.

10. The potential for Office romance certainly makes the day worth waking up for.
I am not abandoning Yoyo, I am just dancing slowly away from it.
文章: 1500
註冊時間: 週四 5月 13, 2004 10:53 am
來自: Taipei, Taiwan, Pandemonium

文章 Wayne »

在連續假期的前一天仍然踴躍參加YOYO聚會的英文愛好者有:Andy, Chris, Claire, David Jr., Kate, Lydia, Wayne Chiang, 及久未出現的Stephen及Kooper,當然還有身為主持人的Wayne Ni囉。

1. 辦公室戀情弊多於利
2. 公司無法禁止辦公室戀情的發生
3. 公司雖然訂定禁止辦公室戀情,但是不一定執行
4. 如果自己是老闆的話也不希望一對戀人在相同辦公室工作(可能會將其中一人調到其他辦公室)

Knowledge is power -- when shared.
YOYO member
文章: 1188
註冊時間: 週六 5月 14, 2005 8:42 pm
來自: Eastern Seaboard

文章 technobabel »

It is easy to mistaken the modernity of the corporate office as some sort of moral sanctuary. All things considered, it is more of a jungle than anything else. What else do you expect where so many 衣冠禽獸 are doing their best to have their needs fullfilled?

Jethro Tull - Bungle In The Jungle

Walking through forests of palm tree apartments ---
scoff at the monkeys who live in their dark tents
down by the waterhole --- drunk every Friday ---
eating their nuts --- saving their raisins for Sunday.
Lions and tigers who wait in the shadows ---
they're fast but they're lazy, and sleep in green meadows.

Let's bungle in the jungle --- well, that's all right by me.
I'm a tiger when I want love,
but I'm a snake if we disagree.

Just say a word and the boys will be right there:
with claws at your back to send a chill through the night air.
Is it so frightening to have me at your shoulder?
Thunder and lightning couldn't be bolder.
I'll write on your tombstone, ``I thank you for dinner.''
This game that we animals play is a winner.

Let's bungle in the jungle --- well, that's all right by me.
I'm a tiger when I want love,
but I'm a snake if we disagree.

The rivers are full of crocodile nasties
and He who made kittens put snakes in the grass.
He's a lover of life but a player of pawns ---
yes, the King on His sunset lies waiting for dawn
to light up His Jungle
as play is resumed.
The monkeys seem willing to strike up the tune.
I am not abandoning Yoyo, I am just dancing slowly away from it.
文章: 1500
註冊時間: 週四 5月 13, 2004 10:53 am
來自: Taipei, Taiwan, Pandemonium


文章 Wayne »

今天的第二階段,臨時加入一個遊戲。前次在網上貼的一首歌Yes,Mr. Peters是描述婚外情的女人打電話到男人家裡大膽邀他出來幽會。男人假裝接到了老闆的電話,必恭必敬地回應,彷彿老闆急著找人,小職員能體會老闆心情,馬上就要出發。其實,恨不得插翅飛到女人身邊的男人把Yes, Mr. Peters換成darling,才是他對女人真正想說的話。然而,男人的老婆若不知情,還以為真的老闆找老公有急事呢!我本來想請來賓寫出男人的老婆認為老闆是怎麼說的,結果各組的答案卻是老婆心裡的話。請看Wayne的版本及各組的版本:

(0) 原版


【Woman】(Hello, dear, will the same place be alright?)
【Man】Yes indeed, Mr. Peters, I can work late tonight. 是的,老闆,我今晚可以加班。

【Woman】(Is she near? Can she hear what you say?)
【Man】You're right, Mr. Peters, and I'm leaving right away.

【Woman】(Are you sure she's not listening on the other line?) (你確定你老婆她沒在分機聽我們講話嗎?)
【Man】No, of course not, Mr. Peters, you can call me anytime. 「沒有,當然沒有」,你什麼時候打電話給我都可以。

【Woman】(What if she knows just where you go each time you get my call?)
【Man】Don't worry, Mr. Peters, ‘cause my wife don't mind at all.

【Woman】(Please hurry up, dear, ‘cause I'm so in love with you.)
【Man】I know exactly how you feel ‘cause I feel the same way too.

【Woman】(Tell me dear, how much longer must we live this life?)
【Man】I don't know, Mr. Peters, but I should be there by nine.

【Woman】(Well, don't be late. I can't wait to be with you once more.)
【Man】Don't worry, Mr. Peters, I'm just heading for the door.
【Man】Well, yes Mr. Peters, I'm just heading for the door.

(1) Wayne的版本:(【Boss】表示男人的老婆對老公的外遇不知情,以為老闆所說的話。)

(Telephone rings.) 電話鈴響。


【Boss】(Can you work late tonight?)
【Man】Yes indeed, Mr. Peters, I can work late tonight.

【Boss】(Please come to the office right away.)
【Man】You're right, Mr. Peters, and I'm leaving right away.

【Boss】(Is it all right to call you at this late hour?)
【Man】No, of course not, Mr. Peters, you can call me anytime. 「不會,當然不會」,你什麼時候打電話給我都可以。

【Boss】(Will your wife get mad when I call you at night?)
【Man】Don't worry, Mr. Peters, ‘cause my wife don't mind at all.

【Boss】(I can’t wait to have this thing taken care of.)我這件事急著要命要處理。
【Man】I know exactly how you feel ‘cause I feel the same way too.

【Boss】(When will you be able to get to the office?)
【Man】I don't know, Mr. Peters, but I should be there by nine.

【Boss】(Hurry up!)
【Man】Don't worry, Mr. Peters, I'm just heading for the door.
【Man】Well, yes Mr. Peters, I'm just heading for the door.



(Telephone rings.) 電話鈴響。

【Man】Hello? 喂?
【Wife】(It must be the same woman calling again.)

【Man】Yes indeed, Mr. Peters, I can work late tonight. 是的,老闆,我今晚可以加班。
【Wife】(He already work late for the past three weeks. How can it be?)

【Man】You're right, Mr. Peters, and I'm leaving right away. 是的,老闆,我馬上就動身。
【Wife】(This woman must be very hungry.)

【Man】No, of course not, Mr. Peters, you can call me anytime. 「沒有,當然沒有」,你什麼時候打電話給我都可以。
【Wife】(Call you any time? Then who am I in this house?)

【Man】Don't worry, Mr. Peters, ‘cause my wife don't mind at all.
【Wife】(Will you get mad when I call you at night?)

【Man】I know exactly how you feel ‘cause I feel the same way too.
【Wife】(因為Wayne Ni 忘記畫空格,此處空白。)

【Man】I don't know, Mr. Peters, but I should be there by nine.
【Wife】(Now it’s my time [turn] to say “No” to him!)

【Man】Don't worry, Mr. Peters, I'm just heading for the door.
【Man】Well, yes Mr. Peters, I'm just heading for the door.
【Wife】(Don’t even think about it!)

(3) Claire與Kooper組的版本:他們的設定也是「男人的老婆早就知情」。【Wife】表示男人的老婆聽到男人的話之後的反應。

(Telephone rings.) 電話鈴響。

【Man】Hello? 喂?
【Wife】(Why did he get so excited and happy when he got this call?)

【Man】Yes indeed, Mr. Peters, I can work late tonight. 是的,老闆,我今晚可以加班。
【Wife】(Why has he become so devoted to his job and never spent time with me?)

【Man】You're right, Mr. Peters, and I'm leaving right away. 是的,老闆,我馬上就動身。
【Wife】(Probably my husband can give me a ride. I can go shopping [somewhere] near his office.)

【Man】No, of course not, Mr. Peters, you can call me anytime. 「沒有,當然沒有」,你什麼時候打電話給我都可以。
【Wife】(If your boss can call you any time, I can call you anytime, too. So, I’ll call one hour later when you’ re working in the office.)

【Man】Don't worry, Mr. Peters, ‘cause my wife don't mind at all.
【Wife】(That is not true.)

【Man】I know exactly how you feel ‘cause I feel the same way too.
【Wife】(That’s bullshit!)

【Man】I don't know, Mr. Peters, but I should be there by nine.
【Wife】(It’s a good timing. I can wait for my husband in the car. After he finishes his work, “we” can go shopping together.)

【Man】Don't worry, Mr. Peters, I'm just heading for the door.
【Man】Well, yes Mr. Peters, I'm just heading for the door.
【Wife】(I’m heading for the door with you, my dear husband!)

(4) Kate與Chris的版本。他們的設定:打電話來的人是老闆。

(Telephone rings.) 電話鈴響。

【Man】Hello? 喂?
【Wife】(I wonder who’s calling.)

【Man】Yes indeed, Mr. Peters, I can work late tonight. 是的,老闆,我今晚可以加班。
【Wife】(Oh, no! Not again!)

【Man】You're right, Mr. Peters, and I'm leaving right away. 是的,老闆,我馬上就動身。
【Wife】(Is he supposed to ask for my opinion?)

【Man】No, of course not, Mr. Peters, you can call me anytime. 「沒有,當然沒有」,你什麼時候打電話給我都可以。
【Wife】(Angry) (I feel so ignored. What position did he put me in?)
(生氣) (我感到被忽略了。我在他心裡是什麼地位?)

【Man】Don't worry, Mr. Peters, ‘cause my wife don't mind at all.
【Wife】(Expletive. @%#!?*&) (I definitely don’t think so.)
(三字經。@%#!?*&) (我才不爽極了呢!)

【Man】I know exactly how you feel ‘cause I feel the same way too.
【Wife】(因為Wayne Ni 忘記畫空格,此處空白。)

【Man】I don't know, Mr. Peters, but I should be there by nine.
【Wife】(Pissed off) (He never asked me before he made any decision.)
(不爽) (他每次做決定前從來不先問問我。)

【Man】Don't worry, Mr. Peters, I'm just heading for the door.
【Man】Well, yes Mr. Peters, I'm just heading for the door.
【Wife】(Anyway, I hope he’ll come home early.)

(5) Wayne Chiang, David Jr., 與Andy的版本。他們的設定:打電話來的人是老闆。

(Telephone rings.) 電話鈴響。

【Man】Hello? 喂?
【Wife】(Who’ s calling at this hour?)

【Man】Yes indeed, Mr. Peters, I can work late tonight. 是的,老闆,我今晚可以加班。
【Wife】(Work late? Is my husband crazy? He never worked late.)

【Man】You're right, Mr. Peters, and I'm leaving right away. 是的,老闆,我馬上就動身。
【Wife】(Leaving right away? Where to? Probably some local motel?)

【Man】No, of course not, Mr. Peters, you can call me anytime. 「沒有,當然沒有」,你隨時打電話給我都可以。
【Wife】(Call him anytime? How convenient!)

【Man】Don't worry, Mr. Peters, ‘cause my wife don't mind at all.
【Wife】(How can he speak on behalf of myself?)

【Man】I know exactly how you feel ‘cause I feel the same way too.
【Wife】(因為Wayne Ni 忘記畫空格,此處空白。)

【Man】I don't know, Mr. Peters, but I should be there by nine.
【Wife】(How lucky I am to have such a hard-working husband!)

【Man】Don't worry, Mr. Peters, I'm just heading for the door.
【Man】Well, yes Mr. Peters, I'm just heading for the door.
【Wife】(Never come back home again. I’m going to change the lock. )
(Wayne Ni: I’m going to change my husband.)
(Wayne Ni: 我要換老公嘍!)
Knowledge is power -- when shared.
文章: 639
註冊時間: 週二 1月 06, 2004 12:28 am
來自: 台北市

文章 Lydia »

很高興在 4 月 4 日這天 kooper 加入 YOYO 成為新會員 !! :D

除了來參加週三 meeting 外 :lol:
悠遊英語電子報也將針對新會員做介紹 :P
敬請期待喔 !!

YOYO member
文章: 389
註冊時間: 週二 12月 16, 2003 10:41 am

文章 Kate »

歡迎Kooper加入我們這個大家庭 !!! :D



煩請週三出席! :D
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

文章 Kooper »

Hi Kate,

Thanks for your compliments. I never know that I am such a good man. :wink:

YOYO member
文章: 29
註冊時間: 週日 8月 17, 2003 8:43 am

文章 Tina »

文章: 1500
註冊時間: 週四 5月 13, 2004 10:53 am
來自: Taipei, Taiwan, Pandemonium

文章 Wayne »

Tina 寫:第一次看到「老闆來電」的歌詞,就覺得很有意思,
本來只是好玩,沒想到各組有不同的想像空間... 8) 這首歌本身其實也是滿好聽的,可惜星.期三晚上的live演唱影響播出的效果.鄉村歌曲裡的故事很多,有機會再來介紹 .

Knowledge is power -- when shared.