Quick Response(4/24)

David Jr.
Vice President
文章: 257
註冊時間: 週二 8月 19, 2003 12:07 am
來自: Lonely Planet

Quick Response(4/24)

文章 David Jr. »

Dear everyone,
This is David Jr.
I haven't been the host for many months and it's my honor to host this Saturday's meeting.
If this Saturday you have nothing to do and like to talk in English, join us.

This Saturday we are going to talk about "Quick Response".
Actually what I am trying to talk is 臨場反應.
But I am not sure if quick response is the proper translation.
If someone knows the better one, please feel free to tell me.

Regarding th article, I don't think it's necessary to prepare any article for this topic. I will arrange some activities on Saturday regarding this topic.
How about Question???
Sorry if you know the question in advance, it's not called " Quick Response"
It's called preparation in advance.
You just need to prepare yourself to be brave and open-minded and dare to speak.
That's it.

See you

David Jr.
YOYO member
文章: 93
註冊時間: 週四 1月 15, 2004 12:21 am

文章 rory »

Sounds great ! In my feeling ,your reaction for disscusing some thing is quite quick ,I think that's the reason you wanna talking about 臨場反應,
and I am eager to have a exciting discuss on Saturday ,see you~
文章: 95
註冊時間: 週日 8月 17, 2003 12:21 am

文章 Tiffany »

身為YOYO的會長, 偶將大大嘉許David Jr.今天的表現----他設計即席演講活動之用心, 鼓勵大家用心學習英文的苦心---真是令偶太感動啦!
也令偶自我反省---是不是該多設計一些活動來激勵大家的學習動機呢? 沒有壓力的學習, 的確比較沒有成效, 嗯, 可以開始構思一些活動, 不過可能要等我忙完婚事, 才有詳細的計劃出爐…
until then… 希望大家多給自己壓力, 在英文的學習上更上層樓!
若有任何好的建議, 也一起腦力激盪吧!
Tiffany ~ Founder of YOYO ~
文章: 639
註冊時間: 週二 1月 06, 2004 12:28 am
來自: 台北市

文章 Lydia »

他設計即席演講活動之用心, 鼓勵大家用心學習英文的苦心----from Tiffany

贊成 !

很久沒有即席演講了, 雖然剛開始會緊張, 但後來越說越覺得好玩 !
YOYO member
文章: 93
註冊時間: 週四 1月 15, 2004 12:21 am

文章 rory »

I think I had a very unforgetable and impressed gethering today ,I got much by means of this exciting discussion mode all I can say is "good job",David!