10/18 (Sat.) Should We Have Kids? (Host: Johnie)

YOYO member
文章: 39
註冊時間: 週二 4月 22, 2008 11:03 am

10/18 (Sat.) Should We Have Kids? (Host: Johnie)

文章 Johnie »

Should we have kids?
Dear Yoyos, Here is Johnie. I’m so pleased to act the host on this Saturday afternoon.

Regarding this topic, I’d like to share one of my experiences with you.

In the rest of my life, I’ll never forget the day of the tragic accident that happened to my classmates when I studied in college. One morning, a classmate of mine and I were going to school together for the first class of the day. We saw a pool of dried blood on the road in front of the school entrance gate. My classmate and I looked at each other for a second. “Perhaps there was a terrible car accident that happened here last night,” I told him.

Our teacher glanced around the classroom when the class was close to the end. “Aren't you aware that two of your classmates are absent today?” He held his breath and said. He spoke to us extremely slowly and unusually seriously.

“Last night, they got hit by a truck when they were riding a scooter back to their rented flat after they bought midnight snack,“ said he in a sad voice. “A lucky break out of misfortune is that they are fine and staying in Mackay Memorial Hospital right now, but one of them will suffer leg length discrepancy, and the other has to undergo skin-graft surgery in the leg,” our teacher continued. At the moment, , I was as stupefied as other classmates.

In the meantime, I was thinking about another issue: What would I do if I were their parents and how I could see my lovely kids suffer through such a tragedy. I also can’t image getting a phone call from hospital at midnight and being told that my sweet boy is involved in a serious car accident.”

Because of this reason, I took a vow secretly. Even though I like kids so much, I wouldn’t want to have my own children in my life, I told myself.

Everyone in the class got a red egg from a teacher who just got his first baby a couple of days ago. I never saw such a delighted man like him. In addition, I was afraid that his jaw would drop since he kept smiling when he talked about his baby.

I told him about the car accident and my thought. “Sir, why did you choose to have a baby in this awful world?” I asked him. He looked at me curiously, which seemed to tell me that was a stupid question.

“Actually, I think that the environment is getting much worse as compared with the past. But, Johnie, have you ever thought that if your parents were too worried to have a kid, where would you have been now? Moreover, I believe that they care about you until their last days. With what is said above, why are you so selfish as not to take any responsibility for raising your children?”

I felt so ashamed at my previous thought. Therefore, I changed my thought completely after I heard his point.
Presently, one of my wishes is to play basketball with my son.

Questions for Discussion

Session I
1. Do you have any experience or reason cause that you make a decision not to have kids in your life? By contrast, you can also think about any experiences or reasons that may affect you and later hope to have your own children.
2. Do you prefer boys or girls? Why?
3. Try to list more than five advantages and disadvantages of having kids.

Session II
I am going to hold a debate in session II, but please don’t feel nervous and serious.
It doesn’t matter which side is the winner because it’s for fun only. :lol:
You may wish to refer to Question 3 in session I.

Here I can quote an argument on the opposition side: There have been too many orphans(孤兒). As we can adopt one of them as our own kid, why bother having a biological child?

Are you ready to enjoy the debate on this topic in English? Let’s go!

Session I:
2:15 ~ 2:30 Greeting / Ordering Beverage or Meal
2:30 ~ 2:40 Opening Remarks / New comers' Self-introduction / Grouping
2:40 ~ 3:10 First Group Discussion
3:10 ~ 3:25 First Summarization
3:25 ~ 3:30 Regrouping /Break
Session II:
3:30 ~ 3:35 Introduction
3:35 ~ 4:05 2nd Group Discussion
4:05 ~ 4:20 2nd Summarization
4:20 ~ 4:30 Concluding Remarks / Newcomers’ Feedback / Announcements

聚會時間:2008/10/18 (星期六) 請準時。聚會2:15 pm 到 ~ 約 4:30 pm 左右結束
聚會地點:合歡咖啡Acacia Cafe
地址: 台北市忠孝東路4段216巷33弄15號
電話: 02-8771-6230
捷運站: 板南線 忠孝敦化站
走法: 忠孝敦化站3號出口 -> 直走到ATT百貨 -> 右轉216巷 -> 直走到"東區粉圓"(對面為全家便利商店) -> 左轉33弄 ->直走約100公尺左手邊
低消: 90 元

1. 請事先準備2~3分鐘的英語自我介紹;討論完畢後可能會請你發表1~2分鐘的感想(feedback)。
2. 請事先閱讀討論主題相關內容以及host所提的問題,並事先寫下自己所欲發表意見的英文。
3. 全程以英語進行,參加者應具備中等英語會話能力,對任一討論問題,能夠以5到10句英文表達個人見解。
4. 在正式加入之前(繳交可退還之保證金NT$1,000),可以先來觀摩三次。
YOYO member
文章: 136
註冊時間: 週二 5月 27, 2008 4:44 pm

Re: 10/18 (Sat.) Should we have kids? (Host: Johnie)

文章 Jacky566 »

聚會時間:2008/8/23 (星期六) 請準時。
Dear Johnie,
I would like to join this meeting with you .
But there is a serious problem that i can not find out my time machine to get back to that moment. hahaha :sun:
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: 10/18 (Sat.) Should we have kids? (Host: Johnie)

文章 Kooper »

Jacky566 寫:
聚會時間:2008/8/23 (星期六) 請準時。
Dear Johnie,
I would like to join this meeting with you .
But there is a serious problem that i can not find out my time machine to get back to that moment. hahaha :sun:
Corrected. Thanks for pointing it out. :sun:
YOYO member
文章: 480
註冊時間: 週三 11月 07, 2007 11:49 pm

Re: 10/18 (Sat.) Should we have kids? (Host: Johnie)

文章 Georgia »

I never considered there'd be a should or should not in the case of having children, even if I'm determined not to have any. It's more of a path I choose, there's no right or wrong , but one has to see whatever consequences attached to it, and be prepared to deal with them.
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: 10/18 (Sat.) Should we have kids? (Host: Johnie)

文章 Kooper »

Johnie 寫:
Because of this reason, I took a vow secretly. Even though I like kids so much, I wouldn’t want to have my own children in my life, I told myself.
Hi Johnie,

I am glad you've changed your mind. As a matter of fact, I used to hold exactly the same thought and reasoning as yours. It wasn't until recently that I realized there was a fallacy in it - If the reasoning was correct, we also shouldn't seek any lifelong partner or have any intimate friends, so as to eliminate the risk of losing someone important in our lives.
文章: 192
註冊時間: 週二 6月 05, 2007 10:39 pm

Re: 10/18 (Sat.) Should we have kids? (Host: Johnie)

文章 sunsuni0831 »

This is an really interesting TOPIC.
I have asked some of my friends or relatives.
What they concerned the most is "Money" that tehy are afraid they are not able to afford the expense.
According to the "Smart " magazine, it indicated the expense of rasing a children is more than 5 million NT dollars. What a sweet and heavy burden for the normal parents.
But most of my friends that are already parents said consistently "having their own children still can regard as the best thing in their life".
I put the article as followed, and maybe everyone can take a look. Sorry I know we should discuss in English but it is a chinese magazine.

Sunny Jr.:ssmile:

<最保守估計 父母的重擔養個小孩500萬> 李月華 

  在這項估算中,光是生下1個孩子,就要花掉16萬元;孩子從1到6歲,養育費加保母費 (只帶白天)或幼稚園及才藝班學費,每年要25萬元;7到12歲小學階段,養育費每年9萬,學雜費和才藝班7萬,合計每年16萬元。13、14歲念國一、國二,養育費10萬、學雜費2萬、補習費6萬,合計每年18萬元,國三補習費倍增為12萬,所以一年要24萬元。


育兒成本沉重 1個小孩花掉家庭總收入3、4成








Angel Lin
YOYO member
文章: 188
註冊時間: 週四 11月 11, 2004 10:18 pm
來自: 宇宙/第三度空間

Re: 10/18 (Sat.) Should we have kids? (Host: Johnie)

文章 Angel Lin »

I really feel that it is a special topic after I read this article from Johnie’s email,
and I did deliberate before whether or not to bear babies~
In spite of different processes and reasons, I changed my mind as Johnie eventually...

I think it would be a very interesting discussion, and hope that you will enjoy yourselves with us on October 18th! ^^
I was taught to strive not because there were any guarantees of success but because the act of striving is in itself the only way to keep faith with life. Madeleine Albright
我學到要努力並非是因為有任何成功的保證, 而是因為努力的行為本身是保持人生信念的唯一途徑。 麥德琳‧歐布萊特
Luis Ko
YOYO member
文章: 972
註冊時間: 週三 6月 06, 2007 10:18 pm

Re: 10/18 (Sat.) Should We Have Kids? (Host: Johnie)

文章 Luis Ko »

Session II
I am going to hold a debate in session II, but please don’t feel nervous and serious.
It doesn’t matter which side is the winner because it’s for fun only. :lol:
You may wish to refer to Question 3 in session I.

Here I can quote an argument on the opposition side: There have been too many orphans(孤兒). As we can adopt one of them as our own kid, why bother having a biological child?

Are you ready to enjoy the debate on this topic in English? Let’s go!
i guess i really should have kept a grip on myself, though i did enjoy it haaa :mrgreen:
i might be a cynic and, a sceptic as well but, i'm definitely not a bad person!!
YOYO member
文章: 39
註冊時間: 週二 4月 22, 2008 11:03 am

Re: 10/18 (Sat.) Should We Have Kids? (Host: Johnie)

文章 Johnie »


Members(15):Johnie, David Jr, Luis, Jacky, Rebecca, Kelly, Benson, Vicky Wu, Laura, Angel Lin, Fred Lee, Debbie,

Maggie, Stephen, Claire Chuang

New Comer: Taurus
文章: 192
註冊時間: 週二 6月 05, 2007 10:39 pm

Re: 10/18 (Sat.) Should We Have Kids? (Host: Johnie)

文章 sunsuni0831 »

Unfortuantelly, I couldn't attend this meeting by working overtime.

:ccry: Sunny Jr.
YOYO member
文章: 39
註冊時間: 週二 4月 22, 2008 11:03 am

Re: 10/18 (Sat.) Should We Have Kids? (Host: Johnie)

文章 Johnie »

sunsuni0831 寫:Johnie..
Unfortuantelly, I couldn't attend this meeting by working overtime.

:ccry: Sunny Jr.
Dear Sunny,
Ha, That's ok la. Although seems that they enjoied the debat so much and got a little bit exciting.
But I still expected u were there since I want hear ur unique point. :ssmile:

And buddy Luis,
Thank you for providing a quite different view of thought, u meant: maybe people who have children are selfish
because they only care about themself to feel fulfillment.
Luis Ko
YOYO member
文章: 972
註冊時間: 週三 6月 06, 2007 10:18 pm

Re: 10/18 (Sat.) Should We Have Kids? (Host: Johnie)

文章 Luis Ko »

haa that's because i always try to buck the system of the society haaa :mrgreen:
i might be a cynic and, a sceptic as well but, i'm definitely not a bad person!!