5/3(Mon) How to Stay Young (Host: Jackson Wang)

Vice President
文章: 175
註冊時間: 週三 8月 20, 2008 3:29 pm

5/3(Mon) How to Stay Young (Host: Jackson Wang)

文章 wenhan1122 »

Dear Yoyo members,

I am Jackson Wang. It is pleasure to be the host of Monday’s gathering on May 3. We all know about we will get old eventually. As we age our bodies go through certain changes that seem unnecessary, unfair or downright unkind. Today, we are going to talk about how to stay young, how we can decelerate our aging.
I am inspired today by so many things and in particular my thirst for learning. It seems that there is so much more to discover and it comes at me at such a fast pace it is sometimes a challenge to keep up. Yet, I feel I must if I want to remain “forever young”. Of course I don’t purport to looking and dressing much younger than I am, as that may seem rather telling – and probably wouldn’t work. I do believe, however, that there are many things one can do to stay young in mind and spirit.
1. Surround yourself with young, vibrant people. I am constantly energized being around my younger business partners, networking associates, and friends.
They keep me thinking young and staying current. It is from them that I have actually learned to take more risks – whether it is a small thing such as advertising on Craig’s list, blogging, or a very huge thing like climbing a 50 ft pole and jumping off onto a zipline which I might add I was very proud of and can’t believe I actually did. It felt great to know that my young friends were cheering me on and encouraging me every step of the way.
2. Exercise and eat well. There is the constant battle of making the choice between convenience and health. I think the secret is no secret at all, just moderation. Enjoy and make healthy choices most of the time. Just don’t beat yourself up when you don’t remember to take the stairs instead of the elevator and all that other good stuff and keep moving! Take up dancing, perhaps refer to my first secret to staying young, and hang around young people. That will keep you motivated to stay active and you may even find yourself re-energized.
3. Stay current. If you can carry on a topical conversation, whether it is about the latest Harry Potter plot or who will be the next president of the United States (will a woman or an African American get the nod), it means that people will see you as “with it” and vibrant.
4. Keep on top of the latest trends. Are you on Facebook or Hi 5? Do you download music from I-Tunes to your i-pod? Do you know what a PVR/DVR is?
I am constantly reminded of my age when so many of my friends don’t have a clue about any of these things, or if they do they are too overwhelmed to think about learning more.
5. Don’t let your hair go gray – Now I’m actually talking to the females here, because we all know that gray hair on men is “distinguished”, but in women it is a sure sign of “letting things go”. The Duchess of Windsor said you can never be too thin or too rich. I believe you can add to that, you can never have enough highlights!
6. Stimulate your mind. Now this is extremely important and a telltale sign of old age (as we know it). Forgetting things – names, dates, directions etc is not good. Keep your mind stimulated! If you are a verbal person do crosswords or play scrabble. If you are a numbers person do sodoku puzzles, play cards. Do jigsaw puzzles, take a course, do ANYTHING that keeps your mind working.
7. Supplement. There are two major factors that affect our health on a daily basis, and we probably don’t even realize to what extent, and those are free radicals and inflammation. Both of these can make us sick, tired, and feeling old before our time. With the right supplement both of these can be helped. Look for something natural that is a strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, that is easy to take and most of all tastes delicious.
Ultimately, if you take good care of yourself and have a positive attitude you will enjoy life at any age. You are only as old as you feel – although it doesn’t hurt when people say “You don’t look your age!” In fact it makes all the work worth it.
http://www.content4reprint.com/personal ... -young.htm[/url]

Imagine that you could stay feeling young and feeling happy - naturally. Would you want to know how? Of course you would.
In today's youth obsessed society, many women go to extraordinary measures to keep signs of aging at bay, from swathing the skin in expensive creams and luxurious potions, enduring painful injections such as botox and restylane and even going under the dreaded scalpel and spending so much valuable time recovering from sometimes rather dangerous surgery.
Is that what you want to do? Are you prepared to spend precious time recovering in the dark, hurting, wrapped in bandages, sporting black eyes simply to have a few creases flattened or a little extra skin taken out? Well, if you are, good for you, and understand that it is your choice to do so. As for me, yes, I'd love to have a few years taken off my looks however I guess that I simply don't have the nerve.
So instead, I say to myself that the wonderful lines and creases that dance spiritedly across my face are signs of living the good life, proof of laughing often, and evidence of nurturing my family as they themselves have gone through childhood and grown into amazing adults. These telltale signs are just the road map of my life's experiences to date, and I aim to have them
around for many years to come. And, add a few more detours and side roads along the way.
The number of years already spent on this planet should not factor in your state of happiness. Women can live absolutely fabulous lives, whether in their twenties, thirties and even beyond forty, fifty, sixty and more.
The choice is yours to make your life the best it can possibly be.
Top Ten Tips to Stay Young and Happy - Naturally
1. Throw out unimportant numbers such as age, weight and height. Who cares? It is time to let the doctor worry about them as that is why they are paid.
2. Mix with only cheerful, happy people and avoid keeping friends with grouches who only pull you down.
3. Continue learning and discovering. The world is your oyster so choose to always move forward. Find hobbies that you absolutely love such as computer, crafts, gardening, writing or dancing. Never allow the body or the brain be idle. As the saying goes, "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.
4. Take pleasure in the simple things in life. Revel in the dawn of each new day, Take time to smell the roses.
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until your eyes water and you gasp for breath.
6. There will be times when tears happen. Be sure to endure, grieve, and then move on. The only person who is with you your entire life is yourself. So be alive while you are alive.
7. Find peace and serenity. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it is family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, and hobbies. Your home is your castle and it is your refuge. Make of it what you want.
8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, seek help. Know that many problems can be resolved by learning how to control your thoughts and emotions, so always keep a positive mind.
9. Be grateful for what you have and share the kindness. The art of forgiveness may be difficult at times, but learning to forgive and love yourself will enable you to move forward with peace and share your love with the world.
10. Finally, tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.
It's worth remembering that life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. The importance of following the ten tips above will allow you to let go, be free and enjoy every day on your journey through life. It is time to grow old dis-gracefully - with a smile on your face, a bounce in your step, love in your heart, and with the knowledge that you have not wasted one precious second of your time on this earth. Don't wait until it's too late to begin. Coaching is always available should you need a helping hand to take the first and then necessary steps to achieve the life you desire be happy. Make your life successful and abundant. You can discover how to awaken and achieve the God or Goddess that is in you, regardless of your age.
http://www.content4reprint.com/other/to ... urally.htm[/url]

The Other Ways to stay young:
1. Certainly 10 to 20 minutes a day of just sitting in a quiet place would do wonders for mental and physical health.  The 60% of doctor’s visits are related to anxiety, depression, anger, insomnia, or high blood pressure.
2. Pomegranate  the juice lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, maybe delays the onset of atherosclerosis and reduces risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
3. Goji berries  It contains 500 times the vitamin C as an orange.
4. Spinach  the most abundant source of carotenes on Earth.
5. Green tea  It can reduce breast, colorectal and lung cancer.
6. Drinking moderate amounts of red wine  it can reduce arterial clogging.
7. Walnuts  It contains good kind of fat, omega-3, which helps stabilize one’s mood. It also prevents visible signs of aging and makes your skin radiant.
8. Regular exercise  it can help build healthier bones, boost mood, and help one think clearly.
9. Mental aerobics  Brain exercises can prevent mental decline, love is literally good for your heart and boosts the immune system.

Questions for Discussion (Section I):
1. Do you agree these suggestions for staying young? Which one you think is more efficient and you really experience? Or you have exclusive way to stay young, can share with team?
2. How do you feel about cosmetic surgery? Do you care your spouse or your girl/boy friend doing plastic/cosmetic surgery for looking younger? If you could change one thing on your body, what would you change?
3. What kinds of mental activities do you do to keep your mind fresh?

Questions for Discussion (Section II):
4. What kind of habit that will cause you aging quickly? What do you do to keep yourself from aging early?
5. How often do you think about your health? On a scale of 1 to 10, how healthy are you? Give specific reasons to support your answer
6. Do you exercise? Do you want to? Why or why not? Find a partner and plan an exercise schedule.

6:45 ~ 7:00pm Greetings and free talk among members and guests /taking individual orders/getting newcomers' information
7:00 ~ 7:10pm Opening remarks/ Newcomers self-introduction/ Grouping
(Session I)
7:10 ~ 7:50pm discussion session (40 mins)
7:50 ~ 8:10pm summarization (20 mins)
8:10 ~ 8:15pm Regrouping & instruction giving
(Session II)
8:15 ~ 8:25pm Taking a 10 minutes break (Intermission)
8:25 ~ 9:05pm discussion session (40 mins)
9:05 ~ 9:25pm summarization (20 mins)
9:25 ~ 9:30pm Concluding remarks/feedback from newcomers/ announcements ********************************************************************************************************************************************
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The real peace is not merely the absence of warfare, but the presence of justice
Vice President
文章: 175
註冊時間: 週三 8月 20, 2008 3:29 pm

Re: 5/3(Mon) How to Stay Young (Host: Jackson Wang)

文章 wenhan1122 »

3. What kinds of mental activities do you do to keep your mind fresh?

Well, for me, attending YoYo gatherings regularly and exchanging opinions with our members during discussions is one of the ways to stimulate my mind. As the author pointed out, "An idle mind is the devil's workshop". There are always some things new for us to discover.

Secondly, many of our members like to travel. I found this a good way too to stimulate our minds. Last, but not least, it is not too hard to keep an agile mind, watching lesser TV and reading more books will work.
The real peace is not merely the absence of warfare, but the presence of justice