Another Reminder List for Hosts and Hosting

文章: 1500
註冊時間: 週四 5月 13, 2004 10:53 am
來自: Taipei, Taiwan, Pandemonium

Another Reminder List for Hosts and Hosting

文章 Wayne »

Another Reminder List for Hosts and Hosting

1. Arrive at the venue ahead of scheduled starting time of the meeting, have the whiteboard, projector, etc. ready, and greet the guests, especially the newcomers.
2. Prepare in advance sufficient extra question sheets.
3. Prepare an opening speech, including but not limited to the reasons for picking up the topic for discussion.
4. Invite newcomers for a brief self-introduction and timely help break possible awkward silences.
5. Prepare in advance sufficient word/expression sheets and later explain the use of them.
6. Divide attendees into an appropriate number of groups and prepare for additional guests to arrive unexpectedly.
7. Weave through the discussion groups, join the conversation, and explain the confusion in the questions and lead the group members into relevant answers if necessary.
8. Control the time well according to the agenda and remind guests of the time limit.
9. Try to make a conclusion/closing speech.
10. Collect the word/expression sheets and pass them to Wayne for answers.
11. Collect the names of the attendees and the speakers and record them on the Forum.

1. 提前抵達會場,準備好白板,投影機等;與來賓寒暄,特別是初次與會者。
2. 事先準備好足夠的問題單與生字表。
3. 準備一段開場白,包括辦不限選擇討路主題的理由。
4. 邀請初次與會者做簡短的自我介紹,並適時協助打破冷場。
5. 事先準備好足夠的生字表並解釋其用途。
6. 適當分成若干討論小組,並為可能為期來臨來賓事先準備。
7. 穿梭於各討論小組,加入討論,必要時解答問題中的疑問及導引來賓回答問題。
8. 根據討論議程善加控制時間,並提醒來賓結束討論時限。
9. 試著做總結論。
10. 回收生字表交給Wayne找答案。
11. 蒐集與會者及上台報告者名單並登錄於論壇上。
Knowledge is power -- when shared.