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4/30 (Sat.) Did Steve Jobs hate Bill Gates? (Host: Tom)

發表於 : 週六 4月 23, 2016 2:34 pm
Tom Lee
4/30 (Sat.) Did Steve Jobs hate Bill Gates? (Host: Tom)


Hi YOYOers,

I believe that you have used computers before. I also believe that you know the 2 "geeks", who have forced an implementation of 3C products everywhere. But do you think they are friends? or they hates each other?

We are going to discuss the 2 "geeks" this Sat. Hope that I can see you all in the meeting.

Let me begin by quoting Walter Issacson in Steve's biography:
In astronomy, a binary system occurs when the orbits of two stars are linked because of their gravitational interaction. There have been analogous situations in history, when an era is shaped by the relationship and rivalry of two orbiting superstars: Albert Einstein and Neils Bohr in 20th century physics....For the first thirty years of the personal computer age, the defining binary star sequence was composed of two high energy college dropouts both born in 1955 (Is there any doubt who he is referring to ? )
Let me tell you a few instances and then you can decide for yourself what Steve thought of Gates.

Steve and Bill had in their early years forged a bond. Bill's company was making softwares for the Macintosh. At this time, Steve saw Bill as a bright entrepreneur and often discussed his views with him. (No hard feelings yet).

But after a while their relationship got a bit bumpier. All the while the Microsoft guys were working closely with the Macintosh team, the apple guys got worried that they might steal the idea of GUI and clone the Mac. Near about this time, Microsoft licensed DOS to the IBM.

This growing association of Microsoft with IBM worried Jobs and all of this culminated when in November 1983, Gates revealed that Microsoft planned to develop a new operating system for IBM PCs featuring a graphical interface with windows, icons, and a mouse for point-and-click navigation (just like the Mac).

Jobs was furious and never got over his anger completely. Isaacson claims that even 30 years later, this is what Jobs had to say, "They just ripped us off completely, because Gates has no shame."

But the Windows 1.0 was nowhere near the Mac and was ridiculed by reviewers. To vent out his anger, Jobs often claimed, I quote:

"The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste, they have absolutely no taste. I don't mean that in a small way. I mean that in a big way, in the sense that they don't think of original ideas and they don't bring much culture into their product."

Jobs dismay is understandable. Over the years as Jobs left Apple, Microsoft's persistence in continually improving the Windows led them to dominate the market.

However, in spite of all this, Jobs and Gates did share a cordial relationship. Steve did not particularly hate Gates. Of course, whenever he was asked about the events of early days, he did blame Gates. But still, Steve valued his friendship with him.

Let me tell you a few more stories of Jobs' later life and you will be sure.
One early afternoon, during his last days, Gates drove to Jobs' house, walked through the back gate to the open kitchen door, saw Eve (Steve's daughter) studying at the table. "Is Steve around?" he asked. Eve pointed him to the living room.
- Credits: Walter Isaacson
Jobs later reminisced the meeting: We were like the old guys in the industry looking back. They discussed about the introduction of technology in school education, talked a lot about the joys of family, including how lucky they were to have good kids and be married to the right women. That was quite personal. That's not something you share with someone you hate.

You can check out the following video too if you like but I will specifically quote something that Jobs says (referring to his relation with Gates) which clears all the doubts...
I think of most things in life as either a Bob Dylan or a Beatle song but there is that one line in one Beatle song, "You and I have memories longer than the roads that stretches out ahead" and that's clearly true here.
You may even be interested to check out one more link:

Bill Gates: 'I wrote Steve Jobs a letter as he was dying. He kept it by his bed' - Telegraph
So, Steve did not hate Bill but had a competitive rivalry that was mutually beneficial.

I hope this answers your question. My previous answer was a bit irrelevant, sorry, so I edited it.

Cited by: Did Steve Jobs hate Bill Gates?

And here is a useful reference in Chinese.

18 年前,誰幫助瀕臨死亡的蘋果起死回生?竟然是微軟!

Hope that will help you for know more the detailed.

Session 1:

1. Who is really geek do you think? Steve Jobs or Bill Gates?
2. Do you like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates more?
3. Who is more creative do you think?
4. If you were Steve Jobs, will you hate Bill Gates? In the future, if you need help, will you ask Bill Gates to do the favor?

Session 2:

1. As we know that windows phone didn't sell well in the market. If you were Bill Gates, how will you do to "save" Microsoft?
2. Do you think Apple still can innovate some crazy stuff in near few year?
3. What innovative product do you think can revolute the world?



3:45 ~ 4:00pm Greetings & Free Talk / Ordering Beverage or Meal / Getting Newcomer’s Information
4:00 ~ 4:10pm Opening Remarks / Newcomer’s Self-introduction / Grouping
(Session I)
4:10 ~ 4:40pm Discussion Session (30 mins)
4:40 ~ 4:55pm Summarization (15 mins)
4:55~ 5:05pm Regrouping / Instruction Giving / Taking a 10 Minutes Break (Intermission)
(Session II)
5:15 ~ 5:55pm Discussion Session (40 mins)
5:55 ~ 6:20pm Summarization (25 mins)
6:20 ~ 6:30pm Concluding Remarks/Announcement


聚會時間:請準時 4:00 pm 到 ~ 約 6:30 pm 左右結束
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走法:出忠孝新生站 3 號出口後,沿著巷子(忠孝東路三段10巷)走約 2 分鐘,到了濟南路口,左轉走約 2 分鐘即可看到。
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Re: 4/30 (Sat.) Did Steve Jobs hate Bill Gates? (Host: Tom)

發表於 : 週四 4月 28, 2016 10:33 pm
Luis Ko
wow~ Tom, did you write all this? you are really good oh~ :wink:

Re: 4/30 (Sat.) Did Steve Jobs hate Bill Gates? (Host: Tom)

發表於 : 週五 4月 29, 2016 12:02 pm
Tom Lee
I wish I am so good at writing and drawing.
But actually... you know...

I am just as good as you. ^________^

Re: 4/30 (Sat.) Did Steve Jobs hate Bill Gates? (Host: Tom)

發表於 : 週五 4月 29, 2016 4:40 pm
Tom Lee
I just updated a new article for you to know the 2 geeks more.

18 年前,誰幫助瀕臨死亡的蘋果起死回生?竟然是微軟!

Re: 4/30 (Sat.) Did Steve Jobs hate Bill Gates? (Host: Tom)

發表於 : 週五 4月 29, 2016 4:48 pm
President, Tom;

Your topic is weird :twisted: ... but it's a
good way to reduce my prejudice against Gates. :D

Re: 4/30 (Sat.) Did Steve Jobs hate Bill Gates? (Host: Tom)

發表於 : 週二 5月 03, 2016 6:06 pm

Michael Liu
Michael Hou