8/2(Tue) A class about ambiguous words (Host Andre's)

文章: 148
註冊時間: 週二 11月 03, 2015 11:07 pm

8/2(Tue) A class about ambiguous words (Host Andre's)

文章 tashi »

Hi All,
Some time ago I found some words that their meaning are the same but also seem to use in different ways, like trustworthy and reliable.
As a result, it occurred to me that Andres' is not only native speaker but also English teacher. So here comes the class from him:

Session I.

‘Bored’ vs ‘boring’.
‘Must to’ vs ‘have to’.
‘Fun’ vs ‘funny’.
‘To’ and verb vs -ing.
Borrowing vs lending.
‘Wait me a second.’
‘There have many people.’ vs ‘There are a lot of people there.’
‘He’ vs ‘she’.
‘Where do you come from?’ vs ‘Where are you from?’
‘Where is here?’ vs ‘Where are we?’

What? You also you have own ambiguous collections? Bring them into the session and let's share, clarify together.
Be sure to write them down though.

And for the second session we can watch this video https://youtu.be/Mh6dTVfHNVI

And discuss the following questions

1 How much time do you spend at work?

2 Do you communicate with your boss before you go to work or after you leave work?

3 Do you communicate with your boss on your days off?

4 How do you spend time when you are not working?

5 Do you want to spend less time at work and more time on other things?

6 Do you want to spend more time with your friends?

7 Do you want to spend more time with your family?

8 Do you feel like you give too much time to work?

9 Do you give time to work that you don't get paid for?

10 If your friend tells you that they spend too much time at work, what would you say?

6:45 ~ 7:00pm Greetings & Free Talk / Ordering Beverage or Meal / Getting Newcomer’s Information
7:00 ~ 7:10pm Opening Remarks / Newcomer’s Self-introduction / Grouping
(Session I)
7:10 ~ 7:50pm Discussion Session (40 mins)
7:50 ~ 8:10pm Summarization (20 mins)
8:10 ~ 8:25pm Regrouping / Instruction Giving / Taking a 10 Minutes Break (Intermission)
(Session II)
8:25 ~ 9:05pm Discussion Session (40 mins)
9:05 ~ 9:25pm Summarization (20 mins)
9:25 ~ 9:30pm Concluding Remarks / Announcements ********************************************************************************************************************************************
聚會時間:當天請準時於 6:45 pm 到達 ~ 約 9:30 pm 左右結束
地址、電話:台北市濟南路三段25號 (02) 2740-2350
捷運站:板南線 忠孝新生站 3 號出口
走法:出忠孝新生站 3 號出口後,沿著巷子(忠孝東路三段10巷)走約 2 分鐘,到了濟南路口,左轉走約 2 分鐘即可看到。
最低消費: 80 元

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2. 與會者請先閱讀過文章,並仔細想過所有的問題,謝謝合作!

1. 請事先準備 2~3 分鐘的英語自我介紹;會議結束前可能會請你發表 1~2 分鐘的感想。
2. 請事先閱讀文章以及主持人所提的討論問題,並事先寫下自己所欲發表意見的英文。
3. 全程以英語進行,參加者應具備中等英語會話能力,對任一討論問題,能夠以 5 到 10 句英文表達個人見解。
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文章: 148
註冊時間: 週二 11月 03, 2015 11:07 pm

Re: 8/2(Tue) A class about ambiguous words (Host Andre's)

文章 tashi »

Bored vs boring

I feel/get bored --->sb
The game is boring. --->sth

Must to(x) vs have to

Must is the same as have to but be stronger and formal.
"Need to" could be treated as "have to".

shall vs must

differernt things.
shall is a stronger "will" stands for both "will" and "obligated" used in contract, protocol, aggrement.

Will we dance? vs Shall be dance?
The former one is a request asking for information
The latter is a polite request only.


Better to do Sth but it's not an obligation or a MUST.

For instance, it's sightly raining, I should take a umbrella with me but it's fine even I don't have one.

Be + supported + to:

It's close to "have to" but more gentle.
For instance:

1. I am supposed to host YOYO meeting tonight but I happens to be busy then, so I need to find someone to help me.

2. You are supposed to arrive at office by 8 AM.

Fun vs Funny:

Go hiking is fun.
Watching funny movie to have fun.
He looks funny (negtive usage, means making fun/laughing at him )
He is funny (depends on how you say that or expressed facially)

Fun is not the same as interesting.

Interesting makes you think (but may not want to explore it deeply), more intellectual oriented.
Fun is something make you laugh.
In some cases they could overlap.

Intriguing: not only interesting but also bringing up curiosity.
YOYO member
文章: 351
註冊時間: 週二 12月 16, 2003 10:28 am

Re: 8/2(Tue) A class about ambiguous words (Host Andre's)

文章 Laura »

Interesting comparison intrigue most yoyoers. :)

Thanks for Andre's / Tashi. :D
The best teacher is child,
the worst mistake for one is to abandon oneself,
the greatest treasure in the world is love!