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12/17(Sat.) The Garden Robot ! (Host: Jennifer Yu)

發表於 : 週一 12月 12, 2016 8:34 am
**This article is cited from GVO magazine **

Earlier this year, FarmBot Genesis-a-do-it yourself, open source farming robot that claims to make growing your own food a breeze-was made available to the public for the first time. After FarmBot buyers receive their specially-built tracks and supporting infrastructure in the mail, they assemble the home gardening robot themselves. The company behind the system encourages users to experiment, prototype and hack their programs and share their findings with the greater FarmBot community. In many ways, FarmBot embodies the future of farming.

You may be thinking that it doesn’t take a robot, or a genius, to put some seeds in the dirt and water it occasionally. Anyone with the time and space can do it, but as the garden grows, things get more complicated. Time management is a major consideration and as resources become scarcer, mismanaged gardens and crops can have disastrous results; thus the rise of precision agriculture.

Precision agriculture is a form of farming that utilizes new technologies to use water, fertilizer and other resources more efficiently. The use of technology like aerial drones to keep an eye on larger swathes of crops and satellites to track weather patterns have started to replace seat-of-the-pants farming. Farmbot is an exciting innovation in the field of precision agriculture because it’s the first of its kind in terms of small scale size and availability to the everyday consumer.

Self-steering farm machinery is one example of precision farming that has rapidly grown in recent years. According to a survey conducted by Purdue University’s Center for Food and Agricultural Business, only 5% of agriculture retail outlets offered auto-steering machinery in 2004. By 2008, more than half of retailers were carrying them. This explosion is partly explained by the belief that GPS auto-steered farm equipment greatly reduces over-plowing, saving farmers time and money.

Other technologies that are gaining support from the agricultural community are robots that can calculate the exact amount of water a plant needs and robots that can precisely apply pesticides to troublesome areas. Such innovations have the potential to cut down on irrigation costs and reduce the amounts of fertilizer and chemicals used on crops, while simultaneously increasing yields.

Millennials have played a large role in supporting the growth of precision agriculture technologies. “The big story is the generational shift going on right now,” said Joe Russo, president of the agriculture technology company ZeDX. “The younger people are starting to get hold of these farms and they have a much different attitude to technology. They Twitter, they got smartphones, they’re always on the computer. Precision ag is gonna ride that wave.

While many hail precision agriculture as the future of farming and the food industry, there are observers who feel the broad use of precision technologies actually impedes the development of sustainable agriculture. With the exception of FarmBot, nearly all precision of FarmBot, nearly all precision farming equipment is heavy machinery. Because high-tech tools are quite costly, the average farmer is unable to pay for it. Instead, corporation like Monsanto foot the bill. “Precision farming is about commodification and control of information and it is among the high-tech tools that are driving the industrialization of agriculture, the loss of local farm knowledge and the erosion of farmers’ rights,” said Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC Group) Research Director Hope Shand.

Discussion Questions at Session 1:

1. How readily are you willing to accept new technologies into your life everyday life?
2. Any new robots have applied in our life? Do you think it useful and make us a better life?
3. Do you have any new idea for robot innovation?


Discussion Questions at Session 2:

4. What are possible consequences of the loss of local farm knowledge and farmers’s right?
5. Does the creation of Artificial Intelligence worry you? Why or Why not?
6. What jobs do you think will be taken over by AI? Is your job under threat?

(Laura was the substitution for host )



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5:15 ~ 5:55pm Discussion Session (40 mins)
6:00 ~ 6:20pm Summarization (20 mins)
6:20 ~ 6:30pm Concluding Remarks / Announcements ************************************************************
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Re: 12/17(Sat.) The Garden Robot ! (Host: Jennifer Yu)

發表於 : 週三 12月 14, 2016 4:43 pm
Weather is good enough ! :cccry:

Re: 12/17(Sat.) The Garden Robot ! (Host: Jennifer Yu)

發表於 : 週五 12月 16, 2016 7:35 am
I have to join this meeting, :ccry:

What a meaningful topic !