6/25 (Tue.) Vaping among teens and adults (Host: David Jr.)

David Jr.
Vice President
文章: 257
註冊時間: 週二 8月 19, 2003 12:07 am
來自: Lonely Planet

6/25 (Tue.) Vaping among teens and adults (Host: David Jr.)

文章 David Jr. »

Hello everyone,
We are going to talk about "Vaping" among teens and adults and its effects.

Reading Materials:
Why vaping is so dangerous for teens
https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/17/heal ... index.html

Teens say they don’t vape, they ‘Juul.’ That makes the activity hard to track
https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi- ... story.html

Complimentary Reading Material:
Statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., on new steps to address epidemic of youth e-cigarette use
https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-a ... arette-use

Discussion Questions for Session 1:
1. In Taiwan how often do you see teens or adults vape? Have you vaped before? How popular is it?
2. Is e-cigarette good or bad?
3. Do you think it is true that vaping among teens is a dangerous epidemic either in US or in Taiwan?
If so, what should we be doing about it?

Discussion Questions for Session 2:
4. Is nicotine addiction different from addiction to sugar, video game, gambling, internet, sex, alcohol, etc.?
5. Do you believe some teens are just more prone to addiction and no matter what we do, they will be trapped in the end? Why?
6. How to overcome an addiction?

6:50~ 7:00pm Greetings & Free Talk / Ordering Beverage or Meal / Getting Newcomer’s Information
7:00 ~ 7:20pm Opening Remarks / Newcomer’s Self-introduction / Grouping
(Session I)
7:20 ~ 8:00pm Discussion Session (40 mins)
8:00 ~ 8:20pm Summarization (20 mins)
8:20 ~ 8:30pm Regrouping / Instruction Giving / Taking a 10 Minutes Break (Intermission)
(Session II)
8:30 ~ 9:10pm Discussion Session (40 mins)
9:10 ~ 9:30pm Summarization / Concluding Remarks / Announcements (20 mins)
聚會時間:請準時 7:00 pm 到 ~ 約 9:30 pm 左右結束
地址、電話:台北市濟南路三段25號 地圖 (02) 2740-2350
捷運站:板南線 忠孝新生站 3 號出口
走法:出忠孝新生站 3 號出口後,沿著巷子(忠孝東路三段10巷)走約 2 分鐘,到了濟南路口,左轉走約 2 分鐘即可看到。
最低消費: 80 元

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Remember all what your mom has told you, and do the opposite.
David Jr.
Vice President
文章: 257
註冊時間: 週二 8月 19, 2003 12:07 am
來自: Lonely Planet

Re: 6/25 (Tue.) Vaping among teens and adults (Host: David J

文章 David Jr. »

Host: David Jr.
Attendees: Iris, Sherlly, Tashi, Miller, Amy, Rosie, Ramesh, Tim, Felicia, Winston, Peggy, Chris and new comer (Nancy).
Remember all what your mom has told you, and do the opposite.
David Jr.
Vice President
文章: 257
註冊時間: 週二 8月 19, 2003 12:07 am
來自: Lonely Planet

Re: 6/25 (Tue.) Vaping among teens and adults (Host: David J

文章 David Jr. »

For those who like to know more about "Vaping"or "Juuling", check the following link:


高校生吸菸率增 紙菸高於電子煙

Youth Tobacco Use Infographics
https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/infographic ... th-tobacco


Remember all what your mom has told you, and do the opposite.