4/30 (Tue.) Kidulting: Embracing Your Inner Child (Host: Stephen)

YOYO member
文章: 207
註冊時間: 週三 5月 30, 2007 8:23 pm

4/30 (Tue.) Kidulting: Embracing Your Inner Child (Host: Stephen)

文章 stephen185 »

In recent years, there has been a noticeable cultural shift as adults increasingly embrace activities and interests typically associated with children and adolescents. This phenomenon, dubbed as "Kidulting," blurs the lines between adulthood and childhood, challenging traditional notions of maturity and leisure. From playing games and collecting toys to indulging in nostalgic movies, TV shows and theme park adventures, Kidulting encompasses a diverse array of activities that resonate with adults seeking to reconnect with their inner child.

A vivid example is showcased by Dopamine Land, a pop-up interactive museum, which can be found in Madrid and London. Patrons can immerse themselves in a colorful, carefree world with sliding into fake bathtubs filled with oversized plastic bubbles and engaging in feather-filled pillow fights. Other venues like Wondr in Amsterdam and the Museum of Ice Cream in New York and Singapore also offer adults the chance to enjoy perceptual experiences such as diving into a sea of pink marshmallows or frolicking in pools filled with fake sundae toppings.

This trend is also reflected in the increasing popularity of nostalgic entertainment. Adults are now more eager to revisit their childhood obsessions and are willing to spend both money and time to do so. The box office success of movies like 'Barbie' and 'Super Mario Bros.' as well as the subsequent revival of other nostalgic toys, such as Furby, is a clear indication. Even McDonald’s has launched a limited edition adult Happy Meal with collectible toys to attract grown-up customers.

While kidulting advocates claim that spaces like Dopamine Land can foster creativity, human connection, and joy by exploiting the pleasure-seeking chemical dopamine, the opponent labels those kidulting venues as mere selfie backdrops for social media posts, devoid of any substantial values. However, when the reality gets harsher, the appeal of distraction becomes stronger. Perhaps the shallowness, or rather the simplicity, of these places is precisely what offers relief from this bleak world.

According to the global emotions report by Gallup, negative emotions, such as stress, sadness, and anger, have reached record highs. Millennials and Generation Z have realized that what their parents could accomplish with manageable efforts, such as acquiring a home and getting married, have now become expensive affairs. Those milestones that signify growing up are becoming increasingly challenging to achieve and even beyond the grasp of some.

This somehow explains the allure of kidulting. Venues like Dopamine Land ask nothing of their visitors. There is no information to take in, no rules to follow, no goals to achieve. Most importantly, they offer visitors an opportunity to temporarily disengage from the demands of adulthood and partake in mindless amusement—a welcome escape in an increasingly demanding and stressful world.

Meanwhile, more and more people are choosing to spoil their inner child with experiential activities, such as playing with classic toys, eating childhood favorite foods, flipping through outdated print magazines and catalogs. Participating in entertainments that you enjoyed in your childhood or adolescence certainly offers a temporary retreat and can be regarded as some sort of kiduting but "nostalgia" is probably the driving force, turning those small trinkets from the 80s and 90s into gold.

Based on a study published in the journal "Emotion" by the American Psychological Association in 2016, nostalgia is an emotion rooted in self and social memory. It fosters a sense of connection between past and present, cultivating self-continuity, including feelings of closeness, belonging, acceptance, which are crucial for happiness and vitality. The research results also illustrate the psychological benefits of nostalgia.

So, does “Kidulting” really benefit our mental health and foster creativity and human connection? or this trend is an escape from reality which can potentially promote superficial engagement with the real world? Could there be some negative impacts on our society? Whether you're a seasoned Kidult enthusiast or new to this concept, your perspectives and inputs are undoubtedly valuable. Please join this meeting and get ready to unleash your inner child together with our Yoyoers.

1. The Rise of “Kidulting”
(https://www.economist.com/culture/2023/ ... -kidulting )
2. Nostalgia as Self-Care: Embracing the Kidult Culture
(https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/ ... .editorial )
3. 'Kidults' taking the toy world by storm (video)
4. 芭比Barbie- has grossed $1.446 billion and is the highest-grossing film of 2023 globally.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBk4NYhWNMM
5.McDonald’s Adult Happy Meal (video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5ZfSlwMz8g & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frS17QHJ5VA

Session I

1. What were your favorite games or toys during your childhood? Have you tried kidulting in your leisure time seeking out playful and nostalgic experiences?
2. Do you think kidulting represents a form of escapism using nostalgia-driven activities or it offers a temporary retreat into a place with simpler rules and goals, providing a sanctuary for rejuvenation in this complex world?
3. What are conventional markers of adulthood commonly recognized in your social circle? Do you share the same opinions on them? How does kidult trend intersect with broader societal shifts, such as delayed adulthood or the blurring of traditional age boundaries?
4. Are there any potential negative consequences associated with the increase in Kidulting behaviors, say, in the aspect of financial impact, personal growth, and relationships?

Session II
5. How do you think the pandemic may contribute to the rise of Kidult trend?
6. What role does technology and social media play in facilitating and promoting Kidulting?
7. In addition to those mentioned in the article above, what other factors do you believe have added to its appeal in the current societal environment?
8. Do you think the Kidult trend is a passing fad, or does it have the potential to become a long-term cultural phenomenon?

6:45 ~ 7:00pm Greetings & Free Talk / Ordering Beverage or Meal / Getting Newcomer’s Information
7:00 ~ 7:10pm Opening Remarks / Newcomer’s Self-introduction / Grouping
(Session I)
7:10 ~ 7:45pm Discussion Session (35 mins)
7:45 ~ 8:00pm Summarization (15 mins)
8:00 ~ 8:05pm Regrouping / Instruction Giving / Taking a 5 Minutes Break (Intermission)
(Session II)
8:05 ~ 8:40pm Discussion Session (35 mins)
8:40 ~ 8:55pm Summarization (15 mins)
8:55 ~ 9:00pm Concluding Remarks / Announcements

Meeting Date: As shown on the Subject Line
Meeting Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Meeting Venue: 丹堤咖啡 Dante Coffee (Minimum Order $100)
Address: 台北市濟南路三段25號[MAP]-捷運忠孝新生站3號出口步行3分鐘

Important Notes:
1. We advise participants to print out the discussion questions and bring them to the meeting for reference. As for the supporting articles, feel free to print them out, as well, according to your preference.
2. We suggest that participants read the articles and think about the questions in advance.
3. Newcomers should prepare a two-to-three minute self-introduction in English to deliver when called upon by the host before the start of the discussion. The host may also ask you to give brief feedback about the meeting at the conclusion of the meeting.
4. We conduct the entire meeting in English. All participants should have at least moderate English-conversation skills and be able to articulate your ideas for each discussion question.
5. We welcome newcomers and other guests to attend the meetings and join the discussion freely for two times. After that, we hope you will consider becoming a YoYo English Club member. We charge a NT$1500 lifetime membership fee, or NT$1000 for students.
Iris Wu
YOYO member
文章: 900
註冊時間: 週二 5月 20, 2014 4:33 pm

Re: 4/30 (Tue.) Kidulting: Embracing Your Inner Child (Host: Stephen)

文章 Iris Wu »

At first, I thought “kidulting” referred to kids with old souls, but it’s actually the opposite.
Don’t you think our society is dealing with both kidults and precocious kids – children who seem to have old souls?

Technology, and social media blurring age boundaries at both ends. Perhaps one reason for the kidulting phenomenon is that those who were precocious as children are trying to reclaim the childhood they missed out on. :)