Can You Tell Someone Who's Lying?? (3/19 Sat)

YOYO member
文章: 41
註冊時間: 週六 11月 13, 2004 9:01 pm

Can You Tell Someone Who's Lying?? (3/19 Sat)

文章 Katrina »

hello, I am Katrina.

I've joined YOYO for 5 months, and this is my first time to be the host. I prepare an interesting topic for you guys to share your opinions and experience. Hope all of you can enjoy the discussion.

In our society, from the moral viewpoint , lying is obviously not a good behavior. Parents and teachers always teach us to be honest and conscientious. However, Lying is actually a part of our life. It is something we must face or hear everyday. Though we all know that lying is wrong since we were children, as we grow up, we gradually learn the importance, necessity of lying as well as th techenique of lying. Especially when we graduated from school and entered into this crucial world,sometimes we are forced to lie to protect ourselves from getting hurt or getting into trouble. The real world push us to learn how do lie.
Also, sometimes we lie for our own benefits.

So, in session 1, i'd like you to discuss your lying experience.

In session 2,it's time to show your lying skill!
We'll play a game to test everyone's lying ability. Have fun.^^ ... eption.jsp

Session 1, discussion

1. What kind of lying do you think is necessary or important?
When you tell a lie, how does your emotion change comparing to when you tell the truth?

2. Do you think insincere praise is a kind of lying? Why or why not?
Have you ever been forced or volunteered to do that?
please share your opinions and experience.

3. How do you judge that someone is lying??
Separately discuss your methods applying to strangers and to acquaintances.

4. If there were a chance that you can possess the ability to tell whenever people is lying, would you accept it? why or why not?

Session 2, Activities

5. icebreaker game:
Please prepare five sentences about yourself.
You can choose to write it down or not.
Four of these sentences MUST be true and one is NOT TRUE.
Read them to your partners, let them guess which one is not true.

6. Can you guess it correctly? If not, does your partner have any "lying skill"?
Discuss these skills.
最後由 Katrina 於 週四 3月 17, 2005 11:04 am 編輯,總共編輯了 2 次。
YOYO member
文章: 41
註冊時間: 週六 11月 13, 2004 9:01 pm

文章 Katrina »

fraud n.騙子;欺騙行為;騙局
scam n.騙錢;陰謀;騙局
deception n.欺騙;欺詐;詭計
bliss n.極樂;福氣
stiff adj.僵硬的;不靈活的
scratch v.抓;搔;擦;刮
contradiction n.矛盾;反駁;抵觸
pace n.步速;速度;步伐
verbal adj.言辭上的;口頭的;言語的
frown v.皺眉;表示不滿
jaw n.顎;下巴;嘴
defensive adj.防禦的;保衛的
offensive adj.冒犯的;唐突的
accuser n.原告;控告者
pronoun n.代名詞
monotonous adj.單調的;無抑揚頓挫的
garble v.對...斷章取義;任意篡改
muddle v.將...混在一起
sarcasm n.諷刺;挖苦;嘲笑
exhibit v.展示;表示;顯出
organism n.生物;有機體
falsify v.篡改;偽造;撒謊
embellish v.美化;裝飾
condemned adj.被判罪的;死刑囚犯的
innocuous adj.無害的;無毒的
disguise v.n.假扮;偽裝;掩飾
malevolent adj.有惡意的;傷害的
deceit n.欺騙;騙局;欺詐手段
circumvent v.以智取勝;規避;陷害;繞行
ubiquity n.到處存在;無所不在
prodigious adj.巨大的;龐大的;異常的
betray v.背叛;油露;顯示
scrutinize v.詳細檢查;細看
suppress v.隱瞞;抑制;廢止
obscure adj.暗的;朦朧的;含糊不清的
linguistic adj.語言學的
vocalization n.發聲;有聲化
insight n.洞察力;眼光;深刻的理解
cognitive adj.認知的;認識的
legitimate adj.合法的;正當的;正常的
mischievous adj.惡作劇的;有害的;惡意傷人的
malignant adj.有惡意的;邪惡的;極有害的
benign adj.仁慈的;良性的;有利的
preclude v.阻止;妨礙
arduous adj.艱鉅的;費力的;努力的;困難的
polygraph n.測謊器
interrogation n.訊問;審問;質問
physiologically adv.生理上;生理學方面
arouse v.喚起;奮發
controversy n.爭論;辯論;爭議
practitioner n.開業者;從事者
deployment n.部署;調度
文章: 1500
註冊時間: 週四 5月 13, 2004 10:53 am
來自: Taipei, Taiwan, Pandemonium

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