The Most ____ thing.......(5/07)

YOYO member
文章: 296
註冊時間: 週日 8月 17, 2003 6:55 pm
來自: 異想世界

The Most ____ thing.......(5/07)

文章 Salina »

I am Salina. Sorry for posting late. It's hard for me to think up an interesting and new topic even I am a SENIOR member. :roll: As I observe, there are many newcomers joining in YOYO recently. I believe most of us don't have enough time to realize each other. Therefore, let's talk about ''The most _____ things'' happened in your life. It wiill be a good chance to realize the participants sitting beside you further and sooner this Sat. :wink:

Let's Listen in the afternoon & Sing at night. 8)

All things registered in the guinnessworldrecords are the MOST things in the world. Let's take a look at it.

~Part One~
Please share the follwoing experiences happened in your life.
1. the most impressive thing or dream
2. the most embarrassed
3. the most touching
4. the most incredible
5. the most honorable
6. the most regretful
7. the most terrified
8. the most surprised
9. the most unfair
10. the most unforgivable
11. the thing you can enjoy most
12. the behavior or habit you can't bear or accept most
13. the goal you want to achieve most in the future
14. the person you like to meet most
15. the person you thank most
16. the thing you would like to change most

~Part Two~
Let's play a "most" memory game. :twisted:


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