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Management of common sports injuries(8/20, Sat.)

發表於 : 週二 8月 16, 2005 11:19 pm
Dear Friends,

This is Phoebe. It’s my pleasure to host the meeting on 8/20 (Sat.), and I’d like to provide you with some information about management of common sports injuries. Hope you would feel it is practical.

Before going to dental school, I worked in the department of rehabilitation in hospitals for more than 3 years (including my internship) as a physical therapist. (The scope of Physical Therapy includes musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, pediatric, geriatric, sports, burn, obstetric and gynecologic, long term care, and community physical therapy.) Therefore, I used to treat many patients with sports injuries. Since lots of YOYO members love sports, I think this topic may be useful to you guys.

Sprains and strains are among the most common injuries in sports. You might have a variety of choices to seek medical help such as traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, or some folk remedies when you sprain your joints or strain your muscles. I’ve never tried any other kind of treatments except for all these principles of Physical Therapy I’ve learned in school. Thus, I have no idea about the effectiveness of other treatments. Maybe those of you who have ever tried can share with us with your own experience of treating sprains or strains. In my experience, physical therapy is quite effective in treating sports injuries as long as the therapists correctly apply those treatment modalities and the patients follow the principles exactly the way they are told to do. For those who experience no obvious effects in receiving physical therapy, I believe there must be something wrong in their treatment approaches.

I would just like to provide something I know that is effective in treating your sports injuries for your reference. If you happen to know other effective therapeutic approaches, you are welcome to share them with us in the discussion.

Please give the articles in the following links a glance.

Introduction of sprains and strains
http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/fact/thr_repo ... 20Exercise
Take ankle sprain for example.
http://www.healthcarepartners.com/broch ... %20bandage

It’s important to have a progressive exercise program to return to normal activities without any aftereffect. Too early a return may lead to re-injury and chronic problems. Take sprains for example, the worst condition is that the joint becomes instable after repetitive injuries and the patient may suffer from constant pain in his injured site. At that time, surgical fixation should be done. Therefore, those who suffer sprains or strains must make sure of full recovery before returning to vigorous exercises.

Besides exercise program, in physical therapy, we have some therapeutic agents to effectively speed up the healing of tissues such as ultrasound, short wave diathermy, and some forms of electrotherapy plus deep friction massage. These therapeutic agents can shorten healing time and help the patients return to normal daily activities as early as possible when these methods are applied appropriately and correctly..

Deep friction massage is quite useful in treating chronic soft tissue injuries and is easy to learn. Therefore, I’d like to introduce it to you too. You may use it at home if you don’t have a severe sprain or strain.

Deep Transverse Friction Massage (Adapted from http://www.time-to-run.com/massage/procedures.htm)
It is a specific technique for treating muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joint capsules. The major goal of transverse massage is to move transversely across a ligament or tendon to mobilize it as much as possible.

The massage must be directly over the site of lesion and pain. The fingers move with the skin and do not slide over it. Massage across the grain of the affected tissue. The thicker the structure, the more the friction is given. The technique is to sweep back and forth over the full width of the tissue. Massage should not be given to acute injuries or over highly swollen tissues. A few minutes of this method will produce a numbness in the area, and exercise or mobilization can be instituted.

For the position of the hands, please see the illustrations in the above link.

Here are some illustrations from online Anatomy of the Human Body. You can use these illustrations as a guide to decide the moving direction of deep friction massage.
http://www.ombregt.be/engels/friction.htm (for more information about deep friction massage)

Session I.
Q1:Have you ever sprained your joints or strained your muscles? How did you manage it? Did you think it would heal by itself automatically as time went by and did nothing about it? Or did you seek any kind of medical help? What was the result? Were you fully recovered without any aftereffects?

Q2:(a) Have you ever learned knowledge about managing sports injuries? If you have, where did you get the information? (b) Do you think it is easy to access medical knowledge nowadays? If you or your family members have health problems, what would you do? Would you actively collect medical information (eg. search for the medical information on the internet or read the latest medical studies) before deciding what to do? Or just directly go to see a doctor you are not familiar with?

Q3:What are your opinions about Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and folk remedies? Which kind of the above medical services do you prefer? Why?

Session II.
Practice time!
I’ll give some descriptions about the patient in each group. Please discuss with your partners about how you would like to treat this patient for his or her best benefits, and demonstrate your treatments too.

We may need some stage properties such as ankle braces, knee braces, elbow braces, supporters, elastic bandage, gauze, hot packs, cold packs, and crutches (or umbrellas as makeshift ones). If you happen to have those things mentioned above, please bring them to the scene this Saturday afternoon and let me know in advance (leave a message here). Thanks a lot! :D :D :D 8) 8) 8)

聚會時間:星期六 請準時2:00 pm 到 ~ 約4:00 pm 左右結束
聚會地點:加州陽光2F 台北市大安路一段84巷4號 02-27512955
忠孝東路 SOGO 附近之永福樓對面Bistro 98大樓-->大安路-->貴婦人終極養生館-->第一條巷子右轉

1. 請事先準備2~3分鐘的英語自我介紹;討論完畢後可能會請你發表1~2分鐘的感想(feedback)。
2. 請事先閱討論主題相關內容以及host所提的問題,並事先寫下自己所欲發表意見的英文。
3. 來之前請先讀一下在討論主題,思考一下如何回答及討論。
4. 在正式加入之前(繳交可退還之押金NT$1,000),可以先來觀摩三次。

發表於 : 週四 8月 18, 2005 12:22 am

sports injury 運動傷害
rehabilitation 復健
physical therapy 物理治療
physical therapist 物理治療師
therapeutic 治療的
musculoskeletal 肌肉骨骼的
neuromuscular 神經肌肉的
cardiopulmonary 心肺的
pediatric 兒科的
geriatric 老年的
obstetric 產科的
gynecologic 婦科的
sprain 關節, 韌帶扭傷
strain 肌肉拉傷
traditional Chinese medicine 中醫
acupuncture 針灸
folk remedy 偏方
approach 方法
acute 急性的
chronic 慢性的
ultrasound 超音波
short wave 短波
electrotherapy 電療
joint capsule 關節囊
numbness 麻木
mobilization 關節鬆動術
anatomy 解剖學
illustration 圖示,圖解
heal 癒合
recover 康復
stage property 道具
ankle brace 護踝
knee brace 護膝
elbow brace 護肘
elastic bandage 彈性繃帶
gauze 紗布
hot pack 熱敷包
cold pack 冷敷包
crutch 腋下柺杖
cane 手杖(有四腳的稱quadricane,單根的稱regular cane)
makeshift 臨時代用的

Introduction of sprains and strains

orthopaedic 骨科的
surgeon 外科醫師
connective tissue 結締組織
ligament 韌帶(骨頭之間靠此連接)
tendon 肌腱(肌肉末端連接到骨骼之處)
tendinitis 肌腱炎
inflammation 發炎
swelling 腫脹
edema 水腫
trauma 外傷
stretch 牽拉
overuse 過度使用
repetitive 反覆的
precipitate 促使
contraction 收縮
susceptible 易受影響的
hockey 曲棍球
boxing 拳擊
wrestling 摔角
hurdling 跨欄
long jump 跳遠
gymnastics 體操
rowing 划船
incidence 發生率
racquet 球拍
bruise 瘀傷
mild 輕度的
moderate 中度的
severe 重度的
tear 撕裂
excruciating 極痛苦的
muscle spasm 肌肉痙孿
vulnerable 易受傷的
hamstring 大腿後方肌肉的名字--膕旁腱肌
quadriceps 大腿前方肌肉的名字--股四頭肌
recur 復發
immune 免疫的

Take ankle sprain for example.

stretching exercise 牽拉運動
severity 嚴重度
limp 跛行
frostbite 凍傷
cast 石膏固定(plaster, gypsum皆可做石膏)
clockwise 順時針方向的
counterclockwise 反時針方向的
gastrocnemius腓腸肌, soleus比目魚肌 皆是小腿後方的肌肉,合稱calf muscle,下以Achilles tendon連於heel

發表於 : 週四 8月 18, 2005 11:16 am


cane 手杖(有四腳的稱quadricane->也叫 walker)

發表於 : 週四 8月 18, 2005 5:41 pm
謝謝Wayne :)
walker助行器 與 quadricane四腳拐 是不同的
http://www.backschies.net/johns_party/p ... walker.htm

發表於 : 週四 8月 18, 2005 10:49 pm
所以請各位運動愛好者一定要做好事前” Warming-up exercise”哦

( :oops: ....不知會不會扯太遠了)

1. TDA台北舞館
其中”外籍老師”的影帶跳的是New Jazz, 音樂是New Jazz的始姐Janet Jackson 唱的, 可看出其與Jazz 是大不相同的, 所謂的Jazz則是像是片中”百老匯爵士 Cats 或 Chicago”所跳的.


3. Dance Soul
其強項為Hip Hop;上星期特別去觀摩了一下,學生還是佔滿了整個教室且學生較年輕化有國中生及高中生

4. 各大健身房的舞蹈教室
以亞力山大的舞蹈教室較多元化,且師資不輸一般的舞蹈教室,可於跳完激烈的Hip Hop後又參加下一堂的瑜珈舒緩筋骨,同時也可使用健身器材,游泳池,壁球場,運動後又可享受淋浴設備及三溫暖..等.

以上是本人的淺見,需要者可看看哦. 對不起, Phoebe, 我離題了, 還佔了這麼大的版面,請見諒.

發表於 : 週五 8月 19, 2005 3:50 am
I am no sport injury expert, but I am sure (in America) every victim of sports injury knows about this product. http://www.pfizer.com/pfizer/do/counter ... iginal.jsp

發表於 : 週五 8月 19, 2005 9:09 am
Phoebe 寫:謝謝Wayne :)
walker助行器 與 quadricane四腳拐 是不同的
http://www.backschies.net/johns_party/p ... walker.htm
Thanks for the correction.

發表於 : 週五 8月 19, 2005 12:01 pm
I am no sport injury expert, but I am sure (in America) every victim of sports injury knows about this product. http://www.pfizer.com/pfizer/do/counter ... iginal.jsp
This ointment, Bengay, has been approved and sold on the market, over-the-counter.
The chinese product name is 奔肌乳膏.
Its pharmacological function is anti-inflammatory, antipruritics and local anesthetic agents.
Just for reference :)

發表於 : 週五 8月 19, 2005 5:48 pm
technobabel 寫:I am no sport injury expert, but I am sure (in America) every victim of sports injury knows about this product. http://www.pfizer.com/pfizer/do/counter ... iginal.jsp
一位帥哥進入電梯,一位美女對他說:”你今天真的不一樣!”帥哥問”妳怎麼知道的呢?”美女說”You smell like Bengay”

發表於 : 週日 8月 21, 2005 12:51 pm
活絡肋骨=invigorate tendons and joints