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Welcome back, Wayne Ni

發表於 : 週四 11月 01, 2007 6:51 pm
很高興看到Wayne Ni逐漸恢復往日在forum的活躍度, 遙想數月前, 兩位Wayne同時消聲匿跡於定期討論會
(一位被老闆壓榨中 :wink: ,一位返回紐約過冬(候鳥習性?), Wayne Ni更是連forum都甚少現蹤,
當時令小弟有陣子頗感失落..... :cry:

許多人在問為何最近參加meeting的人數每況愈下,我想,兩位Wayne的缺席也是一部分原因吧. 少了Wayne Chiang
反向思考的刺激與Wayne Ni對new comer的溫馨照顧,以及兩位的好英文,討論會失色不少.....

發表於 : 週四 11月 01, 2007 7:04 pm
Here,here :D

發表於 : 週四 11月 01, 2007 9:41 pm
"Where, where; everywhere." :twisted: Oops!
很抱歉 由於新工作關係無法出席(尤其是星期三 :evil: ) 希望能夠儘快出現(星期六)

發表於 : 週五 11月 02, 2007 1:37 pm
Hear hear is an expression that originated as hear ye, or hear him, usually repeated. This imperative was used to call attention to a speaker's words, and naturally developed the sense of a broad expression of favour. This is how it is still used today, although one can always vary one's tone to express different sentiments; the Oxford English Dictionary noted around the turn of the century that the phrase is now the regular form of cheering in the House of Commons, and expresses, according to intonation, admiration, acquiescence, indignation, derision, etc.
