爆笑法庭英語 -- "The Judge" (Rowan Atkinson)

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爆笑法庭英語 -- "The Judge" (Rowan Atkinson)

文章 Lydia »

法庭英語給人的刻板印象可能是專業的 嚴肅的 8)
但是由 Rowan Atkinson 來當法官
真的讓人在歡笑中忘了法庭的存在 ! :twisted:


Barrister: And it is my intention to prove to this court that my client is completely innocent of the charges of theft for which he stands accused. In evidence, I will produce receipts, receipts given to me by my client as definite proof of purchase for the three articles allegedly stolen. This one for the digital watch.

Judge: A digital watch? What on earth is a digital watch?

Barrister: Sorry, my Lord. A digital watch is a watch worked by micro-electronics.

Judge: Oh, how fascinating. Proceed.

Barrister: Thank you, my Lord. I will also be producing a receipt for the automatic video recorder, which I...

Judge: Automatic video recorder?

Barrister: Yes, they're quite popular these days, my Lord. It's a machine that records television programs on special tape.

Judge: Oh, how fascinating. What will they think of next? Proceed.

Barrister: Thank you, my Lord. And finally, I will produce a receipt for my client's "Deluxe Model Inflatable Woman", whatever that is.

Judge: The Deluxe is the one with real hair and the lifelike texture.

:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:


律師 attorney, barrister, counsellor, gownsman, lawyer
attorney <美> 律師, (業務或法律事務上的)代理人
barrister (在英國有資格出席高等法庭並辯護的)律師, 法律顧問
counsellor 顧問, 律師, 輔導員
gownsman 頭班上穿長袍式禮服的人(如法官、律師、教授等)
lawyer 律師; 法學家


enough to puzzle a Philadelphia lawyer [美]錯綜複雜, 誰也分解不開
forecastle lawyer 喜歡顯示自己熟悉航海規則的水手; 喜歡爭論[抱怨、 議論]的人
good lawyer 懂法律的人
poor lawyer 不懂法律的人
jack-leg lawyer [美]品德惡劣的律師; 訟棍
Philadelphia lawyer [美口]非常精明的律師(尤指擅長詞令和善耍手段者)
sea lawyer 鯊魚; 強詞奪理的水手; 對工作斤斤計較的人

原告 accuser, plaintiff, prosecutor
accuser 上訴人, 責難者; 原告
例句︰According to the law, the accuser, the accused, and the judge were each allowed to talk for the same length of time.
按照法律, 每一原告、被告及法官都准許有等長的時間發言。
反義詞︰the accused
plaintiff 起訴人, 原告
prosecutor 起訴人, 告發人, 檢舉人
indictor 起訴者 [名詞] indictment 起訴

被告 appellee, defendant, indictee, respondent, the accused
appellee 被告, 被上訴人
defendant [名詞]被告;被告人;[形容詞]辯護的, 為自己辯護的
indictee 被告
源于動詞 indict 控告, 控訴; 對......起訴
如 indict a person for murder
respondent [名詞]被告;[形容詞]被告的
the accused 被告

法官 deemster, gownsman, judge, judiciary, justicer, law-officer
n. 法官, 審判員, 裁判員, 鑑賞家, 鑑定人
vt. 審理, 鑑定, 判斷, 判決, 斷定, 認為
vi. 下判斷, 作評價
Judge [注意是大寫首字母] 最高審判者(指上帝)


as grave as a judge 扳起面孔
as grave as an awl 扳起面孔
as sober as a judge 十釐清醒; 非常嚴肅
judging by (或from)根據...來判斷
judge advocate 軍法檢察官
Judge Advocate General 軍法署署長
deemster (英屬馬恩島)法官 (該島有兩名法官,此處可指其中任何一位)
gownsman 頭班上穿長袍式禮服的人(如法官、律師、教授等)
(adj.) 司法的, 法院的。如 judiciary proceedings 審判程式
(n.) 司法部, 司法官, 審判員
judiciaries 法官(總稱)
justicer 法官
law-officer 法官, 司法官, 檢察總長
bands 法官,牧師或博士服之領飾


clerk 書記官
appeal 上訴
appellant 上訴人
appellee 被上訴人
counterclaim 反訴
holding 法院判決
complaint 起訴狀
answer 答辯狀
dismiss 駁回
bail 保釋
bond 提供擔保
forum 法院
hearing 聽証會
jury 陪審團
foreman of jury 陪審團主席
offender 罪犯
suspect 犯罪嫌疑人

出自: http://englishhome.bokee.com/5964937.html

YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

文章 Kooper »

判決 [n]: verdict, ruling

無罪判決: a guilty verdict
有罪判決: a not guilty verdict

陪審團決定判決: to reach a verdict (= to make a decision)
ex: It took the jury 24 hours of deliberations to reach their verdict.

陪審團宣布判決: to return a verdict (= tell the court your decision)
ex: The jury returned a guilty verdict.
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

文章 Kooper »

the Bar: all lawyers thought of as a group or the profession of being a lawyer

bar exam: an examination that people must pass in order to become lawyers

to work as a lawyer: to practice law, to practice as a lawyer