OOPS! I found a flaw on... 凸鎚英文

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註冊時間: 週四 5月 13, 2004 10:53 am
來自: Taipei, Taiwan, Pandemonium

OOPS! I found a flaw on... 凸鎚英文

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Native speakers do make mistakes in their speech or writing. Sometimes, the mistake is a tongue slip or a lapse, and other times a blooper or a glitch. Don't be afraid make mistakes when you use English, as native English speakers will do the same.

I read reports on NBA games often on ESPN's NBA websit. Once in a while, I find some mistakes, like this one.

"As Pierce jogged onto the court with a black elastic wrap on his knee, Garnett clinched a fist and screamed, "Yes!"

The word "clinched" actually should be "clenched".

{MACMILLAN English-Chinese Dictionary}
clench: if you clench a part of your body such as your hand or your mouth, or if it clenches, you close it tightly, specially because you are angry or upset. (尤指因生氣或不安)握緊,繃緊,咬緊: He clenched his fists in frustration. 他氣惱得握緊拳頭 I could see the muscles in his jaw clench. 我看得出來他下巴的肌肉繃緊了
clenched teeth/fists咬牙切齒/緊握雙拳

clinch: to manage to win or achieve something by doing one final thing that makes it certain.最終贏得;最終達成;敲定
clinch a victory/game/deal
Tim Johnson scored the goals that clinched the victory. 提姆.強生踢進勝負關鍵的幾個球
clinch it (for somebody)(使某人)下定決心 {要用"事"做clinch的主詞喔}
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