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註冊時間: 週四 5月 13, 2004 10:53 am
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6.19. Roger擔任host的讀書會中提到有關比較正面的personal traits的用字,其中之一是considerate這個字,我猜想他的意思就是指「體貼」。在英文報紙的徵友徵婚廣告中也會有類似的字眼,我的觀察和統計是:caring用的最多,也偶見considerate和thoughtful。


1. always thinking of what other people need, or want, and being careful not to upset them: Natalie is considerate and responsible – a perfect daughter. | [+ of] It very considerate of you to let us you were going to be late. (Longman Advanced American Dictionary, 2000) thoughtful of the wishes, needs, or feelings of others 體貼的,關心的;替他人著想的,考慮周全的: Your children are always considerate towards old people. 你的孩子們總是非常體貼老人。 | It was very considerate of you to let us know you were going to be late. 你事先就告訴我們你會來得晚些,真是考慮得很周全。 thoughtful about other people’s rights or feelings 想得周到的;體貼的:It was very considerate of you to tell us you would be late. 你事先就告訴我們你會晚到,想得真是周到。(朗文進階英漢雙解詞典,2001)
2. Someone who is considerate pays attention to the needs, wishes, or feelings of other people.關懷體貼的;通情達理的;體諒的 He’s the most charming, most considerate man I’ve ever known. 他是我所見過最有魅力,最會體貼的人。Try to be considerate of other people.嘗試去體貼他人。(Collins Cobuild 高階英漢詞典,2003)
3. careful not to hurt inconvenience others; thoughtful 為他人著想的;考慮周到的: a considerate person, act, attitude 體貼別人的人、行為、態度等。 Considerate towards her employees 能體貼她那些雇員。 It was considerate of you not to play the piano while I was asleep. 在我睡覺時你不彈鋼琴,真是體貼入微。(牛津高階英漢雙解詞典,第四版,1995) always thinking of other people’s wishes and feelings; careful not to hurt or upset others: she is always polite and considerate towards her employees. It was very considerate of him to wait. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 6th edition, 2000)
4. thinking about the feelings of other people: It was very considerate of you to include me. (Macmillan English Dictionary, 2002)
5. kind and helpful: It wasn’t very considerate of you to drink all the milk. (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2003)
6. 強調行為的無私精神,促成行動的寬厚態度。一個considerate的人會顧及別人的情感,瞭解他們的情況,響應他的需要。他在行動之前會考慮到後果,覺得他應該不使別人受到不必要的麻煩、困難或痛苦。Considerate people who try not to disturb a convalescent with their noise. (不大聲吵病人的體貼的人) He is considerate of old people.(他體諒老人) (我認為這裡的considerate不能用thoughtful或caring代替。) (讀者文摘英文字用法指南,1981)
7. 強調使他人不致遭遇到痛苦以及不愉快的事,而對其感情以及處境表同情、關切。The manager was considerate enough to postpone the time for payment. (文馨最新英漢辭典,1993)
8. (指關懷體貼別人的意思。)著重關切別人的情緒及權益,且欲使其不致遭遇到不安、痛苦或不愉快的事: She is considerate enough to tell her parents where she goes. 她很能體諒她的父母,故告訴他們她要到那裡去。(遠東英漢大辭典,1989)
9. (描述對他人彬彬有禮及關心、愛護的行為,或具有這樣行為的人。)體貼人的,強調行為之中包含的無私、寬宏大度的精神或品質。如果用來形容人,則指此人時時將他人的悲歡冷暖掛在心上,能瞭解到他人處境,並樂於幫助他人。還指此人在行動前考慮周到,且把為別人分憂解難當作自己應做的事情:considerate neighbors who try not to disturb a convalescent with their noise 不願弄出聲響休養所的善良的鄰居們;該詞後面可加of後跟一個賓語:He is considerate of old people. 他關心長輩。considerate 著重關心他人的感情,設法減輕他人的痛苦: He was too courteous and considerate to make stubborn subordinates bend properly to his will. 他對人十分客氣和體諒,不迫使固執的下屬服從他的意志/A considerate wife never bothers her husband when he is tired. 一個體貼的妻子從不在她丈夫疲倦時去吵他。(英語同義詞辨析大詞典,1993)

1. always thinking of the things you can do to make people happy or comfortable: Paula’s such a thoughtful girl.| [+ of] It was really thoughtful of you to remember my birthday. (Longman Advanced American Dictionary, 2000) paying attention to the wishes, feelings, needs, etc, of other people; CONSIDERATE It was very thoughtful of you to stop and give me a lift. 你太費心了,停下來載我一段路。 | a thoughtful person 體貼別人的人。 (朗文英英英漢雙解當代高級辭典,1997) paying attention to the feelings of other people 體貼的;周到的: It was thoughtful of you to visit me.謝謝你費心來看我。 | a thoughtful present 想得很周到的禮物。(朗文進階英漢雙解詞典,2001)
2. If you describe someone such as thoughtful, you approve of them because they remember what other people want, need, or feel, and try not to upset them.體貼的,關懷的,考慮周到的。 a thoughtful and caring man… Thank you. That’s very thoughtful of you… It was a very kind and thoughtful gesture. (Collins Cobuild 高階英漢詞典,2003/Collins Cobuild English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, 2001)
3. showing thought for the needs of others; considerate 顧及他人需要的;體諒的;體貼的;關切的: It was showing that you think about and care for other people: It was thoughtful of you to send the flowers. 你送花來,想得真周到。(牛津高階英漢雙解詞典,第四版)
4. kind and always thinking about how you can help other people: Thank you for phoning when I was ill – it was very thoughtful of you. * She’s a very thoughtful person. (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2003)
5. kind and showing that you consider what other people want or need is important: Caroline is such a thoughtful young woman.*“I brought you some tea.” “That’s very thoughtful of you.” (Macmillan English Dictionary, 2002)
6. 強調行為的無私精神,促成行動的寬厚態度。一個thoughtful的人是considerate,但是還會更進一步,積極地關注別人,因而能預見別人的需要。他想到他可能給人的好處,然後採取行動,希望能夠對人有所幫助,或者使人高興。thoughtful friends who offer to buy groceries for a sick neighbor。(願代有病的鄰人買食品的關心的朋友)It was thoughtful of you to remember my birthday. (你很周到,還記得我的生日)thoughtful 這個字也可以被用來只一個可喜的憶念。例如:a very thoughtful gift(一件想得很周到的禮品) (讀者文摘英文字用法指南,1981)
7. 指關切別人的幸福、利益、需要、希望等It was thoughtful of you to send me the flower. (文馨最新英漢辭典,1993)
8. (指關懷體貼別人的意思。)強調關心別人的安%試與幸福,而自動地做一些有助於他人幸福或快樂的事: A thoughtful neighbor, knowing the girl was sick and alone, took her hot food. 一個關心的鄰居,知道這個女孩孤零有疾,便給她一些熱的食物。(遠東英漢大辭典,1989)
9. (用於指人或人的行為,表示關心別人的舒適與幸福。)指無私地關心他人,能瞭解別人的需要:a thoughtful generous man 一個慷慨的能體諒別人的人/It was very thoughtful of you to make all the necessary arrangements for us. 你們考慮得真周到,為我們做好了一切必要的安排。(英語同義詞辨析大詞典,1993)

1. someone who is caring thinks about what other people need or would like, and tries to help them: Roger’s a warm and caring person. | a caring family (Longman Advanced American Dictionary, 2001)
2. If someone is caring, they are affectionate, helpful, and sympathetic. 體貼的,關心的…a loving, caring husband溫柔體貼的丈夫。He is a very lovely boy, very gentle and caring. (Collins Cobuild 高階英漢詞典,2003/Collins Cobuild English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, 2001)
3. kind, helpful and showing that you care about other people: He’s a very caring person. * Children need a caring environment. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 6th edition, 2000)
4. caring: describes someone who is kind and gives emotional support to others: I’ve always thought of Jo as a very caring person. (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2003)
5. kind, helpful, and sympathetic toward other people (Macmillan English Dictionary, 2002)


戀愛中或結了婚的女人都希望她的另一半"體貼"... 你覺得"體貼"應該用那個英文字呢?看起來caring的定義比較狹窄,並且常常不能代替considerate或thoughtful。此字帶有更多的感情(關心注意別人的需要,並且強調更富有摯愛affectionate, 幫助helpful, and 同感sympathetic的心情與態度),所以我個人認為最接近「體貼」的是caring這個字.當然最好是kind,caring,considerate,thoughtful,attentive…都有,那就perfect啦!

用法:considerate 和thoughtful後面跟介系詞of (人),常用it is considerate/thoughtful of somebody 的句型。caring通常要放在名詞前面而不用做主詞補語。thoughtful可以放在名詞前面,後面也可以跟介系詞towards (人)或跟不定詞。
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註冊時間: 週四 8月 28, 2003 10:12 pm
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文章 Samuel »

文章: 1500
註冊時間: 週四 5月 13, 2004 10:53 am
來自: Taipei, Taiwan, Pandemonium

文章 Wayne »

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註冊時間: 週日 3月 28, 2004 1:41 pm
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文章 Alice »

給Wayne掌聲吧!!!! :D
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註冊時間: 週日 12月 28, 2003 11:26 pm

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In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.---Albert Schweitzer 史懷哲
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註冊時間: 週六 8月 16, 2003 11:34 am
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文章 austin »

yoyo又多了個熱心的member 啦...真好!
There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.