這位參賽者因為說了不恰當的笑話, 被川普Fired!!

YOYO member
文章: 709
註冊時間: 週五 4月 24, 2009 6:09 pm

這位參賽者因為說了不恰當的笑話, 被川普Fired!!

文章 Michael-liu »

Dear Yo Yo members,

In the below video, one of the male participants told an inappropriate joke. Donald Trump felt offended and got his guy fired!!

So, the moral of this video is 笑話不能亂說, 要看場合....

I love this reality show "The Apprentice" a lot. We can learn much about doing business and team work as well from this show. Also, Donald Trump is a decisive leader, even though he is sort of a controversial person.

Anyone ever watched this show too?


YOYO member
文章: 1188
註冊時間: 週六 5月 14, 2005 8:42 pm
來自: Eastern Seaboard

Re: 這位參賽者因為說了不恰當的笑話, 被川普Fired!!

文章 technobabel »

For the sake of TV rating, Mr. Trump may have the authority in determining what is "恰當" in this instance.
But, in real life, self-referential use of the phrase "white trash" is quite common.
I hope this dramatic demostration of managerial tyranny isn't reflective of what is typical in the corporate world.
I am not abandoning Yoyo, I am just dancing slowly away from it.
YOYO member
文章: 709
註冊時間: 週五 4月 24, 2009 6:09 pm

Re: 這位參賽者因為說了不恰當的笑話, 被川普Fired!!

文章 Michael-liu »

technobabel 寫:For the sake of TV rating, Mr. Trump may have the authority in determining what is "恰當" in this instance.
But, in real life, self-referential use of the phrase "white trash" is quite common.
I hope this dramatic demostration of managerial tyranny isn't reflective of what is typical in the corporate world.
Hi, Wayne

1. First of all, I don't agree Mr. Trump fired this guy "for the sake of TV rating". I believe the reason is he felt offended because he is a white person himself.

2. Secondly, I understand this expression is quite commonly used to joke about yourself, but i think only among friends. As you may know, this show is a real job interview. Mr. Trump is looking for people to be supervisers for his real estate projects. So, when it comes to talking to our boss, we need to be careful with our wording. We may not like this, but if you want to talk about "real life", I am afraid this is real "real life".

3. 讓我做個比喻, 郭台銘是外省籍, 如果他在面試某個主管人選時, 這個被面試者自我解嘲說"我是那種所謂的外省豬", 你覺得郭台銘會不會感覺"offended" ?
( Sorry, no offense to anyone, it is just an analogy here )

YOYO member
文章: 480
註冊時間: 週三 11月 07, 2007 11:49 pm

Re: 這位參賽者因為說了不恰當的笑話, 被川普Fired!!

文章 Georgia »

OK. First of all, I would like to say, I never intended to join this conversation when Michael asked me to, since I'm already burning in hell at my job. However he asked for my opinion, and so I watched the video, then told him what I thought. Of course he disagreed with me and sort of tried to debate with me, SORT OF. He knows well how to trigger my impulse to bring out more explanation and analyzation, and knows even better when to pitch the line "OK, you got a good point, so you can post your opinion now." Michael you sly swine......
Therefore, I'll just paste what I've typed five minutes ago to Mike. Of course, it's in Chinese.

外省豬 是對所有外省人的賤稱
white trash 則不是對所有白種人的賤稱
而是專指 沒有出息的白種人

外省本省 這個議題本來就不能跟白種黑種類比 差太多
我建議你把那一條拿掉 避免不必要的離題
針對 white trash 在這裡是否使用失宜

我也覺得是節目效果 開除太OVER
他們在談論 在辯論
主管不爽是覺得,你怎麼可以說自己很卑賤 這是很笨的行為
但是說話者的意思只是要表達 他出身卑微貧賤
是大眾定義的 white trash---沒什麼錢 沒啥成就 沒啥背景
但是那位主管對 white trash 的認知不同
但是在美國講自己是 white trash 確實很普通 沒什麼
white trash 只有在罵別人時 是很嚴重的
你想,孔子都說 吾少也賤 了

YOYO member
文章: 10
註冊時間: 週五 3月 19, 2010 5:47 pm

Re: 這位參賽者因為說了不恰當的笑話, 被川普Fired!!

文章 Mountain »

I don't really understand what the word "white trash" mean in US society. However, it seems a "racist word" to me. So, I guess for some sensitive people like Donald Trump, this word could be insulting. Even if this is a common word being used in daily conversations, I don't think this kind of business occasion is an appropriate place to use it. People should be more serious in this kind of occasion.

Besides, I think the guy also made another mistake by failing to admit his fault. When Donald Trump asked the guy "do you think white trash is a pretty bad statement for yourself?" He should have understood that his joke wasn't appreciated by the person who has the power to fire him. He should have admitted that he used the wrong word and apologized for it. But he didn't. So I think he got fired for a fair reason.

YOYO member
文章: 1188
註冊時間: 週六 5月 14, 2005 8:42 pm
來自: Eastern Seaboard

Re: 這位參賽者因為說了不恰當的笑話, 被川普Fired!!

文章 technobabel »

Some people seemed to embrace the term "white trash" with a stride.

I am not abandoning Yoyo, I am just dancing slowly away from it.
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: 這位參賽者因為說了不恰當的笑話, 被川普Fired!!

文章 Kooper »

technobabel 寫:Some people seemed to embrace the term "white trash" with a stride.

Dear Wayne,

Please allow me to digress for a while. What does "embrace sth with a stride" mean here?
YOYO member
文章: 1188
註冊時間: 週六 5月 14, 2005 8:42 pm
來自: Eastern Seaboard

Re: 這位參賽者因為說了不恰當的笑話, 被川普Fired!!

文章 technobabel »

Kooper 寫:
Please allow me to digress for a while. What does "embrace sth with a stride" mean here?
When using words to convey meanings, there are a few things to consider.
1. the literal
2. the metaphorical
3. the contextual
4. the intented
5. the perceived
On a good day, all of the above should converge to form an understanding that is crystal clear.
But, how can I begin to explain when I do not know how much you don't know?
You need to give me some hints here.
I am not abandoning Yoyo, I am just dancing slowly away from it.
YOYO member
文章: 2164
註冊時間: 週三 10月 31, 2007 9:03 am

Re: 這位參賽者因為說了不恰當的笑話, 被川普Fired!!

文章 Rock »

This on-line debate is unbelievable! You guys are so good.

However, after checking the video several times (because Michael said this can be a listening comprehension or what), I found out something: Trump intended to fire him. You can check his face--he was not happy from the very beginning, and the atmosphere in the room was quite intense. This guy wasn't fired for no reason. There must be something behind.

I don't like him, either. He talked way too fast that I couldn't get him at all.

Hey, Michael, I need something easier for listening comprehension. :lol: