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an associate vs an acquaintance

發表於 : 週六 1月 02, 2016 9:25 pm
What's the exact meaning of "associate" as a person? How is an associate different from an acquaintance or a friend? :?

Re: an associate vs an acquaintance

發表於 : 週日 1月 03, 2016 4:35 pm
I guess sometimes they are the same. But you may break people's heart when you refer them as your acquaintances because it sounds "distant".

Re: an associate vs an acquaintance

發表於 : 週日 1月 10, 2016 1:28 am
According to Longman Dictionary,

Associate is "someone who you work or do business with [= colleague]"

Acquaintance is "someone you know, but who is not a close friend" ( I see a term in the dictionary => acquaintance rape = date rape)