YOYO-ISG 101107 Desperate Housewives Episode2,part 2

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註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

YOYO-ISG 101107 Desperate Housewives Episode2,part 2

文章 Kooper »

Dear ISG members,

I'd like to spend a little more time on the words and expressions used in episode 2 (or episode 1 if you'd like to). I reckon we've missed many good words and expressions that deserve more of our attention and we'll miss further more if we keep on discussing this series at current pace. Let's revisit episode 2 (or episode 1 if you'd like to) this week. Please list five more words or expressions used in this episode and provide sentences showing how to use them. We'll practice them during the meeting. Let's make better use of the episode to improve our English capabilities.
YOYO member
文章: 520
註冊時間: 週三 10月 03, 2007 4:23 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101107 Desperate Housewives Episode2,part 2

文章 chiron »

Kooper 寫:Dear ISG members,

I'd like to spend a little more time on the words and expressions used in episode 2 (or episode 1 if you'd like to). I reckon we've missed many good words and expressions that deserve more of our attention and we'll miss further more if we keep on discussing this series at current pace. Let's revisit episode 2 (or episode 1 if you'd like to) this week. Please list five more words or expressions used in this episode and provide sentences showing how to use them. We'll practice them during the meeting. Let's make better use of the episode to improve our English capabilities.
For my personal reason, we may have this meeting one hour earlier since 7:00 on Sunday morning. Pls forgive my willful request again, so sorry to ask that.

p.s. We may discuss these when time allows:

1. Are you brainwashed by this drama that human nature is always competitive and selfish?
2. How should we deal with the dirty laundry we all have?
3. Why are thes DW so noisy, especially Mrs. 修博?
4. Are these kids copy their parents' behavior? In what way?
最後由 chiron 於 週一 11月 01, 2010 12:42 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
Please call me Na'vi!
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101107 Desperate Housewives Episode2,part 2

文章 Kooper »

Question: What does "Just so you know" mean here?
DR GOLDFINE: I'm sure Freud would not approve of this.
BREE: Oh, who cares what he thinks? I took psychology in college, we learned all about Freud. A miserable human being.
DR GOLDFINE: What makes you say that?
BREE: Well, think about it. He grew up in the late 1800's, there were no appliances back then. His mother had to do everything by hand, just backbreaking work from sunup to sundown. Not to mention the countless other sacrifices she probably had to make to take care of her family. And what does he do? He grows up and becomes famous, peddling a theory that the problems of most adults can be traced back to something awful their mother has done. (sighs) She must have felt so betrayed. He saw how hard she worked; he saw what she did for him. Did he even ever think to say, thank you? I doubt it. (smiles at DR. GOLDFINE, helping him put his jacket back on.) There you go.
DR GOLDFINE: Just so you know, many of Freud's theories have been discredited.
BREE: Good. (smiles, turns to leave)
YOYO member
文章: 520
註冊時間: 週三 10月 03, 2007 4:23 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101107 Desperate Housewives Episode2,part 2

文章 chiron »

Kooper 寫:Question: What does "Just so you know" mean here?
DR GOLDFINE: I'm sure Freud would not approve of this.
BREE: Oh, who cares what he thinks? I took psychology in college, we learned all about Freud. A miserable human being.
DR GOLDFINE: What makes you say that?
BREE: Well, think about it. He grew up in the late 1800's, there were no appliances back then. His mother had to do everything by hand, just backbreaking work from sunup to sundown. Not to mention the countless other sacrifices she probably had to make to take care of her family. And what does he do? He grows up and becomes famous, peddling a theory that the problems of most adults can be traced back to something awful their mother has done. (sighs) She must have felt so betrayed. He saw how hard she worked; he saw what she did for him. Did he even ever think to say, thank you? I doubt it. (smiles at DR. GOLDFINE, helping him put his jacket back on.) There you go.
DR GOLDFINE: Just so you know, many of Freud's theories have been discredited.
BREE: Good. (smiles, turns to leave)
-just want to let you know
EX: just so you know, you are actually ugly like hell

-A phrase tacked on to the end of a statement to imply that the information being given is simply a courtesy, when in reality there are specific expectations of you now that you have this information
EX: (What Danielle says to guy she's been seeing:) Oh, hey I decativated my profile on the dating website, just so you know.
(What Danielle REALLY means: You better take your dang profile off the dating website too....NOW!!!!)

This should be a regular usage.
Please call me Na'vi!
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101107 Desperate Housewives Episode2,part 2

文章 Kooper »

1. 要某人待在某地不要離開時說:
2. 要某人放開抓住你的手時說:
3. 不想當電燈泡而婉拒別人的邀約時說:
4. 詢問最近遭逢困境的朋友最近如何時說:
5. 辦活動, 當他人主動詢問是否可參加或帶朋友參加時, 表達歡迎之意(人愈多愈好之意)時說:
6. 主人娓婉表達逐客令,但話還沒說完時, 訪客可說 (意指:不用再說了, 我知道你的意思, 我會馬上離開):
7. 對某人生氣地大聲嚷嚷/咆哮後, 事後道歉時說:
8. 形容你和某人一開始不對盤, 但現在成了好朋友:
9. 催促人動作快點時說: (4種說法)
10. 自己養的狗對他人狂吠時,帶歉意地說:
11. 發現一個不該在該處出現的東西時問:
12. 要某人繫上安全帶時說:
13. 當對方說了一段令你驚訝的評論後, 你想知道為何對方這麼說時:
14. 叫某個正在遠離的人回來:
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101107 Desperate Housewives Episode2,part 2

文章 Kooper »

If sth rekindles an interest/feeling/thought that you used to have, it makes you think about it or feel it again.
Ex: His recent move to Utah rekindled Jack's interest in skiing.
Ex: The trial has rekindled painful memories of the war.
Ex: The holiday was a last chance to rekindle their love.

come close to doing sth: to almost/nearly do sth
Ex: I was so mad I came close to hitting him.
Ex: I came close to giving up several times.

lay claim to sth: to say officially that you own sth
Ex: Both Britain and Argentina lay claim to the Falkland Islands.
Ex: Two companies have laid claim to the design.
Ex: A stranger who said he was my father's brother had arrived to lay claim to his fortune.

If a joke/remark is lost on sb, they don't understand it.
Ex: The joke was lost on Alex.
Ex: All my warnings were completely lost on Beth.

If sth such as a business/a political party/a team takes a beating, it is defeated by a large amount in a competition or election.
Ex: Our firm has taken a terrible beating in recent years.
Ex: We took a beating in our last match.
Ex: The Dodgers took a real beating on Saturday.
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101107 Desperate Housewives Episode2,part 2

文章 Kooper »

Here are words that have been listed last week.
facade [singular]: an outward appearance which is deliberately false (more pleasant than the reality) and gives you a wrong impression about sb/sth

Ex: Behind that amiable façade, he's a deeply unpleasant man.
Ex: Behind her cheerful façade, she's a really lonely person.
Ex: She managed to maintain a façade of bravery.
Ex: We're fed up with this façade of democracy.
Ex: They hide the troubles plaguing their marriage behind a facade of family togetherness.

thunderbolt [c]: an announcement, event or idea that is very surprising or shocking
Ex: The idea hit her like a thunderbolt.

If you have a feeling in the pit of your stomach, you have a sick/tight feeling in your stomach, usually because you are nervous or afraid.
Ex: I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something terrible was going to happen.
Ex: I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when the news of the attack was announced.

1 tell him about it over coffe and pastry 閒聊的時候告訴他

2 age old question 老問題
3 to work out the kinks: to solve a predicament or whatever is bugging you and cause you pain (kink as a noun means: a short tight twist or curl caused by a doubling or winding of something upon itself) which is something painful.
4 track records 紀錄
Ex: We're lucky. This year we have two people with good track records running for Congress. It's hard to make up my mind, but I think I'll vote for Ms. Green because her track record is a little more impressive

Ex: Barry had been D.C.'s mayor for 12 years before he was put into prison for involvement with drugs in 1990. This time he was elected again. I just don't understand why people voted for him. He simply doesn't have a good track record.

5 Catch on: Finally understand what is going on
Everyone else realised what was happening, but it took Henry ages to CATCH ON.

6 throw a dinner:举行宴会
Ex: I will throw a dinner this weekend. Come and join us, OK?

7 Out of your hair:
If you get someone out of your hair, you get them to stop bothering or annoying you. ('Stay/keep/get out of my hair!' can be used as imperatives)
Sherry Liao
YOYO member
文章: 1486
註冊時間: 週五 12月 07, 2007 12:15 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101107 Desperate Housewives Episode2,part 2

文章 Sherry Liao »

Useful expressions:
1. I'll get to it as soon as I've done here.
2. We gotta find out what was going on. / Something must've been going on.
3. I'm gonna go make myself some warm milk. Would you like something to drink?
4. It's gotta be here somewhere. Just keep looking.
5. Don't be that way.
6. I just sorta (rolled outta bed).
7. I didn't mean to disturb you. I'll see you later.
8. I hope I'm not interrupting.
9. No, you've done more than enough. Truly.
10. That is a (beautiful rose). Where did you get it?
11. (It) cost me an arm and a leg.
12. I think we should change the subject, you know, unless you wanna keep talking about it.
Sherry Liao
YOYO member
文章: 1486
註冊時間: 週五 12月 07, 2007 12:15 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101107 Desperate Housewives Episode2,part 2

文章 Sherry Liao »

I am not familiar with oral expressions. But I think I've got some hints from this episode:

In oral sentences, sometimes replace “have to” with “gotta” or “’ve gotta / ’s gotta”
Ex.: We gotta find out what was going on.
Ex.: It's gotta be here somewhere.
Ex.: I gotta go.
Ex.: you've gotta stop now cause Mommy doesn't think it's funny!

Also, there is a whole bunch of “gonna” shown in the lines. Looks like it's a quite common usage in daily conversation. I think this word can be applied at least to the following circumstances:

1. “To be expected to happen in the future” or “planed to” or “scheduled to”:
Ex.: There's a chance we're not gonna like what we find.
Ex.: Because you're gonna come down with something semi-serious that requires bed-rest and fluids.
Ex.: I'm not gonna give you a ticket.
Ex.: If Edie's gonna be there, I'm gonna need emotional support.
Ex.: I'm just gonna take these upstairs.
Ex.: I was gonna give it to you the next time I mowed your lawn.
Ex.: In my heart, I still believe you and Carl are gonna get back together.
Ex.: She's never gonna find that kind of chemistry with another man.

2. To show intention:
Ex.: I'm gonna go make myself some, uh, warm milk. Would you like something to drink?
Ex.: I'm not gonna tell you again!
Ex.: I'm just gonna let you off with a warning.
Ex.: I am not gonna tell you again.
Ex.: You guys are gonna be in so much trouble if you don't sit back in those seats.
Ex.: Get back, or I'm gonna call Social Services!
Ex.: I am gonna go get dessert.
Ex.: I'm gonna say no.

3. “To be supposed to” or “should” (sometimes with "have to/need to")
Ex.: You're gonna cancel the meeting with that divorce lawyer, and we're gonna find ourselves a marriage counsellor.
Ex.: If you wanna date him, you're gonna have to ask him out.
Ex.: You're gonna hafta find a way to control them.
Ex.: I'm gonna hafta ask you to step back now.
Ex.: you're gonna need to put on your-
Ex.: You're not gonna buy your way outta this one.
Ex.: You and I are gonna talk.
Ex.: I didn't realize anyone was gonna be out here.
YOYO member
文章: 520
註冊時間: 週三 10月 03, 2007 4:23 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101107 Desperate Housewives Episode2,part 2

文章 chiron »

You almost use up all words and phrases, so I don't have too many choices.

[Good Words]
1. in search ofI've seen that Gabrielle was a drowning woman, desperately in search of a life raft.

2. nerd (n) a person who is boring, stupid and not fashionable
nerdy (a)

3. vocal (a) telling people your opinions or protesting about something loudly and with confidence
Rex has been very vocal about his issues.

4. fella (n) an informal way of referring to a man

[Good Sentences or Usages]
1. How much do we really wanna know about our neighbours?

2. She saw the tall drink of water she needed to quench her thirst.

3. Dinner with Tanaka ran long.

4. You're not gonna buy your way outta this one.

5. I have a theory. (I know it very clearly.)

POLICEMAN: Ma'am, you know why I pulled you over?
LYNETTE: I have a theory.

6. I'm just gonna let you off with a warning.

7. Edie's definitely a carnivore.

8. She wormed her way in. (不請自來)

9. It takes two to mess up a marriage.

10. We just got off on the wrong foot.

1. My babysitter joined the witness relocation program.

2. I was gonna take her out at the knees.
最後由 chiron 於 週日 11月 07, 2010 8:06 am 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
Please call me Na'vi!
文章: 136
註冊時間: 週日 5月 31, 2009 6:13 am

Re: YOYO-ISG 101107 Desperate Housewives Episode2,part 2

文章 janet12tw »

side table 咖啡桌
Ex: Mike, putting down a gun on his side table.

be burdened with 负重担, 麻烦
Ex: They don't need to be burdened with our marital problems, and if we're working things out, the least we could do is try to keep up appearnaces.

shindig 【美】【口】熱鬧喧嘩的社交聚會
Ex: Mary Alice: Paul never likes to have people over. Well, to heck with him, I'm doing it.
Susan: So when is this shindig?

flip 【口】無禮的, 魯莽的; 油腔滑調的
Ex: Lynette: We didn't exactly forget, it's just usually when the hostess dies, the party's off.
Bree: Lynette!
Lynette: I'm not being flip, I'm just pointing out a reality.

Scrape up: Manage to collect enough of something you need, usually money
Ex: It took me ages to SCRAPE UP the money for the tickets.
Ex: Susan: You can afford a cabin, but you can't scrape up child support?

Petulant: 任性的, 脾氣壞的
Ex: The expression around her mouth was petulant.
Ex: Karl: Come on, don't be petulant. Just pick up the stupid can
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101107 Desperate Housewives Episode2,part 2

文章 Kooper »

Stay put.
(1) Let go of me. (2) Leave me alone.
I don’t wanna intrude. (Two’s company,) three’s a crowd.
“I’m sorry about xxx. How are you holding up?”
辦活動, 當他人主動詢問是否可參加或帶朋友參加時, 表達歡迎之意(人愈多愈好之意)時說:
The more the merrier.
主人娓婉表達逐客令,但話還沒說完時, 訪客可說 (意指:不用再說了, 我知道你的意思, 我會馬上離開):
Say no more. I’ll get out of your hair.
對某人生氣地大聲嚷嚷/咆哮後, 事後道歉時說:
I’m really sorry that I snapped at you. (I was just so worried.)
形容你和某人一開始不對盤, 但現在成了好朋友:
We got off on the wrong foot, but we’re really best buddies now.
催促人動作快點時說: (4種說法)
(1) Come on! (2)Hurry up! (3) Move it. (4) Get moving.
Sorry, he scares easy.
How did it get in here?
Buckle up.
當對方說了一段令你驚訝的評論後, 你想知道為何對方這麼說時:
What makes you say that?
Get back (here).