ISG 110918 Beware the Jerks at Work

Sherry Liao
YOYO member
文章: 1486
註冊時間: 週五 12月 07, 2007 12:15 pm

ISG 110918 Beware the Jerks at Work

文章 Sherry Liao »

Dear new ISG members,

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I hope you all enjoy the holiday. Still, please don't forget to do the ISG assignment for this week:

Beware the jerks at work
An unfriendly workplace can cause premature death, study finds
August 15, 2011 ... 3305.story

Office politics can be deadly. Now there are numbers to prove it.

People who toiled alongside jerks, brown-nosers, blowhards and back-stabbers were 2.4 times more likely to die during a 20-year workplace study by Tel Aviv University.

Researchers tracked 820 people from varied professions who started out healthy in 1988. The study looked at the effects of workload, the amount of freedom given to workers to decide how to meet those demands, and social interactions with colleagues and supervisors. During the study, 53 of the workers died.

The dead tended to be workers who reported lower levels of peer support on the job. The correlation was most pronounced for those age 38 to 43, which makes perfect sense to us. If you're not running the world, or at least your cubicle pod, by age 40, then it's natural to wonder if things might be different if you weren't surrounded by snipes, divas, butt-kissers, bullies, ladder-pullers, predators, tattlers, control freaks, bathroom stalkers, naysayers, nit-pickers and know-it-alls, not that we have experience with any of those people ourselves.

Heigh ho, heigh ho.

Surprisingly, having a jerk for a boss doesn't seem to have an effect on longevity. It's the clown who wants to be your boss that you need to watch out for.

The study also found that having freedom to manage your workload lowered the risk of mortality for men and raised it for women, but we won't go into the possible explanations for that for fear of causing a life-threatening gender skirmish in the office.

Countless studies have shown that a toxic work environment zaps productivity, drives away talent, increases turnover and absenteeism, inhibits creativity and problem-solving, and destroys team cohesion.

Self-help gurus and corporate H.R. consultants made big bucks off the growing be-happy-at-work movement before it was rudely supplanted by the be-happy-you-have-a-job movement.

Now that we know our co-workers can actually kill us, we might want to avail ourselves of those resources again. We predict a nice bump in sales, for example, for the paperback version of Robert Sutton's 2007 best-seller, "The No A**hole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn't."

Hundreds of websites, many of them promoting books, DVDs or webinars, offer the chance to vent about your insufferable colleague and get constructive feedback from experts and commenters, who invariably suggest a frank, unemotional, private airing of grievances as a first step.

Alternately, you could visit and let 'er rip in an anonymous email, or even send one of the pre-written screeds helpfully provided on the site, though this wouldn't be a particularly collegial gesture on your part. Remember, co-workers can kill. It's safer for everyone if we all play nice.

1. Please choose one or several paragraphs from the above article and translate it/them into Chinese.
2. (Option) Post your Chinese translation in this thread.
3. Wait for a few days.
4. Translate your Chinese translation back into English and post it in this thread.

In Skype meeting:
We will compare our translations with the original article and discuss the difference between them.

Please do not try to memorize the original paragraphs before you translate them back into English.

(I think I will do it, though. I am a coward.... :ultra: )
Sherry Liao
YOYO member
文章: 1486
註冊時間: 週五 12月 07, 2007 12:15 pm

Re: ISG 110918 Beware the Jerks at Work

文章 Sherry Liao »

My assignment:



Tel Aviv大學一項為期20年對辦公場合的研究發現,長時間和笨蛋、馬屁精、吹牛大王,以及老在背後捅你一刀的人共事,死亡率比一般人高出2.4倍。



Beware the jerks at work
An unfriendly workplace can cause premature death, study finds

Office politics can be deadly. Now there are numbers to prove it.

People who toiled alongside jerks, brown-nosers, blowhards and back-stabbers were 2.4 times more likely to die during a 20-year workplace study by Tel Aviv University.

Researchers tracked 820 people from varied professions who started out healthy in 1988. The study looked at the effects of workload, the amount of freedom given to workers to decide how to meet those demands, and social interactions with colleagues and supervisors. During the study, 53 of the workers died.

The dead tended to be workers who reported lower levels of peer support on the job. The correlation was most pronounced for those age 38 to 43, which makes perfect sense to us. If you're not running the world, or at least your cubicle pod, by age 40, then it's natural to wonder if things might be different if you weren't surrounded by snipes, divas, butt-kissers, bullies, ladder-pullers, predators, tattlers, control freaks, bathroom stalkers, naysayers, nit-pickers and know-it-alls, not that we have experience with any of those people ourselves.
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: ISG 110918 Beware the Jerks at Work

文章 Kooper »



一項由Tel Aviv大學所做的為期20年研究顯示: 長期與爛咖, 諂媚者, 吹牛大王, 背後重傷者一起工作的人, 其死亡機率較其他人高2.4倍.

研究人員自1988年追蹤820名來自不同工作領域的健康人士, 試圖了解工作負荷, 擁有的自由權, 與上司及同事的關係對健康的影響. 研究期間共有53人死亡.

死亡者比較屬於工作中較少獲得同事支持的人, 其中又以年齡介於38-43歲之間的族群顯示出最高的相關性 – 這結果看來很合理. 若你到了40歲仍無法掌控自己的生活 – 甚至小至掌控自己的辦公室隔間都不可得, 你不免會想若你的工作環境中沒有充斥那些暗箭傷人者, 公主病者, 霸凌者, 自私自利者, 掠食者, 告密者, 控制狂, 廁所跟蹤狂, 愛抱怨者, 吹毛求疵者, 自以為全知者, 情況會有所不同.
YOYO member
文章: 42
註冊時間: 週五 2月 27, 2009 11:14 am

Re: ISG 110918 Beware the Jerks at Work

文章 jacksonwang »

Surprisingly, having a jerk for a boss doesn't seem to have an effect on longevity. It's the clown who wants to be your boss that you need to watch out for.
The study also found that having freedom to manage your workload lowered the risk of mortality for men and raised it for women, but we won't go into the possible explanations for that for fear of causing a life-threatening gender skirmish in the office.
Countless studies have shown that a toxic work environment zaps productivity, drives away talent, increases turnover and absenteeism, inhibits creativity and problem-solving, and destroys team cohesion.

YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: ISG 110918 Beware the Jerks at Work

文章 Kooper »

My translation:

Studies showed that office politics could kill a person.

A 20-year-long study by the Tel Aviv University found that people working with jerks, brown-nosers, boasters, backstabbers were 2.4 times more likely to die than others.

Researchers tracked 820 people from all walks of life since 1988 to see the effects of workload, degree of discretion at work, and relationships with supervisors and colleagues on worker’s health. 53 people died during the period of research.

The death tended to get less support from their co-workers; the correlation was the strongest among people aged 38 to 43, which makes perfect sense. If you still fail to get your life, or even your office cubicle, together at 40, it’s natural to imagine what your life could be like without backstabbers, narcissists, bullies, the self-absorbed, predators, snitches, dictators, stalkers, grouches, faultfinders, or know-it-alls.
Sherry Liao
YOYO member
文章: 1486
註冊時間: 週五 12月 07, 2007 12:15 pm

Re: ISG 110918 Beware the Jerks at Work

文章 Sherry Liao »

Beware the Jerk at Work

Study find: Unfriendly working environment may cause premature death.

Office politics may cause death. Now there are figures to prove it.

A 20-year study of job environment in Tel Aviv University found, people surrounded with jerks, brownnosers, blowhards, and back-stickers are 2.4 times more likely to die.

Researchers tracked 820 people from all walks of life, and started out healthy in 1988. The research observed the influence of workload, the freedom they have to decide how to achieve demand, and the social interaction with colleagues and supervisors. 53 workers died during the study.

The death tended to be those who reported less peer support at work. The correlation was particularly obvious between those aged 38 and 43. This makes sense to us. If you do not run the world before 40, or at least your own cubicle pod, you are easy to wonder things might be different if you are not surrounded by snipers, divas, brownnosers, bullies, ladder-pullers, predators, tattlers, control freaks, restroom stalkers, naysayers, nit-pickers, and know-it-alls. Not that we are indeed staying with these people.
文章: 137
註冊時間: 週日 5月 31, 2009 6:13 am

Re: ISG 110918 Beware the Jerks at Work

文章 janet12tw »

研究顯示死亡的人多偏向於在同儕中得到較少支持的員工,這種連結在38到43歲之間的員工最為明顯,這對我們來說不難理解。如果你負責管理這個世界,或者至少管理你的辦公室裡的人,在40歲之前,你不免會懷疑事情是否會有所不同如果我們身邊沒有背後重傷別人的人、______、馬屁精、霸臨別人的人、扯後腿的人、欺善怕惡的人、告密者、控制狂、廁所跟蹤狂、總是說不的 人、雞蛋裡挑骨頭的人和自以為甚麼都懂的人,不是說我們都有親身經歷和這些人相處過。