YOYO-ISG 101205/1212 Desperate Housewives Episode3

YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

YOYO-ISG 101205/1212 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 Kooper »

Let's watch and discuss the 3rd episode this and next week.
最後由 Kooper 於 週一 12月 06, 2010 8:34 am 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101205 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 Kooper »


1. What does the sentence "Says the prince as he rides off into the sunset. Boy did the movies ever get that wrong." mean here?
文章: 138
註冊時間: 週日 5月 31, 2009 6:13 am

Re: YOYO-ISG 101205 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 janet12tw »


1. frat party 兄弟會聚會
2. private sesssion 單獨談話
3. taking a moral hardline 進行強烈的道德譴責
4. anything goes 怎麼樣都可以
5. wing it 即興發揮
6. bouncing off the walls 大喜若狂的,兴奋的

1. what does "nail it in yourself" mean?
2. what is "drop shot"?
YOYO member
文章: 520
註冊時間: 週三 10月 03, 2007 4:23 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101205 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 chiron »

Kooper 寫:Let's watch and discuss the 3rd episode this week.
1. In the company of 陪伴
Ex: While Gabrielle indulged in the company of her gardener.

2. despise loose ends 注重細節
ex: For a woman who despised loose ends, that was unacceptable.

3. Flip (a)【口】無禮的, 魯莽的; 油腔滑調的
ex: I'm not being flip, I'm just pointing out a reality.

4. in poor taste 不適合
BREE: Really? Wouldn't that be in poor taste?
SUSAN: No, it's sort of a way to honour Mary Alice.

5. wipe out 精疲力竭
Ex: I'm wiped out. Three cities in 6 days, my head is just pounding. I'm not ready for a dinner party.

6. scrape up【口】(艱難地)湊集, 積攢; 勉強過日子
SUSAN: You can afford a cabin, but you can't scrape up child support?
KARL: The cheque is in the mail.

7. flattering (照片等)比本人好看的
Ex: And the picture wasn't flattering.

8. racked her brain 絞盡腦汁
ex: On Wisteria Lane, an unsettled Susan racked her brain to find a way into her own house.

1. Big surprise. I did everything but foam at the mouth.
2. These heels don't have another block in them.
3. MIKE: Well that depends. Nail it in yourself, you might wanna wear gloves. Or pants. Pants wouldn't hurt.
God, I hope not. I mean, they're always been wound a little tight, but I've never seen him like that. Then again, who am I to judge?
Please call me Na'vi!
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101205/1212 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 Kooper »

鄰居來敲自己家門, 應門時說:
當別人正準備要去作一件事, 祝他玩得開心愉快時說:
因為過度運動造成身體痠痛. 說自己太逞強:
YOYO member
文章: 520
註冊時間: 週三 10月 03, 2007 4:23 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101205 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 chiron »

Kooper 寫:Questions:

1. What does the sentence "Says the prince as he rides off into the sunset. Boy did the movies ever get that wrong." mean here?
This is what I found on Longman dictionary:

say: American English informal
used to express surprise, or to get someone's attention so that you can tell them something: Say, haven't I seen you before somewhere?

So I guess here, "says" works as an interjection. My ex- foreign coworker also uses this word before or in sentences.
Please call me Na'vi!
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101205/1212 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 Kooper »

Let's revisit expressions used in episode one and two to refresh our memory.

episode one:
當朋友帶禮物(ex:自己做的食物)來你家時, 你可以說… 然後你朋友可以說…
在公共場所, 同伴說話太大聲時, 你可以說…
友人親人喪禮時, 碰到他可以說…
當友人完成一件值得稱讚的事時, 可以對他說…
認為某人過去該作某事(那人實際上並沒作那件事), 應用哪個助動詞?
要某人走過來到你身邊時說… (Mum to kids)
兩人正在講話, 要插話時說… / 某人似乎正再忙某事時對他說:

Episode 2
要某人放開抓住你的手時說: (2種說法)
詢問最近遭逢困境的朋友最近如何時說: 被問者如何回答:
辦活動, 當他人主動詢問是否可參加或帶朋友參加時, 表達歡迎之意(人愈多愈好之意)時說:
主人娓婉表達逐客令,但話還沒說完時, 訪客可說 (意指:不用再說了, 我知道你的意思, 我會馬上離開):
對某人生氣地大聲嚷嚷/咆哮後, 事後道歉時說:
形容你和某人一開始不對盤, 但現在成了好朋友:
催促人動作快點時說: (4種說法)
當對方說了一段令你驚訝的評論後, 你想知道為何對方這麼說時:
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101205/1212 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 Kooper »


"God, I hate when I get that way." Is it a correct and common expression? I think it should be "I hate it when I get that way."
文章: 138
註冊時間: 週日 5月 31, 2009 6:13 am

Re: YOYO-ISG 101205/1212 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 janet12tw »

1. packing heat
Having a concealed firearm for protection or to carry out violence.
Ex: Don't come to Brick City, unless yo' packing heat.
YOYO member
文章: 520
註冊時間: 週三 10月 03, 2007 4:23 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101205 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 chiron »

I mean, they're always been wound a little tight, but I've never seen him like that.
You know what, drop the act. I know you gave them cookies.
Please call me Na'vi!
Kat C
文章: 377
註冊時間: 週三 9月 08, 2010 10:31 am

Re: YOYO-ISG 101205/1212 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 Kat C »

Hi Kooper, Janet, Na'vi,

It was SOOOO much fun chatting with you guys! Thanks for having me. I even learned a word! :D Have to find some ways to use "emergent" now. :wink: ("Emerging" is more common.)

It'd take A LOT of words to explain, "Says the prince as he rides off into the sunset. Boy did the movies ever get that wrong." Please remind me next Sunday! :D

YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101205/1212 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 Kooper »

Thanks to Kat, not only did we practice the expression used in the episode under each scenario, but we learned alternative expressions. Here is a summary of them.
當孩子不太(敢)跟人打招呼時,對對方說: She is shy. She doesn’t say much. (2) She takes a bit warm-up. (3)She will warm up in a minute.
臨時去敲鄰居家門時說: I hope this isn’t a bad time. (2)Is it a good time? (3)I hope I’m not interrupting something.
鄰居來敲自己家門, 不知對方來意. 應門時說: What can I do for you, Mr/Mrs. Xxx? (2) May I help? (3) What’s up? (only to very close friend)
抱歉自己太晚或臨時通知時說: I’m sorry it’s such late/short notice.
婉拒別人的邀約時說: I already have plans (for tomorrow). (2) Sorry – I’ll have to take a rain check (on that). (3) Maybe next time.
邀約別人被婉拒時說: Oh, That’s too bad.
結束談話要離開時說: Well, I should go. (2)It’s time to go. (3)Wow, look at the time. I gotta go.
當別人正準備要去作一件事, 祝他玩得開心愉快時說: Have fun. (2)Enjoy yourself. (3)Have a great time. (4)have a ball. (used for a party) (5)have a blast (used for a party)
用於告訴對方今晚他想做什麼都可以: Tonight, anything goes.
請某人等一下時說: Hold on. (2)Wait. (3)Hang on. (4)Wait/Just/Give me a second/moment/minute.
說明自己還無法從某事件中走出來: I haven’t been able to get past it. (2) I haven’t been able to move on.
因為過度運動造成身體痠痛. 說自己太逞強: I think I just pushed myself too hard. (2)I think I have overdone it.
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101205/1212 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 Kooper »

Kat C 寫:Hi Kooper, Janet, Na'vi,

It was SOOOO much fun chatting with you guys! Thanks for having me. I even learned a word! :D Have to find some ways to use "emergent" now. :wink: ("Emerging" is more common.)

It'd take A LOT of words to explain, "Says the prince as he rides off into the sunset. Boy did the movies ever get that wrong." Please remind me next Sunday! :D

Hi Kat,

Your presence enriched the meeting. It's really great to have you with us. :ssmile:
Kat C
文章: 377
註冊時間: 週三 9月 08, 2010 10:31 am

Re: YOYO-ISG 101205/1212 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 Kat C »

Hi Kooper, thank YOU!

Just a few tiny corrections: :wink:

1. (2) She takes a bit (of time) to warm up.
3. (2) May I help you?
8. "Have a ball" came from "dance parties" but, along with "have a blast", can be used on other things too.
11. Another great way to put it is: I haven't been able to get over it.

Love the notes! You did a fabulous job with the meeting too.

I'm going to LA for the holidays so not sure when I can be on next. But I'd love to join you again when I get back. You guys rock and keep up the good work! :D
YOYO member
文章: 709
註冊時間: 週五 4月 24, 2009 6:09 pm

Re: YOYO-ISG 101205 Desperate Housewives Episode3

文章 Michael-liu »

chiron 寫:Q:
I mean, they're always been wound a little tight, but I've never seen him like that.
You know what, drop the act. I know you gave them cookies.
Hi, Chiron, or should I call you Na'Vi? :D

I guess here "drop" means 丟掉, "act" means 演戲, so it may mean 不要演戲了!

Just my guess, i am not 100% sure
