5/26(Sat)How Do Fans Really Affect Games? (Host:Kooper)

YOYO member
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註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

5/26(Sat)How Do Fans Really Affect Games? (Host:Kooper)

文章 Kooper »

Dear Yoyoers,

Apologies for posting it late. I just finished a grueling overseas trip and have been trying desperately to squeeze in topic preparation for the coming meeting. Please bear with me for another few hours before questions are completed. Thanks~

How Do NFL Fans Really Affect Games?
What exactly does a crazy-loud crowd do to NFL teams? Beyond raw noise, what if a crowd is booing, heckling or even silent? Why are they cheering, booing, heckling or silent anyway?

Why We Cheer

To find out, I talked to Dr. Daniel Wann, Professor of Psychology at Murray State University. I asked Dr. Wann what spurs NFL crowds to roar at eardrum-rending level.
"Not only do fans cheer and yell," Dr. Wann told me, "and not only do they do that in an incredibly loud manner—at Arrowhead Stadium, at Seahawks games, in playoff games—they also believe that cheering has a direct impact on the game." Fans, he said, feel they have two jobs: disrupt the visiting team and support the home team.

"So they cheer, they cheer loud and they cheer for a purpose," Dr. Wann said, "to impact the game—and it does impact the game."

That level of sustained cheering requires the fans to actually care about the game. Cheering, Dr. Wann stated, is directly related to how much each fan is personally connected to the events on the field.

"Most fans at an NFL game are going to be there for a reason; either they're a fan of one of the two teams, or maybe they're just an NFL football fan," Wann stated. But "you're not going to find a high level of cheering with fans that don't have anything at stake." Those who attend a game just to tag along with friends, or who happened to stumble into a free ticket, aren't going to holler their heads off before every third down.

Sometimes, though, a crowd can pump itself up. Just being around lots of people getting excited can spur wallflowers to get involved.

"There's pretty clear evidence that just a small handful of fans can start something," Wann said. "Maybe it's a chant, or 'louder, louder, louder,' or something like that; these types of actions can certainly escalate throughout the crowd." It's amazing, Dr. Wann observed, just how quickly crowd excitement can catch on. "Eight people could say, 'Hey, let's do the wave,' and in 90 seconds you've got 60,000 people doing something in unison." It's the same, he said, with cheering and chanting.

The Deafening Roar

Of course, loud sound directly interferes with the game. When fans roar during the visiting team's huddle on up to the snap, they can drown out play calls, audibles and snap counts—making it hard for an offense to function.... (the rest is omitted)

Full contents: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/188 ... -nfl-games

Singing In The Stadiums: Soccer Has The Most Musical Fans
I’m not sure how this has happened, but soccer has become a very musical game -- at least for its devoted fans. American sports fans tend to simply chant: "DEE-fense!" "Let’s Go [insert team name here]!" "Potvin Sucks!"

But soccer fans sing. Let me see if I can give some examples without giving away my own allegiances.

Perhaps the most famous example is the use of “You’ll Never Walk Alone,” a Rodgers & Hammerstein tune, by fans of Liverpool. A recording of Liverpool fans may well be in your record collection right now -- those are the voices you hear at the end of Pink Floyd’s "Fearless," from their album Meddle.

Arsenal fans -- known for their uncommon intelligence and surpassing good looks -- have a couple of songs, including "One-Nil To The Arsenal,” sung when their team goes up by the score 1-0. It is sung to the tune of “Go West,” by the Pet Shop Boys, which, in turn is a cover of a Village People song, and which in turn is based on the classical chestnut Pachelbel’s Canon in D. Got all that?

And, Man City fans sing “Blue Moon.” Back in May, I was sitting in a bar when suddenly a bunch of people start singing Rodgers & Hart's 1935 classic tune "Blue Moon." This was neither random nor surprising. I’d gone to the bar on a Sunday morning to watch three simultaneous end-of-season soccer games that would determine who would win the English Premiere League title. On that particular Sunday, in a startling and dramatic finale to a crazy season, Manchester City won the championship, just out-finishing their bitter crosstown rivals, Manchester United. For many years, “Blue Moon” has been the official theme song of fans of Man City, a team that had been, at least until this spring, only the second-best soccer team in Manchester. And those fans were the ones who burst into song when the final whistle blew.

But it’s funny how far some American songs have traveled. “You’ll Never Walk Alone” is now sung by fans of several top German teams and one in Tokyo. “When the Saints Go Marching In” is sung in stadiums around the world, but most notably perhaps by fans of Tottenham Hotspur (like Arsenal, a North London club), who simply substitute the word “Spurs” for “Saints.”

Stephen Foster’s 19th-century “Camptown Races” (the “doo-dah” song) takes on new words when the English national team plays Germany; the English fans sing “Two World Wars, One World Cup” as a way of mocking their more successful opponent. And lest you think that soccer fans are stuck in the past, I’ve heard The White Stripes song “Seven Nation Army” ringing out during World Cup and other international matches -- sung by fans of Italy’s national team.

I have to say, being at a soccer match and hearing all that singing really makes the fan experience a more participatory one. American sports fans really ought to give it a try.

Full contents: https://www.newsounds.org/story/231771- ... -stadiums/

Top 10 Electrifying Chants in Football

Questions for Discussion:
Session One:
1. Does spontaneous group cheering by fans at stadiums really enhance home teams' performance and/or discourage visiting team? Do fans do this more to entertain themselves or to try to shift the balance of competition in the home team's favor?

2. Will watch a game in person and engage in group chanting or cheering enrich our watching experiences and cement a stronger bond between us and the team we support?

3. Why do you think soccer fans sing while other sports fans don’t do so? Which way of cheering - singing, shouting, Mexican wave, or carrying placard - do you prefer as a fan and/or as a game player?

Session Two:
4. In stadium sometimes a handful of fans can start something small but it quickly spreads through the whole crowd. Why do you think sports fans get stimulated by fellow fans so easily?

5. Which football chant is most electrifying, funny, or creative to you?

6. If you are authorized to decide on a theme song for fans to sing and cheer our national team in next international baseball or basketball competitions, which chant would you go for?

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YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: 5/26(Sat)How Do Fans Really Affect Games? (Host:Kooper)

文章 Kooper »

Man city's Blue moon (start from 1:00)

Liverpool's You'll never walk alone

Janice Wang
YOYO member
文章: 79
註冊時間: 週六 3月 25, 2017 7:45 pm

Re: 5/26(Sat)How Do Fans Really Affect Games? (Host:Kooper)

文章 Janice Wang »

With FIFA just around the corner, Kooper, catering a buzz topic within a shortage of time, and managing to turn a common topic of sports into a vivid one regarding sports fans’ influences on a game; once again, tipping my hat to your impressive prowess of topic tackling!

Soccer and NFL happen to be two of those sports where I haven’t developed an interest yet! Thus, my answer can barely scratch the surface. However, sport is sport, for each and every sport junkie, we all believe that our spirits and mojo in any form can eventually help our team make a turnaround in favor of us before the last whistle blows!! In addition, for those ardent sports fans attending a live game who can luckily experience an adrenaline-infused thrill with a packed stadium of supporters wearing the same color jerseys emblazoned with the team logo and chanting for team morale, which probably can wash out the nervousness and intensity of the game, or somehow diminish the importance of the game outcome, and just enjoy and have fun at the game.

In sports fandom, people holding the same belief to keep a positive momentum can perfectly demonstrate “Unity is strength”; in contrast, some rambunctious dynamics may turn the hyped mood into mob mentality and stir the crowd into pandemonium or even end up in a riot as we witness from the news.

Nevertheless, in a spacious competing venue, e.g. soccer field, desperate measure to win is to belt out chants to create momentum, rally for a goal, overwhelm the opponents or distract a referee. From the posted video, I’d like to join the chant with the fans that root for Wydad Athletic Club (#7), the only representing team from Africa in the clip, which genuinely makes people feel hyped up!!

Off to go in green to cheer for a bunch of Celtics rookies who are playing against the Lebron James led Cavaliers!
最後由 Janice Wang 於 週三 5月 20, 2020 1:26 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 7 次。
Gloria Lo
YOYO member
文章: 367
註冊時間: 週一 2月 04, 2008 7:51 am

Re: 5/26(Sat)How Do Fans Really Affect Games? (Host:Kooper)

文章 Gloria Lo »

:oops: :P :roll:

I'm not a fan of any sport games, but I think from the perspective of away team players, being booed when scoring and being cheered when losing points are common when it comes to American home/road game culture. The most miserable experience for those visiting team players must be totally ignored by spectators. haha

Home game /road game (on the road) 主場/客場比賽
Home team/ away team 主場隊/客場隊
Home advantage 主場優勢

:lol: :lol:
最後由 Gloria Lo 於 週六 5月 26, 2018 10:36 am 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
Gloria Lo
YOYO member
文章: 367
註冊時間: 週一 2月 04, 2008 7:51 am

Re: 5/26(Sat)How Do Fans Really Affect Games? (Host:Kooper)

文章 Gloria Lo »

:P :P :P

This is the best video of the song "you'll never walk alone", sang by Josh Groban, pleeeease listen......


You'll Never Walk Alone
作詞/作曲:Oscar Hammerstein Ii / Richard Rodgers

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of a storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone

....never walk alone

:mrgreen: :sun:
YOYO member
文章: 2164
註冊時間: 週三 10月 31, 2007 9:03 am

Re: 5/26(Sat)How Do Fans Really Affect Games? (Host:Kooper)

文章 Rock »

How about this chant? Do you like it?

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: 5/26(Sat)How Do Fans Really Affect Games? (Host:Kooper)

文章 Kooper »

Hi Janice,

Thanks to your feedback on this topic, I now no longer feel like the odd man out here. :mrgreen:

Just like you, I happen to have been following NBA playoffs lately. It looks to me that the Boston Celtics take full advantage of cheers from supporting fans. They do seem like having a sixth player on court when at home and become almost invincible.
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: 5/26(Sat)How Do Fans Really Affect Games? (Host:Kooper)

文章 Kooper »

Rock 寫:How about this chant? Do you like it?

Well, the problem with it is that it's hard to tell whether they are booing to the opposing team or cheering for their team... :shock:
Janice Wang
YOYO member
文章: 79
註冊時間: 週六 3月 25, 2017 7:45 pm

Re: 5/26(Sat)How Do Fans Really Affect Games? (Host:Kooper)

文章 Janice Wang »

Kooper 寫:Hi Janice,

Thanks to your feedback on this topic, I now no longer feel like the odd man out here. :mrgreen:

Just like you, I happen to have been following NBA playoffs lately. It looks to me that the Boston Celtics take full advantage of cheers from supporting fans. They do seem like having a sixth player on court when at home and become almost invincible.

I share the same taste in hosting topic with Gloria on “kiasuism”, which has cemented my faith in her taste over every choice she picks, including her lifelong partner!! Trust us, you are the most normal one in the odd-man-out group!!

Hope your comments about the invincible home game for Celtics won’t jinx the game seven on 05/28. By the way, I’m a diehard Spurs fan! This year, I’m rooting for Celtics for the championship, and MVP goes to Jayson Tatum! ( finger crossed)
最後由 Janice Wang 於 週三 5月 20, 2020 1:27 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 3 次。
Luis Ko
YOYO member
文章: 973
註冊時間: 週三 6月 06, 2007 10:18 pm

Re: 5/26(Sat)How Do Fans Really Affect Games? (Host:Kooper)

文章 Luis Ko »

i might be a cynic and, a sceptic as well but, i'm definitely not a bad person!!
Gloria Lo
YOYO member
文章: 367
註冊時間: 週一 2月 04, 2008 7:51 am

Re: 5/26(Sat)How Do Fans Really Affect Games? (Host:Kooper)

文章 Gloria Lo »

Janice Wang 寫:

I share the same taste in hosting topic with Gloria on “kiasuism”, which has cemented my faith in her taste over every choice she picks, including her lifelong partner!! Trust us, you are the most normal one in the odd-man-out group!!

Kooper must enjoy being in the reflected glory of me, big time. hahaha

Gloria Lo
YOYO member
文章: 367
註冊時間: 週一 2月 04, 2008 7:51 am

Re: 5/26(Sat)How Do Fans Really Affect Games? (Host:Kooper)

文章 Gloria Lo »


Ellen, David, Light, Luis, Kooper, Jay, Sabrina, Summer, Kat, Antonio, Steve, Way, Ken, Rock, Gloria (15)

Pictures of the meeting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/375409345815954/
