12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: Andy)

Vice President
文章: 116
註冊時間: 週五 12月 17, 2004 4:36 pm
來自: Taipei

12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: Andy)

文章 Andy »

Hello! I'm Andy. It's my pleasure to be the host on 12/15. :D

Session I: Social Media Users
Article: https://topdogsocialmedia.com/10-types- ... dia-users/

[Article Excerpt]
People relate to social media in different ways, and this post outlines the top 10 categories of personality styles of social media users. Understanding this will certainly make your job easier as you start to uncover the best ways to reach people by understanding their social personality.
1. Listener
2. Activist
3. Spammer
4. Passionista
5. Social Butterfly
6. Troll
7. Influencer
8. Early Adopter
9. Black Booker
10. Family Person

Popular Social Media Sites:
Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, FB Messenger, WeChat, Instagram, QQ, QZone, Douyin/Tik Tok, Sina Weibo, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn, Baidu Tieba, Skype, Snapchat, Viber, Pinterest, Line, Telegram, Twitter, Google+, Flicker

1. What social media platform do you use and why? How often do you use them?
2. What type of social media user are you and Why? Most social media users are lurkers. If you are also a lurker, tell us why?
3. Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites. What do you think about the internet celebrities or streamer? Do they have huge influences on their followers or likers? Are you a fan of any internet celebrity or streamer and why?
4. What do you think about haters, trolls and/or social justice warriors? Do you think they just act different in the online world?

Session II: The Science of Internet Troll

Additional Article: 10 Types of Internet Trolls You'll Meet Online
https://www.lifewire.com/types-of-inter ... ls-3485894

[Article Excerpt]
Regardless of where you'll find Internet trolls lurking, they all tend to disrupt communities in very similar (and often predictable) ways. This isn't by any means a complete list of all the different types of trolls out there, but they're most certainly some of the most common types you'll often come across in active online communities.
1. Insult Troll
2. Persistent Debate Troll
3. Grammar and Spellcheck Troll
4. Forever Offended Troll
5. Show-Off, Know-it-All Or Blabbermouth Troll
6. Profanity and All-Caps Troll
7. One Word Only Troll
8. Exaggeration Troll
9. Off Topic Troll
10. Greedy Spammer Troll

1. What types of internet trolls do you dislike the most and why?
2. Internet trolls were found to display high levels of psychopathy, narcissism and most specifically sadism. Do you think internet trolls are mentally ill or it’s just that their dark traits are strengthened because of internet anonymity?
3. Nowadays, Internet trolls are ubiquitous and sometimes are trolling for trolling's sake. How does trolling culture affect our lives? How would you feel and react if someone trolls you?
(Bonus Question) Share interesting troll's words or language you know or heard. How would people troll some celebrities?

3:45 ~ 4:00pm Greetings & Free Talk / Ordering Beverage or Meal / Getting Newcomer’s Information
4:00 ~ 4:20pm Opening Remarks / Newcomer’s Self-introduction / Grouping
(Session I)
4:20 ~ 5:00pm Discussion Session (40 mins)
5:00 ~ 5:20pm Summarization / Regrouping (20 mins)
5:20 ~ 5:30pm Break
(Session II)
5:30 ~ 6:10pm Discussion Session (40 mins)
6:10 ~ 6:30pm Summarization / Concluding Remarks / Announcements (20 mins)
聚會時間:當天請準時於 4:00 pm 到達 ~ 約 6:30 pm 左右結束
地址、電話:台北市濟南路三段25號 (02) 2740-2350
捷運站:板南線 忠孝新生站 3 號出口
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最低消費: 80 元

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最後由 Andy 於 週四 12月 13, 2018 4:33 am 編輯,總共編輯了 3 次。
Vice President
文章: 116
註冊時間: 週五 12月 17, 2004 4:36 pm
來自: Taipei

Re: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: A

文章 Andy »

netizen 網友、鄉民
hater 黑特
troll 酸民
social justice warrior 正義魔人
cyber warrior 網軍
opinion leader 意見領袖
internet celebrity 網紅、網路名人
lurker 潛水者
live stream 網路直播
streamer 實況主
follower 關注者
Image building 形象塑造
tough guy 硬漢
caring / considerate guy 暖男
fat nerd 肥宅、宅男
brat 屁孩
loner 邊緣人
mama’s boy 媽寶
daddy's boy/girl 靠爸族
cyberbullying 網路霸凌
cyber cannibal 肉搜的人、網路食人族
bandwagon 跟風
online manhunt, cyber manhunt 肉搜
最後由 Andy 於 週四 12月 13, 2018 4:36 am 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
YOYO member
文章: 480
註冊時間: 週三 11月 07, 2007 11:49 pm

Re: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: A

文章 Georgia »


http://blogs.teachersammy.com/Blogs/ent ... rnet-troll

hater 就是黑粉,不是黑特(黑特版是hate版不是hater版)

Internet troll 則不太一樣,已經不對事不對人的好惡,純粹就是刷存在感挑起紛爭的網路白目,而不是對主題有好惡的酸民。 :)
YOYO member
文章: 708
註冊時間: 週五 4月 24, 2009 6:09 pm

Re: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: A

文章 Michael-liu »

According to Urban dictionary,

A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person.

Susan: You know, Kevin from accounting is doing very well. He just bought a house in a very nice part of town.
Jane (hater): If he is doing so well why does he drive that '89 Taurus?
(講話很酸,所以我同意hater 是酸民)

Someone who deliberatly pisses people off online to get a reaction

我同意"故意挑釁"和"酸言酸語"在定義上與惡劣程度上有不同, 但因為中文裡面現在似乎沒有其他的詞彙來指稱troll (白目?白爛?),所以我們中文都統稱"酸民",或許我們應該想個新詞給troll


troll 這幾年用來指喜歡在網路上刻意發表激怒別人的言論的人
原本 troll 當動詞是指一種釣魚方式

Sherry Liao
YOYO member
文章: 1486
註冊時間: 週五 12月 07, 2007 12:15 pm

Re: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: A

文章 Sherry Liao »

Michael-liu 寫: Troll
Someone who deliberatly pisses people off online to get a reaction

我同意"故意挑釁"和"酸言酸語"在定義上與惡劣程度上有不同, 但因為中文裡面現在似乎沒有其他的詞彙來指稱troll (白目?白爛?),所以我們中文都統稱"酸民",或許我們應該想個新詞給troll
Internet troll其實已經是一個網路普遍現象了,所以中文也有對應的詞喔,一般來說這通常是指某些網民「故意」發表一些容易引起嘲笑謾罵的言論,用以吸引大批網民群起攻擊,在論壇上這種易受攻擊的言論往往可以吸引大量回覆,所以這不見得是一種白目行為 (「小白」在網路用語是指新手的意思,不盡然是貶義),也不是見不得人好的酸民,比較像是一種特殊的人格特質,以吸引眾人攻擊為樂,是一種典型釣魚行為。

所以這類文章成功蓋起高樓後(敝人認為這其實是一種才華呢),就常會有網民在下方回覆「釣魚文」、「釣魚高手」、「天才小釣手」,這應該就算是Internet troll的中文用語了吧

By PTT資深鄉民
Vice President
文章: 116
註冊時間: 週五 12月 17, 2004 4:36 pm
來自: Taipei

Re: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: A

文章 Andy »

How many internet celebrities do you know? Are you old-fashioned? :shock:

【台灣YouTuber Top 50名單】2018年第四季

【台灣Facebook粉絲團 Top 50名單】2018年第四季
Vice President
文章: 116
註冊時間: 週五 12月 17, 2004 4:36 pm
來自: Taipei

Re: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: A

文章 Andy »

PTT政治人物綽號列表 http://zh.pttpedia.wikia.com/wiki/PTT%E ... 7%E8%A1%A8
PTT藝人綽號列表 http://zh.pttpedia.wikia.com/wiki/PTT%E ... 7%E8%A1%A8
PTT企業綽號列表 http://zh.pttpedia.wikia.com/wiki/PTT%E ... 7%E8%A1%A8

酸民酸語 廢言廢語 鄉民網民用語 - 01 https://store.line.me/stickershop/produ ... 27/zh-Hant
酸民酸語 廢言廢語 鄉民網民用語 - 02 https://store.line.me/stickershop/produ ... 07/zh-Hant
酸民酸語 廢言廢語 鄉民網民用語 - 03 https://store.line.me/stickershop/produ ... 61/zh-Hant
酸民酸語 廢言廢語 鄉民網民用語 - 04 https://store.line.me/stickershop/produ ... 71/zh-Hant
酸民酸語 廢言廢語 鄉民網民用語 - 05 https://store.line.me/stickershop/produ ... 00/zh-Hant
酸民酸語 廢言廢語 鄉民網民用語 - 06 https://store.line.me/stickershop/produ ... 56/zh-Hant
酸民酸語 廢言廢語 鄉民網民用語 - 07 https://store.line.me/stickershop/produ ... 79/zh-Hant
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: A

文章 Kooper »

The fourth type of troll, "The Forever Offended Troll," made me think of a Conan talk show interview with Bill Burr.In it Bill, a comedian, complained about the narrowing rooms of what can be funny. He was brilliant at telling jokes in the disguise of complaints. Enjoy if you could use a laugh. :mrgreen:

https://vlog.xuite.net/play/ZTRFZUZWLTM ... q=720&ar=0
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: A

文章 Kooper »

The article 10 Types of Internet Trolls You’ll Meet Online gives a very broad definition of trolling. Some of them are never thought of by me as trolls, such as the persistent debate one. As a matter of fact we YOYOers do persistent debate all the time, from the meetings, the dinners following the meetings, to the LINE and forum. Personally I still remember clearly the heated debate made in last two post-YOYO-meeting meals. Did the "discussion" amount to real-life trolling if it went further overwhelmingly? Well, I guess the answer comes down to the tones and motives behind the discussion. Without proper tones, any expressions can be trolls in disguise to piss people off. Even a seeming praise on the surface could be actually sarcastic, denigrating, or backhanded.
Luis Ko
YOYO member
文章: 971
註冊時間: 週三 6月 06, 2007 10:18 pm

Re: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: A

文章 Luis Ko »

i might be a cynic and, a sceptic as well but, i'm definitely not a bad person!!
YOYO member
文章: 2728
註冊時間: 週三 4月 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Re: 12/15 (Sat.) Social Media User / Internet Troll (Host: A

文章 Kooper »

Attendees(25): Andy Liu (host), Apple, Blithe, Brian Feng (newcomer), Christine Hsiu, David Jr., Debby, Felicidad, Gloria, Jacy, James Chen, Julian, Ken, Kooper, Leon, Luis, Michael, Rachel, Sally, Steve Cheng, Tim, Timothy, Tom Lee, Winston (newcomer), Way