有 14 筆資料符合您搜尋的條件

週四 9月 17, 2009 10:29 am
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2009/09/10 悠遊銘星 -- MingChun Chang
回覆: 3
觀看: 6140

Re: 2009/09/10 悠遊銘星 -- MingChun Chang

Welcome to YOYO!Ming Chun is my colleague!She is really a kind and easygoing girl!
週五 7月 31, 2009 1:42 pm
版面: 社團活動 Activities
主題: 歡唱社復活之不朽金曲KTV PARTY,成功!
回覆: 124
觀看: 46370

Re: 歡唱社復活之不朽金曲KTV PARTY 9月5日(週六)10:00~14:00

Esme要參加!btw,老歌我知道的不多 :cccry:
週四 5月 21, 2009 4:15 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: [公告] 5/23(Sat)參觀北美館-龐畢度展覽 5/30端午連假暫停聚會一次(Sunny Jr.)
回覆: 11
觀看: 6035

Re: [公告] 5/23(Sat)參觀北美館-龐畢度展覽 5/30端午連假暫停聚會一次(Sunny Jr.)


週二 9月 23, 2008 10:40 am
版面: 社務 Announcements
主題: [公告]Advertisements for YOYO
回覆: 16
觀看: 11254

Re: Advertisements for YOYO

Hi Esme, I don't think no response means no effect. Actually you have given publicity to YOYO and have made more people know us. That is good enough. :ok: Of course Kooper might decide to hold down (or control) the attendance. But that's another issue. Thank you,Sherry! You really warm my heart :cc...
週一 9月 22, 2008 10:05 am
版面: 社務 Announcements
主題: [公告]Advertisements for YOYO
回覆: 16
觀看: 11254

Re: Advertisements for YOYO

Dear all,
I've posted an advertisement which Kooper gave me on PTT to promote YoYO.
(PTT is a bulletin board ststem )
But I don't got any responses to my ad.
Woo~I'm dejected about it.
I have already done my best!
Kooper,should I post it again?
週三 8月 20, 2008 11:58 am
版面: 電子報 YOYO e-paper
主題: 2008/08/17 悠遊謎星 -- Esme Huang
回覆: 3
觀看: 6612

Re: 2008/08/17 悠遊謎星 -- Esme Huang

Thank you,Kooper!Ha Ha........I will attend the gatherings more frequently!
週三 8月 20, 2008 11:25 am
版面: 社團活動 Activities
主題: 08/30 YOYO七週年慶
回覆: 104
觀看: 72969

Re: YOYO七週年慶 開始報名!

Esme will go to this party :lol:
週二 5月 20, 2008 9:34 am
版面: 社團活動 Activities
主題: 2008 0517賞花賞景賞美味之行程與費用公告
回覆: 17
觀看: 12063

Re: 2008 0517賞花賞景賞美味之行程與費用公告

謝謝Henry辛苦主持這次活動,收費的問題也安排得很好,不簡單。 這個trip中令我印象深刻的還有 Kate宣佈囍訊後第一次露面接受大家祝福,真是面帶紅光,氣色好得不得了說 金牌小會計Daisy辛苦的幫大家算帳,沒算清前打死也不肯先吃飯,敬業精神百分百 主持人Sunny行前研讀美術館資料,讓大家擁有一個免費導遊 Debbie和Esme一見如故,當天就納投名狀當了姐妹 (那個Debbie的腰扭傷好了沒呀?Esme要去關心一下病情喔。練太極的叔叔都是有練過的,小朋友以後不要亂學哦) 大夥一起在小湖邊餵魚,真是和樂融融的畫面。不過那些魚的吃相還是一樣很粗魯說,一點都沒長進 雖然兩年前就有跟YOYO...
週二 5月 13, 2008 11:00 am
版面: 社團活動 Activities
主題: 賞花,賞景,賞美味
回覆: 44
觀看: 25192

Re: 賞花,賞景,賞美味

小聲偷偷問:Esme可以賞大家拔海芋而不要真的下田拔嗎(不要打我 :cccry: )
週一 5月 12, 2008 1:56 pm
版面: 每週討論主題 Meeting Topics
主題: 5/10(Sat.) The Book 好人也該擁有好人生 (Host: Gavin)
回覆: 21
觀看: 32403

Re: 5/10(Sat.) The Book 好人也該擁有好人生 (Host: Gavin)

Thank you,Luis!
Eveyone here is very kind :lol:
週三 4月 30, 2008 9:35 am
版面: 社團活動 Activities
主題: 賞花,賞景,賞美味
回覆: 44
觀看: 25192

Re: 賞花,賞景,賞美味

我想參加!! :D
週四 4月 24, 2008 5:11 pm
版面: 新手上路 YOYO ABC
主題: Hi~I'm Esme!
回覆: 4
觀看: 8220

Re: Hi~I'm Esme!

Thanks for your information!
YoYo really warms my heart :ccry:
週四 4月 24, 2008 1:02 am
版面: 新手上路 YOYO ABC
主題: Hi~I'm Esme!
回覆: 4
觀看: 8220

Re: Hi~I'm Esme!

Hi Georgia,
I'm very pleased about your reply.
Ha ~You can pronounce my name as "ㄟ思咪"
(I'm not sure if you understand what I mean or not...ha ha)

I never come to any meeting before and I want to join it very much.
Could you please kindly tell me its time and location? :ssmile:
週三 4月 23, 2008 3:46 pm
版面: 新手上路 YOYO ABC
主題: Hi~I'm Esme!
回覆: 4
觀看: 8220

Hi~I'm Esme!

Hi,I'm Esme :D
I'm very happy to join everyone to learn English!
As I know,there will be a KTV contest on April 26.
Woo~I can't join it cause I'm the new member... 8)