English version.
Let’s BBQ
As title, thanks for our president’s invitation to host this outing activity. As a BBQ lover and providing a basic theme for members to have some hands on and chat together, I surveyed a few sites for BBQ and finally picked Pinglin’s 合歡露營度假山莊, a little distant suburb and especially located in the water resource conservation zone, upstream of Feitsui Reservoir. Because of our regulation, you can’t even find many hostels or hotels here. I expect every attendees would get a deep relax and calmness by wandering around here.
The timeline is as follows:
* Date: 11/19 (Sat,The regular meeting in the afternoon will be canceled)
* Assemble: 11/19 (Sat), 08:40 AM, Exit 1 of MRT Xindian station.
* spot: 合歡露營度假山莊 (BBQ site, near by a river)
* Itinerary:
Before 11:00AM arrive 合歡露營度假山莊
11:00~14:00 Build a fire、BBQ、having fun near the river
14:00~ free time
* Recommended sites to wander around are listed below
* The bus schedule and the bus stand for round trip will be published by 11/19
* fee:
NTD$500 including food and sanitary fee. The way to charge will be published later after 10/10.
Drinks are not included. You can buy drinks there.
For attendees taking bus together, please bring your EasyCard.
* Traffic : Bus
Green 12
Xindian Bus 923
For attendees who prefer to drive there by yourselves, please let me know first so I might be able to negotiate to reserve parking lots in the BBQ site for you.
* Qualifications:
YOYO members
family members (spouse、parents、children; No charge for children studying elementary schools and kindergartens)
friends,limit to only one person (please come with your friend instead of entrust to other YOYO members)
* Sign up: Line、Forum,PM host Tashi or president Julia,please leave a note if you bring family or friends with you. The time period for signing up for this activity is 9/20 ~ 10/10。
* Resource for you to wandering around:
合歡露營度假山莊 : natrual environment surrounding our BBQ area.
Pinglin old street: trails、the Pinglin hanging bridge、cage、teahouse、the museum. The distance to the old street is around 1 KM and the distance to the hanging bridge is around 2 KM.
滷題, 很榮幸受社長大大邀請來籌辦本次YOYO的戶外活動。基於我自己喜歡燒烤,又能讓餐與者有個基本主題自然進行手做跟聊天,於是以此為標的進行場地搜尋;最後以坪林是個有點遠又不是太遠的地方,特別又位於翡翠水庫上游的水源保護區(基於法規,連民宿都少)找到一個點;期待大家到這邊能有一番暫離都市喧囂、耳目一新的感受,也可以順便走走坪林的街頭巷尾,品味在地風情!
* 活動時間: 11/19 (週六,當天meeting取消)
* 集合時間及地點: 11/19 (週六), 08:40AM, 捷運新店站一號出口
* 活動地點: 合歡露營度假山莊 (溪邊BBQ場地)
* 行程概述:
11:00前 抵達合歡露營度假山莊
11:00~14:00 生火、燒烤、溪邊遊憩
14:00~ 自由活動。
* 週邊行腳去處列於下方週邊資源區塊
* 回程公車聚集點及時間於當天公布
* 費用:
* 交通: 公車客運或自駕
* 參與資格:
家人 (夫妻、父母、小孩; 社員之國小6年級以下孩童不收費)
朋友攜伴,限一人 (不能叫朋友自己來喔~)
* 報名方式: 透過Line、Forum貼文回應,或私訊主辦Tashi或社長Julia,請註明是否攜伴及人
數。報名期間為9/20 ~ 10/10。
* 周邊資源:
合歡露營度假山莊 : BBQ場地周邊自然環境
坪林老街周邊: 步道、吊橋、老街咖啡廳、老街茶館、博物館等,從營區散步至老街約