This time we will explore the dark factor of personality (D-factor), specifying what all dark traits have in common, i.e., their common core. Besides, we will also discuss some real-life civic and moral examples.
Session I: Dark Core of Personality ... rsonality/
The D-factor is defined as the basic tendency to maximize one's own utility at the expense of others, accompanied by beliefs that serve as justifications for one's malevolent behaviors.
Nine traits that comprised the D-factor
-Moral Disengagement
-Psychological Entitlement
精神變態:以情感缺陷 - 即冷漠、缺乏後悔感或者缺乏同情心,和自我控制能力缺陷 - 即衝動為特點
TEST (Optional):
If you are interested in knowing your D-Score and dark traits, you may take the test.
1.Click the “Determine your D-score” button.
2.Select your language, e.g., Traditional Chinese or English, and click the “Next” button.
3.Select the version you would like to take 16 or 70 statements. This will take between 3-12 minutes depending on the version you choose.
Rough estimate of D-score (16 statements):
Good estimate of D-score and 9+1 specific dark traits (70 statements):
1. What is the difference between utility maximization in the D-factor definition and general utility maximization? How do you reconcile the pursuit of utility maximization with maintaining ethical, moral, and social standard of perception?
2. Researchers found that those scoring high on the D-factor were more likely to keep money for themselves when given the opportunity, and were more likely to display unethical behavior (cheating to maximize one's gain). Can you think of any examples where someone has displayed high D-factor behaviors? How did it affect others?
3. Have you ever secretly wanted to punish someone who hurt you, even if it meant a little inconvenience for yourself? What was the craziest thing you imagined doing?
4. Do you think there is a genetic link to having nine dark personality traits? Are dark personality traits related to their age, upbringing, or anything else?
5. What societal implications could arise if a significant portion of the population scores high on the D-factor?
6. (Optional) If you were to take the D-factor test, which traits do you think would be most surprising to discover about yourself?
Session II: Civic and Moral Examples
Among the following common real-life examples, please choose the ones that interest you the most. You can have an open-ended discussion or use the following questions.
1. How do you feel about this behavior?
2. If you were in this situation, would you do this? Why or why not?
3. Is there any situation where this behavior could be justified? If so, what situation?
4. Why might some people choose to do this even though they know it’s not good? Do you think this behavior is related to the dark personality? If so, which dark personality trait is it related to?
Real-life examples: (continued to increase)
1. Using flower pots to reserve parking spaces 用花盆佔車位
2. Ordering large quantities of products online knowing a pricing error exists 明知網站產品價值標示過低而刻意大量訂購
3. Abusing free emergency services 濫用免費緊急服務
4. Not returning extra change given by mistake at a store 在商店中錯給多餘的找零而不歸還
5. Not cleaning up after one's pet in public areas 在公共場所不清理寵物排泄物
6. Wasting food at a buffet 在餐廳自助餐中浪費食物
7. Cutting in line, especially in crowded places 排隊插隊,尤其在人多的地方
8. Dumping trash in clothing donation bins 在出清衣物捐贈箱裡扔垃圾
9. Taking up multiple seats on public transportation 在公共交通工具上占多個位子
10. Peeing in a public swimming pool 在公用泳池內尿尿
11. Littering in public place 在公共場所亂丟整袋垃圾
12.Parking in spaces designated for the disabled without proper authorization 佔用身心殘障者停車位
13. Taking toilet paper from public restrooms 在洗手間里偷拿備用的整捲衛生紙
14. Using someone else's membership card to get discounts 用他人的會員卡以享受折扣
15. Not flushing in public restrooms 在公共廁所不沖水
16.Not giving up seats for those in need on public transportation 在公車上不讓座給需要的人
17. Using mobile phones loudly in quiet areas, like libraries or cinemas 在安靜場所大聲使用手機
18. Failing to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks 在人行道不讓行人先行
19. Not using turn signals when driving 開車時不打方向燈
20. Throwing cigarette butts on the ground 隨地丟菸蒂
21. Spitting on the street 在街上隨地吐痰
22. Playing loud music in residential areas late at night 在深夜於住宅區內播放大聲音樂
23. Not returning trays and separating waste after eating at McDonald’s 在用餐後不回收餐盤及分類
24. Sticking chewing gum in public places 把口香糖黏在公共場所
25. Faking illness to get sick leave 謊稱自己生病以獲得病假
3:45 ~ 4:00pm Greetings & Free Talk / Ordering Beverage or Meal / Getting Newcomer’s Information
4:00 ~ 4:10pm Opening Remarks / Newcomer’s Self-introduction / Grouping
(Session I)
4:10 ~ 4:50pm Discussion Session (40 mins)
4:50 ~ 5:10pm Summarization (20 mins)
5:10 ~ 5:20pm Regrouping / Instruction Giving / Short Break (Intermission)
(Session II)
5:15 ~ 5:55pm Discussion Session (40 mins)
6:00 ~ 6:20pm Summarization (20 mins)
6:20 ~ 6:30pm Concluding Remarks / Announcements
Meeting Date: As shown on the Subject Line
Meeting Time: 4:00pm – 6:30pm
Meeting Venue: 丹堤咖啡 Dante Coffee (Minimum Order $85)
Address: 台北市濟南路三段25號[MAP]-捷運忠孝新生站3號出口步行3分鐘
Important Notes:
1. We suggest that participants read the articles and think about the questions in advance.
2. Newcomers should prepare a two-to-three-minute self-introduction in English to deliver when called upon by the host before the start of the discussion.
3. We welcome newcomers and other guests to attend the meetings and join the discussion freely for three times. After that, we hope you will consider becoming a YoYo English Club member. We charge a NT$1000 lifetime membership fee, or NT$500 for students.
7/13 (Sat.) D-Factor / Civic and Moral Examples (Host: Andy)
Re: 7/13 (Sat.) D-Factor / Civic and Moral Examples (Host: Andy)
What are the pros and cons of having a very low D-score?
All lay load on the willing horse. Is it the result?
All lay load on the willing horse. Is it the result?