11/21(Sat.) How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over (Host:Joseph)

YOYO member
文章: 170
註冊時間: 週六 7月 10, 2010 1:38 am

11/21(Sat.) How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over (Host:Joseph)

文章 joseph »

Session 1:
Please take a moment to watch the following video:


Q1: Is her speech a better version of "secret?"
Q2: Do you agree with her on the idea of "We are living in a world that you can do anything you want to do?"
Q3: So would you try to get out of bed early tomorrow?
Q4: Getting out of your comfort zone isn't easy. Would you do it and force your self to make it happen so you can get the things you want?

Session 2: (used article from Water)
Are First Impressions Really that Important? (Scary Good)

Everyone knows that you can't judge a book by its cover, but is a first impression all you really need. You can learn a lot from a person by their first impression, but can you really learn all you need to know. Could there be something affecting your first impression? Could the person be nervous? All of these factors could influence a first impression, and therefore should people weigh so much on it?

Many people say that a first impression is everything. Once someone gets an idea of you it is hard for them to leave that idea. If someone feels that you are something you really aren't because of your first impression then that is obviously not a good thing. Yet, so many people still rely on first impressions. For example when we go to job interviews we dress nice for one reason. To make a good first impression, at interviews people tend to act fake and extremely polite because we all know that if we make a great first impression we will have a better chance getting the job.

Is this the way it should be? Probably not, but is there any way to change it? The answer to that question is the same, probably not. It is just human nature to rely on a first impression. Everyone knows that they do it, and everyone knows that it is not right. Now sometimes a first impression may not be a bad thing, but there may be things affecting your perception of the person. First of all you may be upset that day, and be in the mood where you just don't want to deal with people. A second example would be if the person is very nervous to meet you. Their actual behavior may not be there because they will be acting almost fake to impress you. This happens a lot obviously during interviews or at other different nerve racking confrontations.

Questions for Session 2:
1. Why a good first impression is important?
2. Do you believe in first impressions, If so why?
3. How to make a good first impression?

3:45 ~ 4:00pm Greetings & Free Talk / Ordering Beverage or Meal / Getting Newcomer’s Information
4:00 ~ 4:10pm Opening Remarks / Newcomer’s Self-introduction / Grouping
(Session I)
4:10 ~ 4:50pm Discussion Session (40 mins)
4:50 ~ 5:10pm Summarization (20 mins)
5:10 ~ 5:15pm Regrouping / Instruction Giving / Taking a 10 Minutes Break (Intermission)
(Session II)
5:15 ~ 5:55pm Discussion Session (40 mins)
6:00 ~ 6:20pm Summarization (20 mins)
6:20 ~ 6:30pm Concluding Remarks / Announcements ********************************************************************************************************************************************
聚會時間:請準時 4:00 pm 到 ~ 約 6:30 pm 左右結束
地址、電話:台北市濟南路三段25號 地圖 (02) 2740-2350
捷運站:板南線 忠孝新生站 3 號出口
走法:出忠孝新生站 3 號出口後,沿著巷子(忠孝東路三段10巷)走約 2 分鐘,到了濟南路口,左轉走約 2 分鐘即可看到。
最低消費: 80 元

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YOYO member
文章: 2164
註冊時間: 週三 10月 31, 2007 9:03 am

Re: 11/21(Sat.) How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over (Host:Jos

文章 Rock »

According to wiki,
A motivational speaker or inspirational speaker is a speaker who makes speeches intended to motivate or inspire an audience. Business entities may employ motivational speakers (for example) to communicate company strategy with clarity, to help employees to see the future in a positive light, and to inspire workers to pull together.[1] The talk itself is often known as a pep talk.

I guess she does a good job-- really makes something out of nothing. Now I'm motivated, of course I will try to get up 30 minutes earlier tomorrow! But, wait, isn't it Sunday? :?
YOYO member
文章: 170
註冊時間: 週六 7月 10, 2010 1:38 am

Re: 11/21(Sat.) How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over (Host:Jos

文章 joseph »

出席者: Joseph (host), Shong, Laura, Jason, Luis, Rock, Tomo (newcomer), Tom, Ruby(newcomer), Steve, Douglas, Tashi, Shirley, Leon, Christina, Blithe.