3/19 (Tue.) What children can teach us about hope and grief (Host: Jessica)

Jecaca Lin
YOYO member
文章: 9
註冊時間: 週一 3月 06, 2017 2:49 pm

3/19 (Tue.) What children can teach us about hope and grief (Host: Jessica)

文章 Jecaca Lin »

What children can teach us about hope and grief
Following a family tragedy, a mother and secondary teacher treasures the uncanny wisdom taught by children. Patty was a stay-at-home mother of four children when her world was rocked by the abduction of her 11-year-old son, Jacob, on October 22, 1989. With a shattered heart, Patty began studying child abduction and sexual exploitation. The more she learned, the more she needed to share. Her advocacy led to passing Federal legislation requiring sex offenders to register addresses with law enforcement. Patty served on the board for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children for 22 years and consulted for the US Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Though her hopes have grown and changed, Patty believes there are more good people than bad, and she is committed to fighting for a world where children have the right to grow up safe and follow their dreams. Patty never gave up, and Jacob’s Hope is very much alive in the hearts of all who shared in her journey.

Session One
1. How did Patty Wetterling find hope in the letters from children and victims during her challenging journey? Do you also like the letter written by the second-grader Dalton? (03:07-06:15)
2. How does Patty Wetterling draw strength and inspiration from children, especially her grandchildren, towards the end of her talk? (08:20-09:45)
3. Patty Wetterling's perspective on personal safety and respectful relationships evolved after facing her son's abduction. Do you her idea? Why are they important?

Session Two
1. Has a student, someone with less experience, or an unexpected person ever spoken words that comforted you and reignited hope? Share your experiences and feelings.
2. If you were to write a letter or say a few words to Patty Wetterling, the mother of a child who has been kidnapped and murdered, what would you write?

6:45 ~ 7:00pm Greetings & Free Talk / Ordering Beverage or Meal / Getting Newcomer’s Information
7:00 ~ 7:10pm Opening Remarks / Newcomer’s Self-introduction / Grouping
(Session I)
7:10 ~ 7:45pm Discussion Session (35 mins)
7:45 ~ 8:00pm Summarization (15 mins)
8:00 ~ 8:05pm Regrouping / Instruction Giving / Taking a 5 Minutes Break (Intermission)
(Session II)
8:05 ~ 8:40pm Discussion Session (35 mins)
8:40 ~ 8:55pm Summarization (15 mins)
8:55 ~ 9:00pm Concluding Remarks / Announcements

Meeting Date: As shown on the Subject Line
Meeting Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Meeting Venue: 丹堤咖啡 Dante Coffee (Minimum Order $100)
Address: 台北市濟南路三段25號[MAP]-捷運忠孝新生站3號出口步行3分鐘

Important Notes:
1. We advise participants to print out the discussion questions and bring them to the meeting for reference. As for the supporting articles, feel free to print them out, as well, according to your preference.
2. We suggest that participants read the articles and think about the questions in advance.
3. Newcomers should prepare a two-to-three minute self-introduction in English to deliver when called upon by the host before the start of the discussion. The host may also ask you to give brief feedback about the meeting at the conclusion of the meeting.
4. We conduct the entire meeting in English. All participants should have at least moderate English-conversation skills and be able to articulate your ideas for each discussion question.
5. We welcome newcomers and other guests to attend the meetings and join the discussion freely for two times. After that, we hope you will consider becoming a YoYo English Club member. We charge a NT$1500 lifetime membership fee, or NT$1000 for students.
YOYO member
文章: 117
註冊時間: 週三 5月 09, 2018 6:17 pm

Re: 3/19 (Tue.) What children can teach us about hope and grief (Host: Jessica)

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