Despite a Shadow, Messi Shimmers in Argentina’s Cup Opener

Tina Sun
YOYO member
文章: 414
註冊時間: 週三 10月 02, 2013 3:23 pm

Despite a Shadow, Messi Shimmers in Argentina’s Cup Opener

文章 Tina Sun »




第一篇報導來自一向文采翩翩的紐約時報。 ... ml?hp&_r=0


Lionel Messi can never be the man Argentina wants him to be, since that man is Diego Maradona, and in their eyes not even Messi — no matter what genius he conjures — will ever measure up to Maradona.

conjure (v.t) 召喚、使出
genius (n.u) 天才、天賦

So Messi’s best hope to win over his countrymen is with victories. The first came Sunday night at Estádio do Maracanã, where Argentina opened Group F play with a 2-1 victory over Bosnia and Herzegovina.

這裡特別注意「人1 win 人2 over.」這個片語,「贏得…的心、使人2支持人1」的意思。其中「over」是副詞,原意表示一個拋體的路徑,在空間概念中表示「過來」的意思。
另外,這裡還要注意「希望/hope」的用法。我們中文會說「梅西贏得國人的心,最大的希望就是用贏球。」但這篇英文裡的用詞是「best hope」。

The game seemed a microcosm of Messi’s Argentina career, in which he has for years been his country’s best player but rarely its favorite. His jersey was well represented in the boisterously pro-Argentina crowd, and the cheers were deafening when he was introduced and when, less than three minutes later, he created the opening goal with a driven free kick.


microcosm (n.c) 微小宇宙;縮影
jersey (n.c) 球衣
represent (v.t) 代表 [well represented 被代表得很好數量很多]
boisterously (adv.) 粗魯喧鬧地、喊聲震天地
deafening (adj.) 震耳欲聾的 [deaf 是形容詞「聾的」的意思,-en結尾的詞常表示「使…」]
goal (n.c) [足球]一分

這一段最後一個子句的核心動詞是「created」,讓我有點懷疑。後來去查了中文的新聞才知道,這球由他開踢,是隊友頂進的。[ ]

But in between ovations he was hectored by defenders, cajoled by the masses and, at one point, even roundly booed after wasting a scoring chance in a 1-0 game.


ovation (n.c) 歡呼、喝采
hector (v.t) 嗆、威嚇地說話
defender (n.c) 防守方球員;防禦者;衛冕者;擁護者
cajole (v.t) 勸誘[韋伯字典的定義是:to persuade someone to do something or to give you something by making promises or saying nice things]
roundly (adv.) 毫不留情地、用詞毫不保留地
boo (v.t) 給…噓聲、給…喝倒采

Still, with one shimmering run across the top of the penalty area and a rocketed shot, Messi won back the fans.
shimmering (adj.) 閃閃發光、搖曳發光
rocket (v.t) 用火箭推送

The move took only a moment, but it reminded everyone of what Messi can offer with a tiny bit of space and a burst of speed. Taking the ball on the right wing he accelerated past one defender, dropped another and then nudged the ball around a couple more. Before anyone could yell for him to shoot the ball, it was gone, pinging in off the left post behind Bosnia goalkeeper Asmir Begovic.

這一招只花了片刻,但卻讓所有人都想起梅西用微小的空間和爆發力超強的速度所能做出的能耐。他從右路帶球加速超過一名防守方球員,又甩掉另一位,然後把球輕輕推再繞過幾位。在任何人來得及喊出叫他射門之前,球已經不見了,打到波士尼亞守門員Asmir Begovic後方的門柱,砰地一聲進了。

這一段我個人認為相當精采。因為動作敘述得很緊湊而細膩。例如第二句:accelerate(加速)、drop(甩掉)、nudge(輕推)這三個動作用一個「and then」串連起來,放在一個句子裡。接下來的「Before anyone could yell for him to shoot the ball」我覺得也是很有畫面,給我「說時遲,那時快」的感覺。

第二篇報導來自CNN ... ?hpt=hp_c2


A trademark slaloming run from the Barcelona striker ended in the fashion soccer fans have become well accustomed to -- with the net rippling.
這位巴塞隆納隊前鋒秀出一記招牌的凌波微步,最後結束的方式是足球迷們早已習慣的方式 – 球網因進球而蕩漾著。

trademark (n.c) 商標
slalom (n./v.) 障礙滑雪;左閃右躲地向前衝
striker (n.c) 攻擊者;前鋒
fashion (n.c) 方式[文中的fashion後方省略了which]
become accustomed to (v.phr.) 習慣於...
ripple (n./v.) (起)漣漪
YOYO member
文章: 2169
註冊時間: 週三 10月 31, 2007 9:03 am

Re: Despite a Shadow, Messi Shimmers in Argentina’s Cup Open

文章 Rock »

Hey, Tina, thanks for sharing. No wonder your English is so good. Even football can be your learning material, and the report is colorfully interpreted by that guy, too. Since you have learned a lot, you can have a match with Luis next time, right? I will get a ball for you guys. :lol:
文章: 1500
註冊時間: 週四 5月 13, 2004 10:53 am
來自: Taipei, Taiwan, Pandemonium

Re: Despite a Shadow, Messi Shimmers in Argentina’s Cup Open

文章 Wayne »

The annontation is expressive, lifelike, graphic... for its excellent translation and explanation. Great English-learning materials.

Hi, Tina, please provide the complete content of your friend's masterpiece.
Knowledge is power -- when shared.
Tina Sun
YOYO member
文章: 414
註冊時間: 週三 10月 02, 2013 3:23 pm

Re: Despite a Shadow, Messi Shimmers in Argentina’s Cup Open

文章 Tina Sun »

It's already his complete content I saw on his FB. Let me ask him if he did translate the full article.
YOYO member
文章: 709
註冊時間: 週五 4月 24, 2009 6:09 pm

Re: Despite a Shadow, Messi Shimmers in Argentina’s Cup Open

文章 Michael-liu »

Your friend's translation is quite good. Is he a translation professional?
Tina Sun
YOYO member
文章: 414
註冊時間: 週三 10月 02, 2013 3:23 pm

Re: Despite a Shadow, Messi Shimmers in Argentina’s Cup Open

文章 Tina Sun »

He is a cram school teacher. XD (Senior High School English)