相信你一定有這種經驗:和一群朋友在餐廳用餐,可是有些人卻只顧著自己玩手機。這種令人尷尬、甚至討厭的社交新問題在智慧型手機問世後大大增加,也因此,國外有人發起所謂Stop Phubbing Campaign,也就是「停止玩手機活動」,要大家尊重身旁的人。
phubbing 這個新字是由兩個字而來:phone(電話)及snub(bing)(冷落;怠慢),意思就是在社交場合只顧著玩手機而冷落、怠慢了身邊的人。這個字最早是由澳洲字典公司Macquarie Dictionary 為了宣傳其第六版的字典所創,沒想到此字一出造成全球網友大量轉載,而此字的大紅也說明了人們再也無法忍受phubbing。這個字還有個變體,那就是phubber,由phone 與snubber (冷落他人的人)而來,因此phubber 就是我們中文常說的「低頭族」。
下次在餐廳聚會時,放下手上的手機,享受與人互動的美好時光吧!Stop Phubbing; Start Talking!
(from 黃玫君老師英語學習網誌)
Don't be a phubber! 別當低頭族!
- YOYO member
- 文章: 709
- 註冊時間: 週五 4月 24, 2009 6:09 pm
Re: Don't be a phubber! 別當低頭族!
Who knows? The future restaurant etiquette, 10 years from now, could be "please don't talk loud when others are using their cellphone". "Enjoy the amazing time of online interaction".
Who knows? The future restaurant etiquette, 10 years from now, could be "please don't talk loud when others are using their cellphone". "Enjoy the amazing time of online interaction".
Re: Don't be a phubber! 別當低頭族!
Phubbing: A Word is Born