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發表於 : 週五 3月 19, 2010 9:04 pm
Hi, All

There is an expression in English, which is " Don't patronize me! "

According to Longman dictionary, to patronize means " to talk to someone in a way which seems friendly but shows that you think they are not as intelligent or do not know as much as you "

I can not think of a good way to translate it into Chinese. The best I can come up with is "別哄我! " or "別唬弄我!"

Any better ideas? Let's brainstorm


Re: 這句話該怎麼翻呢?

發表於 : 週六 3月 20, 2010 12:10 pm
Michael-liu 寫: The best I can come up with is "別哄我! " or "別唬弄我!"
I cannot think of any clues for this. Yours sounds good, but not perfect yet. Guess we'd need someone who is good in Chinese.

Re: 這句話該怎麼翻呢?

發表於 : 週六 3月 20, 2010 12:59 pm
Hey, Rock

After reading your post, an idea came across to my mind all of a sudden!!

How about "別把我當三歲小孩!!" ??

Michael writing in the CKS airport

Re: 這句話該怎麼翻呢?

發表於 : 週六 3月 20, 2010 9:37 pm
My GRE teacher said it meant 以屈尊俯就的態度對待某人.

Re: 這句話該怎麼翻呢?

發表於 : 週六 3月 20, 2010 11:07 pm
How about "少來!其實你心裡瞧不起我吧!"?


Re: 這句話該怎麼翻呢?

發表於 : 週日 3月 21, 2010 12:00 am
Luis Ko
i like MT's idea, 少瞧不起我!

and mine is 別小觀(看)我! 8)

Re: 這句話該怎麼翻呢?

發表於 : 週日 3月 21, 2010 1:44 am
It's good to see many people putting in different ideas

We can have a vote. Which one do you think is the best?


Re: 這句話該怎麼翻呢?

發表於 : 週日 3月 21, 2010 11:45 pm
Michael-liu 寫:Hi, All

There is an expression in English, which is " Don't patronize me! "

According to Longman dictionary, to patronize means " to talk to someone in a way which seems friendly but shows that you think they are not as intelligent or do not know as much as you "

I can not think of a good way to translate it into Chinese. The best I can come up with is "別哄我! " or "別唬弄我!"

Any better ideas? Let's brainstorm

I saw the same statement in a movie. Your translation is actually very close to the sub-title which I had seen in the movie.
It was "不要敷衍我"

Re: 這句話該怎麼翻呢?

發表於 : 週一 3月 22, 2010 1:21 am
Hi, Wenhan

Yeah, this expression appears in the movie quite often. I saw it in the movie "Crash"(衝擊效應) too

別敷衍我 is indeed a good translation too


Re: 這句話該怎麼翻呢?

發表於 : 週一 3月 22, 2010 11:07 am
I have different thoughts from those of Wen-han and Michael. iI do not hink "patronize" has the sense of "敷衍".
Based on the definition of an English defintion in the dictionary, I would trandslate the phrase into "少擺高姿態"

Re: 這句話該怎麼翻呢?

發表於 : 週一 3月 22, 2010 10:47 pm
Wayne 寫:I have different thoughts from those of Wen-han and Michael. iI do not hink "patronize" has the sense of "敷衍".
Based on the definition of an English defintion in the dictionary, I would trandslate the phrase into "少擺高姿態"
The same question was asked on Yahoo Answer too,
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 547AAiTrUN
This answer is similar to Wayne's point

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 648AAJC7M0
This one raises a different meaning
The question asked "in a situation where someone is pretending to be agreeing with you but in fact s/he doesn't"

Re: 這句話該怎麼翻呢?

發表於 : 週二 3月 23, 2010 1:50 pm
敷衍: fudge (avoid giving a clear decision or answer)

Re: 這句話該怎麼翻呢?

發表於 : 週二 3月 23, 2010 11:28 pm
男人的什麼讓女人又恨又愛?答案是「甜言蜜語」。為什麼呢?因為女生一方面覺得聽了很受用,一方面又很氣男人每每將自己當作三歲小孩哄騙,所以當然又愛又恨啦。尤其當男人犯錯時(例如劈腿)或是心虛時(例如忘了情人的生日),所說的甜言蜜語更應該提防,這時不妨告訴他:Don’t think I don’t know what’s going on.(別以為我不知道你在搞什麼鬼)、或者更直接一點:Don’t patronize me!(別哄我!別呼嚨我!),讓他知道女人可不是傻瓜!

A: Honey, here’s a dozen roses because I had to work late.

B: Don't patronize me! I know you were out at the bar.

A: 親愛的,我加班晚了,這是補償妳的十二朵玫瑰。

B: 少來這套啦!我知道你是去酒吧鬼混啦。

**以上轉載自黃玟君老師英語學習網誌 http://blog.udn.com/profhuang/3630432

I think all of our translations are somewhat correct. There is no fixed answer. It all depends on the context.

Also, I figure this expression is mostly used between wife and husband or boy friend and girl friend


Re: 這句話該怎麼翻呢?

發表於 : 週六 9月 25, 2010 9:20 pm
Kat C
I am just having fun going over old SOS postings (guess I'm missing you guys too much!!! :wink: ) and can't help getting my two cents in.

"Don't patronize me" is widely used in any kind of heated argument. It's considered "fighting words", meaning you're not concerned about offending the other side at this point (or are even deliberately provoking them). You are implying that they are either: 1) telling lies, or 2) fudging the issue, to get away with things. In some cases, you are saying that they are overly protective - as if treating you like a child. For example, when you think someone is withholding information from you in their attempt to shield you from certain cruel reality, and you think they're wrong in doing so, you may accuse them of patronizing you.

Among all the ideas mentioned, I'd go with "別把我當三歲小孩". "別以為你能瞞得過我", "別以為我不懂", "別以為我那麼好騙", "你以為我是白癡嗎?" will all work too. In English it's very close to saying, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

Hope it helps! :D
P.S. I'm in MI at the moment visiting family. A belated Happy Moon Festival to all!

Re: 這句話該怎麼翻呢?

發表於 : 週六 9月 25, 2010 10:11 pm
My two bits: Don't patronize me. 你少"消遣"我; of course here "消遣" doesn't mean "amuse" because of the tone.